[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

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I am considering a Psionic Sorcerer or a Wildfire Druid. But if we're lacking a tank I also have an idea for a Paladin (not sure which kind yet but I like Crown and I've always wanted to play a non-evil Oathbreaker).

For the record I think the druid would lean pretty heavy into healing.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Hey there! Phantom rogue would hit the adventure’s theme really well yeah
I've played one-shot at 9th level, it was a blast. I've heard Phantom is not at its best before 9th, but I want to try it.

Also, two warlock, one potential hexblade and one other asking for warlock or sorcerer...where are the bruisers!? So far, hexblade is the only melee character besides rogue
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don't need melee if you kill everything from 60 feet away lol

no but we could use some melee coverage. a healer wouldn't hurt either tbh. but we can probably make anything work


OK, I just got a chance to check out this link and it looks like you already got your group. If someone drops out I would be interested in joining. I haven't done play by post, but I would love to give it a try and I would be very excited to be in one of your games. Let me know!


Yeah. I wanna do the Old School. I do like the Uber powerful characters with really high stats, but it can be fun working around an impediment. And depending on my roll, I may pick a different class, lol.

So how do I do Old School the legit way? We can talk the extra boon later, once I’ve made my character.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
We should all go same/similar method - otherwise you get discrepancies in power level. Old school obviously might affect some choices - although playing a clumsy rogue could be fun.

So...we stick with the classes proclaimed and still roll in order :D

Steve Gorak

Yeah. I wanna do the Old School. I do like the Uber powerful characters with really high stats, but it can be fun working around an impediment. And depending on my roll, I may pick a different class, lol.

So how do I do Old School the legit way? We can talk the extra boon later, once I’ve made my character.
I’ll do the same. I say coyote code, with our name to reference the rolls, this way no one can cheat.

Here are my rolls:
Str 7
Dex 16
Con 11
Int 5
Wis 12
Cha 6

Ouch! ;-)
No to the gishes then. Maybe a rogue?


Voidrunner's Codex

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