[OOC] The Missing Warlock [4e, closed]

For anyone else interested in joining, we've got strikers pretty well covered - defenders/leaders and a controller would be most welcome at this point.

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It looks like I'll have some free time coming up so I might have a tickle. I haven't played a wizard in many's the long year so I thought now might be the time.

Joshua Dar Rhest, Human wizard

When an orc raid swept into his home valley some 10 years ago Joshua was one of its many victims. Suffering from many and severe sword wounds, the boy’s life hung in the balance for several weeks before he finally recovered. His mother died trying to defend him and his father, a local swamp eel fisher, although injured himself, struggled to care for the injured child. A year later ,when Joshua was still only 9 years old, his father died suddenly, presumably from the effect of his own injuries, leaving the child an orphan.

As the townsfolk were still struggling to recover from the attack there was no one willing to foster a young lad, still not fully recovered, who had thus few skills to recommend him. He was shipped off to a small local temple of Sehanine as a possible lay brother.

This was not a success. Joshua felt a deep anger and resentment at the death of his parents, and the rigid, regulated atmosphere in the temple only served to bring out the rebel in the boy. He was almost constantly in trouble and was regularly beaten for his sins and transgressions. He was also subjected to other punishments too brutal to mention here which at least had the effect of building up his stamina and his strength.

One day, during a particularly violent beating, a flame burst from his fingers and scorched the robe of his assailant. Fortunately the clerics at the temple recognized what had happened and, with a sigh of relief, sent Joshua to a local wizard, to see if he might be trained in the arcane arts.

For 8 years Joshua studied hard and was at last allowed out on his own to practice what he had been taught. But hardly had he set out upon his path than he was engulfed in yet another invasion, this time of undead. Although the battle went very much against the people Joshua was fortunate enough to get tied up with several other adventurers and for the first time in his short miserable life there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Joshua is 5’7” and weighs 145lbs. He is wiry and agile with a body hardened by the trials he has undergone in his life so far. His complexion is very pale and no amount of exposure to the sun seems to change it - he never seems to tan. He has blue eyes, very short light blonde hair and a neatly trimmed beard, and small hands with long thin fingers. Unfortunately his past experiences have soured his outlook on life. The death of his parents, his being shipped off to the temple, the harsh discipline at the temple and finally the rigorous training regime set up by his master have all come together and left him a bitter young man, scarred both mentally and physically. Hopefully his new ‘friends’ may help to change that!

Stats for Karis. This is literally my first time through the 4e character creation process, so some extra scrutiny would be welcome. I wasn't sure what to use for starting gold at level 2, since you don't seem to be using the DMG's rules for gear when starting at a higher level than 1, so I've left that blank.

[sblock=Karis Nerinya, Elven Rogue 2]
Initiative: +5
Senses: Perception +8, Low-light vision
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Elven

Str 14 (+2)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+2)

HP 29; Bloodied 14; Healing Surge 7 (7/day)
AC 17 (+1 level, +4 dex, +2 armor)
Fort 14 (+1 level, +2 str, +1 amulet)
Ref 18 (+1 level, +4 dex, +2 rogue, +1 amulet)
Will 14 (+1 level, +2 cha, +1 amulet)

Speed 7
Action Points 1

Skills: Acrobatics +10, Arcana +1u, Athletics +2u, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +3u, Endurance +2u, History +1u, Insight +1u. Intimidate +3u, Nature +3u, Perception +8, Religion +1u, Stealth +10, Streetwise +8, Thievery +10
u Untrained Skill

  • Weapon focus (light blades): +1 damage when using a light blade
  • Elven Precision: +2 on the new roll when using elven accuracy

Cost   Weight   Item
 15g   33       Adventurer's kit 
520g    2       +1 Duelist's shortsword 
 25g   15       leather armor
 30g    3       longbow 
  1g    3       30 arrows
?       -       Amulet of Protection, +1 Fort, Ref, Will defenses
200g    4       gold

Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: longbow and shortbow (elf), cloth, leather, dagger, hand xbow, shuriken, sling, short sword
  • Fey origin: considered a fey creature for effects that relate to creature type
  • Group awareness: +1 racial bonus to perception to all non-elf allies within 5 squares
  • Wild step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting
  • Elven Accuracy: Encounter power: reroll an attack roll. See below.
  • First strike: Combat advantage against creatures that have not yet acted in the encounter
  • Rogue tactics (Brutal Scoundrel): add str mod to sneak attack damage.
  • Rogue weapon talent: +1 attack with daggers, shuriken damage die is one size larger
  • Sneak attack: +2d6+2(str mod) damage once per round when has combat advantage.

  • Dex-based with +1 duelist's shortsword: +9 (+1 level +4 dex +3 prof +1 enhancement) vs. whatever, 1d6+6 (+4 dex, +1 wpn focus, +1 enhancement). On critical, add 1d6 (or 1d8 with CA)
  • Str-based with +1 duelist's shortsword: +7 (+1 level +2 str +3 prof +1 enhancement) vs. whatever, 1d6+4 (+2 str, +1 wpn focus, +1 enhancement). On critical, add 1d6 (or 1d8 with CA)
  • With longbow (only dex-based): +7 (+1 level +4 dex +2 prof), 1d10+4 (+4 dex) damage.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+7 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.

:melee: Piercing Strike (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs Reflex; 1d6+6 damage.

:melee: Riposte Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and if the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make another attack (+7 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage).

:melee: Torturous Strike (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+8 damage

:melee: or :ranged: Easy Target (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage (shortsword) or +7 vs AC, 2d10+4 damage (longbow)
Hit: target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both)
Miss: half damage, and the target grants CA to you until the end of your next turn

Master of Deceit (free; encounter, personal)
Trigger: you roll a bluff check and dislike the result (Must decide before the result is revealed)
Effect: Reroll the bluff check.

Elven Accuracy (free; encounter, personal)
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it's lower.

Duelist's Weapon (minor; daily, weapon, personal)
Effect: You have combat advantage against the next creature you attack with this weapon on this turn.



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Stats for Karis. This is literally my first time through the 4e character creation process, so some extra scrutiny would be welcome. I wasn't sure what to use for starting gold at level 2, since you don't seem to be using the DMG's rules for gear when starting at a higher level than 1, so I've left that blank.

You're quite right - to be honest, this was because I forgot about that section and didn't have my books with me. Feel free to use the DMG gear rules for a lvl 2 character - I'll post them later this evening.

I'll be sure to give your character scrutiny+1 this evening. :)


So it looks like:

BlueLotus -- Human Cleric (possibly Paladin)
Arbanax -- Dragonborn Ranger
covaithe -- Elven Rogue
Digger -- Human Wizard

I had proposed a Warlock, but as tenor suggested, we seem to already have 2 strikers, and short on leader/defender (depending on which way Lotus goes). To that end, I propose the character build below. I know nerdytenor has asked for more development, and I really don't mean to still be vague, it's just that in my tabletop game I am the wizard, and now that that role is filled, I am happy to play whatever fills a niche, and will fill in more detail once the role and designation are set.

Todarr Rheland was an unassuming Dragonborn child. Though he had honor, he did not excel in anything. He was comfortably in the middle of the pack in any contest or lesson he ever was a part of. It was thusly that Todarr was not expected to make much of his life, except to become a stablehand or farm boy, or something else similarly unimportant.

That was, of course, until that fateful day that the undead came. Most of the townspeople had no idea what to do. Those that excelled far above Todarr in martial studies panicked, some fled when the thought of actual battle was too much for them, others knew what to do but lacked the tactical skills to do more than react. Todarr, master of little through his childhood, finally took up a battleaxe for the first time with real purpose. All of those lessons seemed to hold much more significance for him now that there was more than a sparring partner to meet the other end of the weapon. All the training that he halfheartedly trudged through came back to him in a wash, as though a part of him was paying much more attention than the rest of him ever knew. It was Todarr who rallied those that stood against the undead plague and fought them back, organized several groups in a tactical retreat.

It was later found that the group he led to safety was the only one that actually survived.

I conceived this build as a Tactical Warlord (assuming Lotus goes Pally), but could easily reinvision the "leading to safety" bit as "holding the line for retreat" and make him a Fighter (if Lotus goes Cleric).

on second thought...

The dmg says if you are rolling a character above lvl 1, you should get 1 magic item above your level, one at your level, and one below, plus gold equal to a magic item one level below, plus standard equipment. That's probably reasonable for a higher level character, but at level two that means:

One lvl 3 magic item
One lvl 2 magic item
One lvl 1 magic item
360 gold
standard equipment

Seems like a lot to me - in the party I'm playing with (not dming) we are all almost level two and have found three magic items across the whole group.

How does this sound instead?

One lvl 3 or lvl 2 magic item
200 gold
standard equipment

Hate to go back on what I just posted - I'll try to keep that to a minimum.


You're quite right - to be honest, this was because I forgot about that section and didn't have my books with me. Feel free to use the DMG gear rules for a lvl 2 character - I'll post them later this evening.

I'll be sure to give your character scrutiny+1 this evening. :)


So it looks like:

BlueLotus -- Human Cleric (possibly Paladin)
Arbanax -- Dragonborn Ranger
covaithe -- Elven Rogue
Digger -- Human Wizard

I had proposed a Warlock, but as tenor suggested, we seem to already have 2 strikers, and short on leader/defender (depending on which way Lotus goes). To that end, I propose the character build below. I know nerdytenor has asked for more development, and I really don't mean to still be vague, it's just that in my tabletop game I am the wizard, and now that that role is filled, I am happy to play whatever fills a niche, and will fill in more detail once the role and designation are set.

I totally respect that, and thanks for being flexible. This looks like a good character concept. Let's go with it, and BlueLotus as the paladin. Looks like we'll be ready to roll in a couple more posts.


Here's the lineup

I'm excited - looks to be a fun group. Here's what we've got:

Moreen Lantra, human paladin (BlueLotus)
Joshua Dar Rhest, human wizard (The Digger)
Karis Nerinya, elf rogue (covaithe)
Rellek Spirestrike, dragonborn ranger (Arbanax)
Todarr Rheland, dragonborn warlord (PennStud77)

Please post your character sheets (to this thread is fine, or wherever online you like to keep 'em) - when I see all five we'll get going!


Beautiful character sheet/post, thanks. All the stats compute as well. I would not object if others used this as a template. :)

It would be nice to list where all the to-hit bonuses are coming from (eg piercing strike, +9 (+4 dex, +3 prof, +1 level, +1 item)) so that dummies like me can figure it out. Addition is hard! :)


[sblock=Karis Nerinya, Elven Rogue 2]
Initiative: +5
Senses: Perception +8, Low-light vision
Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Elven

Str 14 (+2)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+2)

HP 29; Bloodied 14; Healing Surge 7 (7/day)
AC 17; Fort 13, Ref 17, Will 13
Speed 7
Action Points 1

Skills: Acrobatics +10, Arcana +1u, Athletics +2u, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +3u, Endurance +2u, History +1u, Insight +1u. Intimidate +3u, Nature +3u, Perception +8, Religion +1u, Stealth +10, Streetwise +8, Thievery +10
u Untrained Skill

  • Weapon focus (light blades): +1 damage when using a light blade
  • Elven Precision: +2 on the new roll when using elven accuracy

Cost   Weight   Item
 15g   33       Adventurer's kit 
520g    2       +1 Vicious shortsword 
 25g   15       leather armor
 30g    3       longbow 
  1g    3       30 arrows
???g    ?       gold
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 days of trail rations, 50' of hemp rope, and a Waterskin.

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: longbow and shortbow (elf), cloth, leather, dagger, hand xbow, shuriken, sling, short sword
  • Fey origin: considered a fey creature for effects that relate to creature type
  • Group awareness: +1 racial bonus to perception to all non-elf allies within 5 squares
  • Wild step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting
  • Elven Accuracy: Encounter power: reroll an attack roll. See below.
  • First strike: Combat advantage against creatures that have not yet acted in the encounter
  • Rogue tactics (Brutal Scoundrel): add str mod to sneak attack damage.
  • Rogue weapon talent: +1 attack with daggers, shuriken damage die is one size larger
  • Sneak attack: +2d6+2(str mod) damage once per round when has combat advantage.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+7 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.

:melee: Piercing Strike (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs Reflex; 1d6+6 damage.

:melee: Riposte Strike (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and if the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make another attack (+7 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage).

:melee: Torturous Strike (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+8 damage

:melee: or :ranged: Easy Target (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage (shortsword) or +7 vs AC, 2d10+4 damage (longbow)
Hit: target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both)
Miss: half damage, and the target grants CA to you until the end of your next turn

Master of Deceit (free; encounter, personal)
Trigger: you roll a bluff check and dislike the result (Must decide before the result is revealed)
Effect: Reroll the bluff check.

Elven Accuracy (free; encounter, personal)
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it's lower.



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