[OOC] The Seeds of Chaos

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Ilex is actually worse at climbing than Fhangrim (+1 vs +3). You should try using it on her instead.

EDIT: Actually I noticed I have a climber's kit, which would give me +2 to my climb check. Is there any reason we can't take 10 on this check?
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Hey all, sorry for not posting as of late. I've come down with a nasty case of Shingles, and it has become so painful as to become debilitating. I will post as soon as I am able. Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime...I have no problems with anyone taking a 10 on the climb check.

[MENTION=69684]WEContact[/MENTION]: I noticed that you placed Haaku 1 square above Ursa Maximus... but what I don't get is how you are doing so... Is Haaku flying somehow? Though allies are allowed to move through Ursa Maximus... it DOES occupy its square...which means that Haaku cannot share the square with him if I am not mistaken. I'm sure this is something simple I'm not seeing in the rules, or some action of yours I missed...but just want to get it straight in my mind (and my notes if needed!).

No no, Ursa Maximus is in the air above Haaku, who is on the ground. Maximus is a conjuration and doesn't have to stand on anything.

The line for conjurations I believe you are thinking of, [MENTION=69684]WEContact[/MENTION], is:


Occupies No Squares: The conjuration occupies no squares. The conjuration does not need to be supported by a solid surface, so it can float in the air.


However... the entry for Call Spirit Companion states:

Effect: You conjure your spirit companion in an unoccupied square in the burst. The spirit lasts until you fall unconscious or until you dismiss it as a minor action. The spirit occupies 1 square.

Therefore, in this case, the spirit must be supported by a solid surface. I have no problem with it being summoned in the air... but then it would immediately fall to the ground.

As such, Ursa Maximus should be moved to its own square.

Your argument is a non sequitur. Nothing in the rules indicates that a conjurations ability to be placed in the air is dependent on whether it occupies the square its in. If you insist on it however that's your prerogative, and we can just place Maximus in the square in front Haaku. I'm not gonna think less of you or be mad or anything if you rule this way.

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