First Post
Your motley band of adventurers has been called to the house of Elloen Morrow in neighboring Greensfen. Greensfen has not been living up to its name of late, its residents having suffered greatly due to a mysterious blight affecting local crops for the last two growing seasons. Starvation followed by an exodus of close to two thirds of the population have rendered the town a shadow of its former self. Mardrick, Elloen's husband and a local warlock of some renown, had been researching the cause of the crop blight until his recent disappearance. Elloen and the town of Greensfen need your party to rescue Mardrick, if indeed he still lives. If not, you are tasked with discovering what exactly has been plaguing the town.
Adventurers Wanted!
I'll be taking five level 1-3 adventurers using the phb (no monster races pls, and no rolling for ability scores). If you are creating a new character, make it lvl 2 (using the method in the phb), and you may take one magic item level 2 or below. Lvl 1 and lvl 3 players are welcome if you prefer working with an existing character. Please post your character concept and/or class role ("I'm flexible" is fine too) and/or character sheet. I'll wait at least a day before I make my choices, so no rush to post first.
For party backstory, I propose the following: Your party was formed (actually, thrown together) in a pitched battle with an army of undead a few years ago which left most of the town dead, save a few heroes (such as yourselves) who managed to flee. You have little in common with each other, save for that, but your group loyalty is strong, nonetheless. (Feel free to expand upon this as much or as little as you like).
About your DM
Full disclosure - this will be my first time DMing a PbP adventure. I'm looking forward to PbP both as a unique approach to role playing in general, and as a test-bed for my in-person adventures (like this one). I like to keep things fun, I like to keep things moving, and I like to stay out of the way as much as possible so your characters can be themselves.
Your motley band of adventurers has been called to the house of Elloen Morrow in neighboring Greensfen. Greensfen has not been living up to its name of late, its residents having suffered greatly due to a mysterious blight affecting local crops for the last two growing seasons. Starvation followed by an exodus of close to two thirds of the population have rendered the town a shadow of its former self. Mardrick, Elloen's husband and a local warlock of some renown, had been researching the cause of the crop blight until his recent disappearance. Elloen and the town of Greensfen need your party to rescue Mardrick, if indeed he still lives. If not, you are tasked with discovering what exactly has been plaguing the town.
Adventurers Wanted!
I'll be taking five level 1-3 adventurers using the phb (no monster races pls, and no rolling for ability scores). If you are creating a new character, make it lvl 2 (using the method in the phb), and you may take one magic item level 2 or below. Lvl 1 and lvl 3 players are welcome if you prefer working with an existing character. Please post your character concept and/or class role ("I'm flexible" is fine too) and/or character sheet. I'll wait at least a day before I make my choices, so no rush to post first.
For party backstory, I propose the following: Your party was formed (actually, thrown together) in a pitched battle with an army of undead a few years ago which left most of the town dead, save a few heroes (such as yourselves) who managed to flee. You have little in common with each other, save for that, but your group loyalty is strong, nonetheless. (Feel free to expand upon this as much or as little as you like).
About your DM
Full disclosure - this will be my first time DMing a PbP adventure. I'm looking forward to PbP both as a unique approach to role playing in general, and as a test-bed for my in-person adventures (like this one). I like to keep things fun, I like to keep things moving, and I like to stay out of the way as much as possible so your characters can be themselves.
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