First Post
For anyone else interested in joining, we've got strikers pretty well covered - defenders/leaders and a controller would be most welcome at this point.
Cost Weight Item
15g 33 Adventurer's kit
520g 2 +1 Duelist's shortsword
25g 15 leather armor
30g 3 longbow
1g 3 30 arrows
? - Amulet of Protection, +1 Fort, Ref, Will defenses
200g 4 gold
It looks like I'll have some free time coming up so I might have a tickle. I haven't played a wizard in many's the long year so I thought now might be the time.
Stats for Karis. This is literally my first time through the 4e character creation process, so some extra scrutiny would be welcome. I wasn't sure what to use for starting gold at level 2, since you don't seem to be using the DMG's rules for gear when starting at a higher level than 1, so I've left that blank.
You're quite right - to be honest, this was because I forgot about that section and didn't have my books with me. Feel free to use the DMG gear rules for a lvl 2 character - I'll post them later this evening.
I'll be sure to give your character scrutiny+1 this evening.
So it looks like:
BlueLotus -- Human Cleric (possibly Paladin)
Arbanax -- Dragonborn Ranger
covaithe -- Elven Rogue
Digger -- Human Wizard
I had proposed a Warlock, but as tenor suggested, we seem to already have 2 strikers, and short on leader/defender (depending on which way Lotus goes). To that end, I propose the character build below. I know nerdytenor has asked for more development, and I really don't mean to still be vague, it's just that in my tabletop game I am the wizard, and now that that role is filled, I am happy to play whatever fills a niche, and will fill in more detail once the role and designation are set.
[sblock=Karis Nerinya, Elven Rogue 2]
Initiative: +5
Senses: Perception +8, Low-light vision
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Elven
Str 14 (+2)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+2)
HP 29; Bloodied 14; Healing Surge 7 (7/day)
AC 17; Fort 13, Ref 17, Will 13
Speed 7
Action Points 1
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Arcana +1u, Athletics +2u, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +3u, Endurance +2u, History +1u, Insight +1u. Intimidate +3u, Nature +3u, Perception +8, Religion +1u, Stealth +10, Streetwise +8, Thievery +10
u Untrained Skill
- Weapon focus (light blades): +1 damage when using a light blade
- Elven Precision: +2 on the new roll when using elven accuracy
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.Code:Cost Weight Item 15g 33 Adventurer's kit 520g 2 +1 Vicious shortsword 25g 15 leather armor 30g 3 longbow 1g 3 30 arrows ???g ? gold
Racial and class features:
- Proficiencies: longbow and shortbow (elf), cloth, leather, dagger, hand xbow, shuriken, sling, short sword
- Fey origin: considered a fey creature for effects that relate to creature type
- Group awareness: +1 racial bonus to perception to all non-elf allies within 5 squares
- Wild step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting
- Elven Accuracy: Encounter power: reroll an attack roll. See below.
- First strike: Combat advantage against creatures that have not yet acted in the encounter
- Rogue tactics (Brutal Scoundrel): add str mod to sneak attack damage.
- Rogue weapon talent: +1 attack with daggers, shuriken damage die is one size larger
- Sneak attack: +2d6+2(str mod) damage once per round when has combat advantage.
basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+7 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.
Piercing Strike (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs Reflex; 1d6+6 damage.
Riposte Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and if the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make another attack (+7 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage).
Torturous Strike (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+8 damage
Easy Target (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage (shortsword) or +7 vs AC, 2d10+4 damage (longbow)
Hit: target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both)
Miss: half damage, and the target grants CA to you until the end of your next turn
Master of Deceit (free; encounter, personal)
Trigger: you roll a bluff check and dislike the result (Must decide before the result is revealed)
Effect: Reroll the bluff check.
Elven Accuracy (free; encounter, personal)
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it's lower.