[OOC] The Missing Warlock [4e, closed]

Bah. I just spent the better part of an hour typing up more background for Moreen, but the forums logged me out and ate my text. Live and learn. I'll do it again tomorrow on word and do a tried and true copy/paste. I'll also write up her character sheet as well.

For now, I'm fine with playing the protecting paladin to fill up the defense role if Penn wants to play the leader role. Tenor, what gods are available? I'd like for Moreen to follow the god(dess) most like Athena from the Ancient Greek mythology, specifically her role as patron of civilization and virtuous battle. And is it alright if I make her good or unaligned rather than the traditional lawful good? Moreen is a flawed paladin, world weary to say the least

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Moreen gets religion

Sorry the internets ate your character background - that stinks. :( Hopefully you'll have better luck with your rolls. :)

Plain good or unaligned is no problem, but if you are going with phb gods, you probably want unaligned (since as a paladin your alignment must exactly match that of your god), as it sounds like you want either Erathis (unaligned, god of civilization) or Kord (unaligned, god of battle). You can float your own god concept my way if that interests you.

The dmg says if you are rolling a character above lvl 1, you should get 1 magic item above your level, one at your level, and one below, plus gold equal to a magic item one level below, plus standard equipment. That's probably reasonable for a higher level character, but at level two that means:

One lvl 3 magic item
One lvl 2 magic item
One lvl 1 magic item
360 gold
standard equipment

Seems like a lot to me - in the party I'm playing with (not dming) we are all almost level two and have found three magic items across the whole group.

How does this sound instead?

One lvl 3 or lvl 2 magic item
200 gold
standard equipment

Hate to go back on what I just posted - I'll try to keep that to a minimum.

Quite reasonable; I thought the same thing when trying to figure out what a 2nd level character should have.

Beautiful character sheet/post, thanks. All the stats compute as well. I would not object if others used this as a template. :)

It would be nice to list where all the to-hit bonuses are coming from (eg piercing strike, +9 (+4 dex, +3 prof, +1 level, +1 item)) so that dummies like me can figure it out. Addition is hard! :)

Thanks. Credit where it's due: I stole the character sheet from Graf.

I'll fool around with it and see if I can't find a way to put in the math without cluttering it up too much.

Drum Roll Please!

[sblock=Todarr Rheland, Dragonborn Tactical Warlord 2]
Initiative: +3 [+0 Dex, +1 level, +2 class]
Senses: Perception +1 (+2 within 5 squares of Karis), Normal vision
Passive Insight: 11
Passive Perception: 11 [12 within 5 squares of Karis]
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Draconic

Str 16 (+3) [+2 racial]
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 8 (-1)
Cha 16 (+3) [+2 racial]

HP 24; Bloodied 12; Healing Surge 7 [+1 racial] (8/day)
AC 18 [+7 enchanted chainmail,+1 level]; Fort 14, Ref 14, Will 14
Speed 5 [-1 armor]
Action Points 1

Acrobatics^ +2        [+0 Dex]
Arcana^ +5             [+3 Int]]
Athletics^ +5           [+3 Str]
Bluff^ +5                 [+3 Cha]]
Diplomacy* +8          [+3 Cha]]
Dungeoneering^ +1   [-1 Wis]]
Endurance* +7         [+1 Con, +1 armor]
Heal* +4                 [-1 Wis]
History^ +7             [+3 Int, +2 racial]
Insight^ +1             [-1 Wis]
Intimidate* +10        [+3 Cha, +2 racial]
Nature^ +1             [-1 Wis]
Perception^ +1        [-1 Wis] [+1 to total when within 5 squares of Karis]
Religion^ +5            [+3 Int]
Stealth^ +2            [+0 Dex]
Streetwise^ +5        [+3 Cha]
Thievery^ +2           [+0 Dex]
* Trained Skill (+5 bonus)
^ Untrained Skill (+2 Jack of all Trades)

  • Jack of All Trades: +2 feat bonus to all untrained skill checks
  • Tactical Assault: When ally in LOS uses AP to attack, +3 damage

Cost   Weight   Item
 15g   33       Adventurer's kit
520g   40       +1 Dwarven Chainmail
 15g    6       Battleaxe
  5g    6       Light Shield
  2g   11       Climber's kit
163g    3       gold

Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.
Climber's Kit: Grappling Hook, Hammer, 10 Pitons.

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, light shields
  • Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied, +1 racial bonus to attack roll
  • Draconic Heritage: +Con modifier to Healing Surge value [already added]
  • Dragon Breath: Encounter power: close blast attack. See below.
  • Combat Leader: +2 initiative for me and all allies w/in 10 squares.
  • Commanding Presence (Tactical Presence): int bonus to attacks from Action Point.
  • Inspiring Word: words of encouragement grant inspiring word encounter power.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]

:melee: Furious Smash (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Fortitude; 3 damage and ally adjacent to me or target gets +3 power bonus to attack and damage against next attack versus target (ends at end of ally's turn)

:melee: Wolf Pack Tactics (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. Before attack, one ally adjacent to me or target may shift 1 square as free action.

:melee: Hammer and Anvil (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Reflex; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. One ally adjacent to target makes basic melee attack against target as free action, with +3 damage.

:melee: Bastion of Defense (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 3d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]
Hit: allies within 5 squares gain +1 to all defenses until end of encounter
Effect: allies within 5 squares gain 8 temporary hit points

Aid the Injured (standard; encounter, healing, martial)
Target: you or one adjacent ally
Effect: target can spend a healing surge

Inspiring Word (minor; encounter, healing, martial)
Special: power use is twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Target: myself or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6.




I think the "Jack of all Trades" and my power selection fashion him as someone who doesn't shine until he has people to work off of.

And shout out to Graf/covaithe for the template, I LOVE the power symbols, that is AWESOME!!!
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Looks good, but you missed a few things (good news, actually :))

- You get more hp at lvl 2 (5 more), and adjust bloodied and surge values
- Warlords get +1 to fort and will (looks like you factored in lvl 2 +1 already)
- All skills get +1 at lvl 2
- Your light shield gives you +1 ac - are you going to have shield out by default?
- If you get a chance, could you list out your dragon breath power and your magic armor power?

nerdytenor, your OCD DM

[sblock=Todarr Rheland, Dragonborn Tactical Warlord 2]
Initiative: +3 [+0 Dex, +1 level, +2 class]
Senses: Perception +1 (+2 within 5 squares of Karis), Normal vision
Passive Insight: 11
Passive Perception: 11 [12 within 5 squares of Karis]
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Draconic

Str 16 (+3) [+2 racial]
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 8 (-1)
Cha 16 (+3) [+2 racial]

HP 24; Bloodied 12; Healing Surge 7 [+1 racial] (8/day)
AC 18 [+7 enchanted chainmail,+1 level]; Fort 14, Ref 14, Will 14
Speed 5 [-1 armor]
Action Points 1

Acrobatics^ +2        [+0 Dex]
Arcana^ +5             [+3 Int]]
Athletics^ +5           [+3 Str]
Bluff^ +5                 [+3 Cha]]
Diplomacy* +8          [+3 Cha]]
Dungeoneering^ +1   [-1 Wis]]
Endurance* +7         [+1 Con, +1 armor]
Heal* +4                 [-1 Wis]
History^ +7             [+3 Int, +2 racial]
Insight^ +1             [-1 Wis]
Intimidate* +10        [+3 Cha, +2 racial]
Nature^ +1             [-1 Wis]
Perception^ +1        [-1 Wis] [+1 to total when within 5 squares of Karis]
Religion^ +5            [+3 Int]
Stealth^ +2            [+0 Dex]
Streetwise^ +5        [+3 Cha]
Thievery^ +2           [+0 Dex]
* Trained Skill (+5 bonus)
^ Untrained Skill (+2 Jack of all Trades)
  • Jack of All Trades: +2 feat bonus to all untrained skill checks
  • Tactical Assault: When ally in LOS uses AP to attack, +3 damage

Cost   Weight   Item
 15g   33       Adventurer's kit
520g   40       +1 Dwarven Chainmail
 15g    6       Battleaxe
  5g    6       Light Shield
  2g   11       Climber's kit
163g    3       gold
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.
Climber's Kit: Grappling Hook, Hammer, 10 Pitons.

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, light shields
  • Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied, +1 racial bonus to attack roll
  • Draconic Heritage: +Con modifier to Healing Surge value [already added]
  • Dragon Breath: Encounter power: close blast attack. See below.
  • Combat Leader: +2 initiative for me and all allies w/in 10 squares.
  • Commanding Presence (Tactical Presence): int bonus to attacks from Action Point.
  • Inspiring Word: words of encouragement grant inspiring word encounter power.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]

:melee: Furious Smash (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Fortitude; 3 damage and ally adjacent to me or target gets +3 power bonus to attack and damage against next attack versus target (ends at end of ally's turn)

:melee: Wolf Pack Tactics (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. Before attack, one ally adjacent to me or target may shift 1 square as free action.

:melee: Hammer and Anvil (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Reflex; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. One ally adjacent to target makes basic melee attack against target as free action, with +3 damage.

:melee: Bastion of Defense (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 3d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]
Hit: allies within 5 squares gain +1 to all defenses until end of encounter
Effect: allies within 5 squares gain 8 temporary hit points

Aid the Injured (standard; encounter, healing, martial)
Target: you or one adjacent ally
Effect: target can spend a healing surge

Inspiring Word (minor; encounter, healing, martial)
Special: power use is twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Target: myself or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6.




I think the "Jack of all Trades" and my power selection fashion him as someone who doesn't shine until he has people to work off of.

And shout out to Graf/covaithe for the template, I LOVE the power symbols, that is AWESOME!!!
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D'uh on each and every one of those... thanks for the heads-up

[sblock=Todarr Rheland, Dragonborn Tactical Warlord 2]
Initiative: +3 [+0 Dex, +1 level, +2 class]
Senses: Perception +1 (+2 within 5 squares of Karis), Normal vision
Passive Insight: 11
Passive Perception: 11 [12 within 5 squares of Karis]
Alignment: Unaligned (Kord)
Languages: Common, Draconic

Str 16 (+3) [+2 racial]
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 8 (-1)
Cha 16 (+3) [+2 racial]

HP 29; Bloodied 14; Healing Surge 8 [+1 racial] (8/day)
AC 19 [+7 enchanted chainmail, +1 shield, +1 level]; Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 15
Speed 5 [-1 armor]
Action Points 1

Acrobatics^ +3      [+0 Dex]
Arcana^ +6            [+3 Int]]
Athletics^ +6         [+3 Str]
Bluff^ +6               [+3 Cha]]
Diplomacy* +9        [+3 Cha]]
Dungeoneering^ +2    [-1 Wis]]
Endurance* +8            [+1 Con, +1 armor]
Heal* +5                      [-1 Wis]
History^ +8                 [+3 Int, +2 racial]
Insight^ +2                  [-1 Wis]
Intimidate* +11          [+3 Cha, +2 racial]
Nature^ +2                 [-1 Wis]
Perception^ +2           [-1 Wis] [+1 to total when within 5 squares of Karis]
Religion^ +6              [+3 Int]
Stealth^ +3                [+0 Dex]
Streetwise^ +6          [+3 Cha]
Thievery^ +3             [+0 Dex]
* Trained Skill (+5 bonus)
^ Untrained Skill (+2 Jack of all Trades)

  • Jack of All Trades: +2 feat bonus to all untrained skill checks
  • Tactical Assault: When ally in LOS uses AP to attack, +3 damage

Cost   Weight   Item
 15g   33       Adventurer's kit
520g   40       +1 Dwarven Chainmail
 15g    6       Battleaxe
  5g    6       Light Shield
 2g   11       Climber's kit
163g    3       gold

Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.
Climber's Kit: Grappling Hook, Hammer, 10 Pitons.

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, light shields
  • Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied, +1 racial bonus to attack roll
  • Draconic Heritage: +Con modifier to Healing Surge value [already added]
  • Dragon Breath: Encounter power: close blast attack. See below.
  • Combat Leader: +2 initiative for me and all allies w/in 10 squares.
  • Commanding Presence (Tactical Presence): int bonus to attacks from Action Point.
  • Inspiring Word: words of encouragement grant inspiring word encounter power.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]

:melee: Furious Smash (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Fortitude; 3 damage and ally adjacent to me or target gets +3 power bonus to attack and damage against next attack versus target (ends at end of ally's turn)

:melee: Wolf Pack Tactics (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. Before attack, one ally adjacent to me or target may shift 1 square as free action.

:melee: Hammer and Anvil (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+6 vs Reflex; 1d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]. One ally adjacent to target makes basic melee attack against target as free action, with +3 damage.

:melee: Bastion of Defense (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+6 vs AC; 3d10+3 damage [+1 damage if using 2nd hand]
Hit: allies within 5 squares gain +1 to all defenses until end of encounter
Effect: allies within 5 squares gain 8 temporary hit points

Aid the Injured (standard; encounter, healing, martial)
Target: you or one adjacent ally
Effect: target can spend a healing surge

Inspiring Word (minor; encounter, healing, martial)
Special: power use is twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Target: myself or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6.

Dragon Breath (minor; encounter, fire)
+6 vs Reflex; 1d6+1 damage
Target: close blast 3; all creatures in area.

"The armor must have absorbed it" (free; daily, healing)
Effect: Regain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge



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AaaaaaaaaaGh! I never realised how awkward it was to start with a 2nd level character. I write up the stats then I remember about adding in half level. I just didn't realise how many things used the half level stat.

Then I go for a magic staff and it all starts all over again adding in the plus from the staff.

Eventually I think I have it then I remember about an elf's ability to add perception - so I add that. Then there's hit points etc etc etc.

So I think I have it now but I'm willing for any criticisms/ideas/suggestions. Especially as regards which Utility Power to take. Both are good, both are defensive but 1 is daily and 1 is encounter. Any comments?

Joshua Dar Rhest: Human wizard

Initiative +4 (Feat)
Perception +6 (trained skill) (+7 within 5 squares of Karis)
Alignment: Unaligned (Ioun)
Languages: Common, Goblin

Str: 12 (+1)
Con 16 (+3)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)

HP: 30, Bloodied 15, Surge value 7
Healing Surges: 9
Action Points: 1
Speed: 6 squares

AC: 19 (11 + 3 magic Leather + 4 Int + 1 Staff)
Fort: 15 (11+3 Con +1 Racial)
Ref: 16 (11+4 Int +1 Racial)
Will: 15 (11 + 1 Wis + 1 Racial +2 Class)

Staff of Defense grants +3 bonus to any defence immediate interrupt once per encounter

Skills: Arcana +10 (T), Dungeoneering +7 (T), History +10 (T), Perception +7 (T), Acrobatics +1, Athletics +2, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Endurance +4, Heal +2, Insight +2, Intimidate +0, Nature +2, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +1
(T) = Trained Skill: Values include half level.

Feats: Ritual Casting, Armour proficiency-leather, Improved Initiative

Racial & class Features
Armour Profs (Cloth); Weapon Profs (Dagger, quarterstaff)
Bonus to Defence: +2 Will
Staff Mastery: +1 AC and once per encounter bonus gives +3 to any defence as immediate interrupt
Gain ‘Ritual Casting’ feat
Spellbook; Rituals:Tenser's Floating Disk, Animal Messenger, Comprehend Languages.

Basic Melee: Str (+5) vs AC (Lvl +1, Str +1, Staff +2 (proficiency) +1 Magic) Damage 1d8+ 2 (str and magic)

Basic Ranged: Dex (+1) vs AC (+1 Lvl) ; Range 5/10; Damage 1d4
OR use Magic Missile!

At Will Cantrips: Ghost Sound - ranged 10, One object or square.
Light - Ranged 5, lasts 5 minutes.
Mage Hand - sustainable (minor) indefinite - moves <20 lbs.
Prestidigitation - amusing magical trick.

At will spell 1: Scorching burst: Burst 1* within 10. Each creature in burst; +6 vs Ref (Int +4, Lvl +1, staff +1); 1d6 +4 (Int mod) +1 (staff) fire damage.
*If Staff of the War Mage daily power used, area becomes Burst 2 within 10.

At Will Spell 2: Thunderwave: Close Blast 3*: Each creature in blast; +6 vs Fort (Int +4, Lvl +1, Staff +1); 1d6 +4 (Int mod) +1 (staff) thunder damage.
*If Staff of the War Mage daily power used, area becomes Close Blast 4.

At Will Spell: Magic Missile: Ranged 20; One creature; +6 vs Ref (Int +4, Lvl +1, staff +1); 2D4 +4 (Int mod) +1 (staff) force damage.
Encounter Spell: Force Orb; Ranged 20; One creature or object; +6 vs Ref: (Int +4 Lvl +1, staff +1); 2D8 +4 (Int mod) +1 (staff) force damage -
make secondary attack; Each enemy adjacent to Primary Target.
Secondary Attack; +6 vs Ref: (Int +4 Lvl +1, staff +1): 1D10 +4 (Int mod) +1 (staff) force damage.
Daily spell: Sleep (selected): Area Burst 2* within 20; Each creature in burst; +6 vs Will: (Int +4, Lvl+1, Staff +1); HIT: Target slowed (save ends) If target fails first save he becomes unconscious (save ends). MISS: Target is slowed (save ends) *If Staff of the War Mage daily power used, area becomes Area Burst 3 within 20.

Daily spell: Flaming sphere (not selected)
Utility Spell: (Encounter) (Selected) Shield : Personal: Immediate Interrupt: Trigger: Hit by an attack: Effect: Gain +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex till end of my next turn.

Utility Spell: (Daily) Expeditious Retreat (Not Selected)

Victorious Leather Armour +1 15lbs
Standard Kit 33lb
3 x daggers 3lbs
Staff of the war mage +1 4lb
Spell book 3lb
Ritual components 60gp worth
Staff of the War Mage

142gp left

Weight carried (59lbs)

Normal Load: 120lbs
Heavy Load: 240lbs
Push or Drag: 600lbs

Staff of the War Mage Level 3: (Implement) +1 enhancement to attack and damage rolls. On critical +1d8 damage per plus
Daily Power: (Free action) Use when using a power with a blast or burst effect. Increase the size by 1.

Victorious Leather Armor +1 (homebrewed) - property: when you score a critical hit, you gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. (For area attacks, only the first attack roll counts).
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Relleks Character sheet

Cor took me a while but here it is:

[sblock= Rellek Spirestrike Dragonborn Ranger 2]

Initiative: +3
Senses: Low light vision
Alignment: Good
Languages: Common, Draconic

Str 15 (+2)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 13 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+2)*
[Includes bonus for 2nd level]

HP 36; Bloodied 18 (+1 to attack when blooded);
Healing Surge 11 (8/day)
AC 16; Fort 14, Ref 14, Will 13
Speed 6
Action Points 1

Acrobatics +2 u
History +4u
Thievery +2
Arcana +2 u
Insight +8
Athletics +2u
Intimidate +4u
Bluff +2 u
Nature +8
Diplomacy +2u
Perception +9
Dungeon +3u
Religion +2u
Endurance +7
Stealth +7
Heal +3 u
Streetwise +2
u Untrained Skill

Dragon Sense +1 to perception and low light vision
Lethal hunter hunters quarry dice increase to d8’s
Toughness – gain an additional 5 hp per tier

  Cost                Weight           Item
   15g                33                Adventurer's kit 
   30g                25                Hide armour
   25g                2                  Shortbow 
    1g                  3                 30 arrows
   15g                6                   Battle Axe off hand
  680g               6                   Thundering level 3 Battle Axe*     
  ???g               ?                     gold
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.

Thundering Level 3 Battle Axe +1, critical +1d6 Thunder damage, Power daily: Free Action, Use this power when hit with weapon, deal an xtra 1d8 thunder damage and push target 1 square.

Racial features:
- Vision: Low-Light
- Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied gain +1 to attack
- Draconic Heritage: Healing Surge Value = 1/4 hp +Con modifier
- Special Encounter Power:
- Dragon Breath Power: Your Breath weapon deals Lightning damage. Attack rolls are based on your Strength [+3]. You determine your damage with your Constitution [3].

Class Features
-Two-Blade Fighting Style
- Hunter's Quarry: Once per turn as a minor action, you can designate the enemy nearest to you as your quarry (only one quarry at a time). Once per round you can deal an extra 1d8 damage to your quarry. If you have multiple attacks only one gains the extra damage.
- Prime Shot: You gain an extra +1 to attack, if none of your allies is nearer to your target than you are.
- You are proficient with following kinds of weapons: Simple Melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Ranged


basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon; Melee)
+6 [+2 Str +2 Prof +1 Magical bonus + 1l level] vs AC, 1d10+3 Damage + on critical 1d6 Thunder damage.
basic Ranged attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+5 [+2 Dex, +2 Prof +1 level] vs AC, range 15/20, 1d8+2 Damage

Dragon Breath Minor action Close blast 3 Lightening
+3 [=2 Str, +1 level] v REF, 1d6+2 (Con bonus)

Careful attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon ranged or Melee)
Str + 2 v AC Hit 1d10+ 1 Magical enhancement

Twin Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon, Melee; two weapons)
[Note one or two targets], Str v AC (melee Main and off handed weapon, Ranged two hits)
1d10+1 (magical Enhancement) and 1d10 off hand attack.

Dire Wolverine Strike (standard; encounter, martial, weapon, Melee)
Close Burst 1; Each Enemy you can see; Str v AC Hit 1d10+ 4 [Str and +1 ME]

Yield Ground (Utility, Encounter, Standard, Martial, weapon)
Trigger: Damaged by an enemy melee attack
Effect: You can shift 3 squares and get +2 power bonus to all defences until end of your next turn

Hunters Bear Trap (standard; Daily, martial, weapon Melee or Ranged)
Target 1; Str v AC (melee) or Dex v AC (ranged)
Damage: 2d10 + 3Str +1ME Melee, 2d8+3 Ranged
Target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both)
Miss: Half damage, target slowed to end of your next turn, no ongoing damage


Just to say I took a level 3 magic weapon (why would you go for level 2 if you had the choice?) hope that this is ok?
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