Relleks Character sheet
Cor took me a while but here it is:
[sblock= Rellek Spirestrike Dragonborn Ranger 2]
Initiative: +3
Senses: Low light vision
Alignment: Good
Languages: Common, Draconic
Str 15 (+2)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 13 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+2)*
[Includes bonus for 2nd level]
HP 36; Bloodied 18 (+1 to attack when blooded);
Healing Surge 11 (8/day)
AC 16; Fort 14, Ref 14, Will 13
Speed 6
Action Points 1
Acrobatics +2
History +4
Thievery +2
Arcana +2
Insight +8
Athletics +2
Intimidate +4
Bluff +2
Nature +8
Diplomacy +2
Perception +9
Dungeon +3
Religion +2
Endurance +7
Stealth +7
Heal +
3 u
Streetwise +2
u Untrained Skill
Dragon Sense +1 to perception and low light vision
Lethal hunter hunters quarry dice increase to d8’s
Toughness – gain an additional 5 hp per tier
Cost Weight Item
15g 33 Adventurer's kit
30g 25 Hide armour
25g 2 Shortbow
1g 3 30 arrows
15g 6 Battle Axe off hand
680g 6 Thundering level 3 Battle Axe*
???g ? gold
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.
Thundering Level 3 Battle Axe +1, critical +1d6 Thunder damage, Power daily: Free Action, Use this power when hit with weapon, deal an xtra 1d8 thunder damage and push target 1 square.
Racial features:
- Vision: Low-Light
- Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied gain +1 to attack
- Draconic Heritage: Healing Surge Value = 1/4 hp +Con modifier
- Special Encounter Power:
- Dragon Breath Power: Your Breath weapon deals Lightning damage. Attack rolls are based on your Strength [+3]. You determine your damage with your Constitution [3].
Class Features
-Two-Blade Fighting Style
- Hunter's Quarry: Once per turn as a minor action, you can designate the enemy nearest to you as your quarry (only one quarry at a time). Once per round you can deal an extra 1d8 damage to your quarry. If you have multiple attacks only one gains the extra damage.
- Prime Shot: You gain an extra +1 to attack, if none of your allies is nearer to your target than you are.
- You are proficient with following kinds of weapons: Simple Melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Ranged
basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon; Melee)
+6 [+2 Str +2 Prof +1 Magical bonus + 1l level] vs AC, 1d10+3 Damage + on critical 1d6 Thunder damage.
basic Ranged attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+5 [+2 Dex, +2 Prof +1 level] vs AC, range 15/20, 1d8+2 Damage
Dragon Breath Minor action Close blast 3 Lightening
+3 [=2 Str, +1 level] v REF, 1d6+2 (Con bonus)
Careful attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon ranged or Melee)
Str + 2 v AC Hit 1d10+ 1 Magical enhancement
Twin Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon, Melee; two weapons)
[Note one or two targets], Str v AC (melee Main and off handed weapon, Ranged two hits)
1d10+1 (magical Enhancement) and 1d10 off hand attack.
Dire Wolverine Strike (standard; encounter, martial, weapon, Melee)
Close Burst 1; Each Enemy you can see; Str v AC Hit 1d10+ 4 [Str and +1 ME]
Yield Ground (Utility, Encounter, Standard, Martial, weapon)
Trigger: Damaged by an enemy melee attack
Effect: You can shift 3 squares and get +2 power bonus to all defences until end of your next turn
Hunters Bear Trap (standard; Daily, martial, weapon Melee or Ranged)
Target 1; Str v AC (melee) or Dex v AC (ranged)
Damage: 2d10 + 3Str +1ME Melee, 2d8+3 Ranged
Target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both)
Miss: Half damage, target slowed to end of your next turn, no ongoing damage
Just to say I took a level 3 magic weapon (why would you go for level 2 if you had the choice?) hope that this is ok?