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[OOC] Underdogs [a core dnd game][4/4]


I think I'll write up a druid. I was goign to say Shaman, but I think that is an actual class now. But a druid as the mediator of the spirits of nature is how I see him. More to come.

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doghead said:
--- PROLOGUE ---

Ever since de-lurking I have been plagued by the desire to run a game. Despite some reservations (I have no great talent as a GM and most of my games have died), I am going to have a go.

Don't sell yourself short. Your a very creative fellow and an engaging DM. I've enjoyed some of your past games very much. If I wasn't busy trying to get a new game of my own going right now I'd jump on this one. Have fun all!


covaithe Its a reasonable mechanism to allow for more evil alignments. I'm not convinced that I would adopt it, but after our little discussion, I am willing to let you make the call as to which alignment you want for the character. Take the one you feel more appropriate. Then we will see how things go.

Welcome Defcon I like simple games because I am a simple dog. And becoming an old one. Trying to learn new tricks makes my brain hurt. As for GnG, i'm happy to handle the combat mechanics behind the scenes. Basically, you can generate a standard character and I can do a conversion. But there are some notable differences. Primarily, watch your Con. I'll go into this a little later, but basically, Con gives you Soak (like DR), and if your character plans to get up close and personal, Soak is good. I'll raise any other issues when doing any conversion.

Mercenary units. Nice. I was thinking that Hella may recruit grell into its army, although their status would be somewhat lowly. But a few years serving with the army on campaign would be one way gain some fighter levels. Mercenary units are a nice addition.

Welcome Fenris. A Druid is good. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Welcome Mellubb. A Rogue is good too. As above, start with a brief background, personality and description.

ethandrew. Off the top of my head, can't remember. I couldn't tell you the exact mechanics for the Core grappling either, thruth be told. I'll look it up. It should be in the text above if you want to check for yourself.

Thanks Scotley.

aka thotd


covaithe, Defcon. You can move on to crunchy character generation.


Level 4, 32 point buy.
Starting wealth of about 5000 gold in goods. Pick something snazzy. Don't worry too much about mundane gear unless your character wants their own personal item or set. Your characters will have access to the resources of their Fall and Krel depending on the circumstances.

One thing, plate armour is the province of the nobility.

-- Skills --
I'm not that fussed about class/x-class distinction. If it fits your character's background, take the skill.

Spot and Listen are combined into Perception, Hide and MS are combined into Stealth.

Characters can take an extra 2 skill points per level. That means 8 points at first, and 2 points per level thereafter. You will need them. Keep reading.

I would like the characters to have some means of contributing to the Fall or earning a living when away from it besides 'adventuring'. A Craft or Profession skill, Handle Animal - whatever you think could be used to earn a few coin. Unskilled labouring is an option, but the wages are terrible.

- Languages -

The dominant tongue in Hella is Dornish. It is also the native tongue of a couple of neighbouring kingdoms. The grell have their own language, called Grell. There is no Common as such. If there is a common tongue, it would be Trader, a blend of the vocabulary and syntax from a number of languages. Jiddian, the language of the mighty Jidda Empire, is the common language of art, learning and diplomacy. The nobility speak it almost exclusively across most of the land.

I want to treat languages as regular skills, with higher ranks to reflect greater fluency and literacy. A simple rule of thumb (for gaming purposes) would be that a character can make sentences equal in length to their bonus in the language. Reading a menu or simple notice would be about Diff 5, a pamphlet or simple book about Diff 10, a contract or academic essay maybe Diff 15. But I said just one exception, didn't I. *sigh* Oh well. Lets go with this.

All characters start with Speak Grell. They may take Write Grell for one point. Speak Dornish and Speak Trader can be taken for one point each. There is no written from of Trader. Otherwise, languages cost 2 points, with Speak and Write separate skills.

OK, am I missing anything?


The setting is fairly generic medieval fantasy. So far we all seem to be on the same page. I going to keep the setting information at the start of the thread, and update it as new things come up.

I'm also going to ask you for your input. Here are three questions:

Tell me something about the Kingdom - the royal family, the capitol city, the treatment of the minorities, the architecture. Something like that. Whatever takes your fancy.

Tell me something about Horak-krel or grell society in general.

Tell me something about your character's Fall.

OK. Gramatically, they are not questions. You don't have to write an essay, although you can if you really really feel like it. I'll take what you post and work it into the setting information above.

aka thotd


Thats fine, you are a bit ahead of the others at the moment anyways. I don't think we will have anything up and running before mid to late next week at the earliest anyway.

aka thotd


Trav’nul was born into a small fall on the very edge of Horak-krel, right next to the forest. Trav’nul was born into the fell of Grash’nul the shaman of the settlement. As such he was born into a great tradition stretching back many generations.

It is said that long ago a grell walked out of the forest, unknown to those in Horak-krel. He name was Tsuhk’kak and he came to save the grell he said. He became the first shaman of Horak-krel and taught the grell many new ways of working the land. From him descend all the shaman of Horak-krel, who carry on his teachings. The shaman of Horak-krel have a special connection with the spirits of nature. They consult with the spirits and declare when the soil is ready for seed. They call upon the rain spirits to bring water for crops. The shaman will even go out into the forest and speak with the animals, telling the hares and deer where to find other forage so they will leave the crops of the grell alone. They explain to the grell that sometimes Nature is harsh, and floods and fires will happen, but he also shows how the land is renewed after a flood, leaving a rich loam to farm in, and that the fire leaves ash for fertilizer.

So the shamans seek to have the grell live in balance with nature. It has been through the guidance of the shaman and the hard work of all that Horak-krel has been thriving of late, with fields passed over by the humans, producing enough for all the falls.

Trav’nul was raised in this tradition. He spent long days and nights in the forest under the study of his grandfather, learning to read all the signs of nature and how to speak with the spirits. The fall he grew up in was small by the standards of the settlement, but had manyrroms full of dried herbs and plants, for the shaman of Horak-krel also served as the healers of the settlement. He grew to adulthood a fine young grell, not as large as a warrior, but with somber eyes, full of the lessons of nature. He is a passionate young grell, though only about nature and its wonders. But the passion is tempered by his learning. Trav'nul is most at home out in the forest, where the many secrets of Shamanism have been passed onto him, but he still lives some of the time in the fall he was born in, though he reveres nature be was born in Horak-krel and calls it home. He has learned how to use the blessings of Tsuhk’kak for the benefit of the settlement.
Last edited:


Fenris. Nice. Feel free to move onto the crunchy bits. Don't forget the Setting Generation questions as well when you have time. I'm keen to see what other people are thinking (pick your brains in other words).

I have a couple more questions for you as well. They are not necessary for character generation, but they came to me as I was reading your post. I have some ideas, but was wondering what you thought.

1. Before the stranger walked out of the forest bringing animism to Horak-krel, what went before?
2. What was the situation in the rest of the Kingdom at the time?
3. Where did the stranger come from?

If anyone else has any thoughts on this, feel free to throw them into the ring.


Here's a first pass at Assaq's crunchy bits. Things that need work:
- animal companion.
- equipment. I blew most of my gold on one nice item, and wasn't quite sure what my options were for the rest. I wasn't sure I understood what you meant by mundane items. Does this cover all non-magical gear? All non-masterwork gear? Only backpacks and bedrolls and such? E.g. if I didn't have to pay for non-magical gear at all, that puts me within haggling distance of a wand of CLW, but if I have to pay for armor and weapons that's probably out of reach.
- money. see above.
- It's probably worth double checking that I priced my bow correctly; it's been a while since I had to price out magic items.
- description and detailed background.

[sblock=Assaq take 1]
Name: Assaq
XP: 6000
Class: Ranger 4
Race: Grell (Half-orc)
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: LN

Str: 14 +2 ( 4p, +2 race)
Dex: 15 +2 ( 6p, +1 level)
Con: 16 +3 (10p.)
Int: 10 +0 ( 4p, -2 race)
Wis: 14 +2 ( 6p.)
Cha: 8 -1 ( 2p, -2 race)

BAB: +4
Init: +2
Speed: 30'
Grapple: -1
ACP: -1

Fort: +7 (4 base, +3 con)
Ref: +6 (4 base, +2 dex)
Will: +3 (1 base, +2 dex)

+1 Flaming Composite Longbow (+2 str): +7, 1d8+2 (x3) piercing +1d6 fire
+1 Flaming Composite Longbow (+2 str), rapid shot full attack: +5/+5, 1d8+2 (x3) piercing +1d6 fire
Longsword: +6, 1d8+2 (19-20x2) slashing

Soak: 7 (+3 con, +4 armor)
With bow: +6 (4 BAB, +2 dex)
With sword and shield: +8 (4 BAB, +2 dex, +2 shield)

Common modifiers:
Ranged attack within 30 feet: +1 attack (point blank shot)
vs. favored enemy (?) +2 damage

Languages: Speak Grell

Darkvision 60' (race)
Favored enemy: ? (Ranger 1)
Track (Ranger 1)
Wild Empathy (Ranger 1)
Rapid Shot (Ranger 2)
Endurance (Ranger 3)
Animal Companion (Ranger 4)

Track (Ranger 1)
Rapid Shot (Ranger 2)
Endurance (Ranger 3)
Point Blank Shot (clvl 1)
Toughness (GnG: +1 soak) (clvl 3)

[B]Skill Points:[/B]   (6 +0 (int) +2 (houserule))*4 + (6 +0 +2 )*ranger lvl = 64
[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
 +0 Appraise (0 ranks +0 int)
 +1 Balance (0 ranks +2 dex -1 armor)
 -1 Bluff (0 ranks, -1 cha)
 +5 Climb (4 ranks, +2 str, -1 armor)
 +3 Concentration (0 ranks, +3 con)
 +3 Craft (Bowmaking) (3 ranks, +0 int)
 -1 Diplomacy (0 ranks, -1 cha)
 -1 Disguise (0 ranks, -1 cha)
 +1 Escape artist (0 ranks, +2 dex, -1 armor)
 +0 Forgery 
 -1 Gather information (0 ranks, -1 cha)
 +6 Handle animal (7 ranks, -1 cha)
 +3 Heal (1 rank, +2 wis)
 +8 Stealth (7 ranks, +2 dex, -1 armor)
 -1 Intimidate (0 ranks, -1 cha)
 +3 Jump (2 ranks, +2 str, -1 armor)
 +4 knowledge(geography) (4 ranks, +0 int)
 +7 knowledge(nature) (7 ranks, +0 int)
 +3 knowledge(local) (3 ranks, +0 int)
 +9 Perception (7 ranks, +2 wis)
 +2 Ride (0 ranks, +2 dex)
 +7 Search (7 ranks, +0 int)
 +2 Sense motive (0 ranks, +2 wis)
 +9 Survival (7 ranks, +2 wis)
 +2 Swim (2 ranks, +2 str, -2 armor)
 +2 Use rope (0 ranks, +2 dex)

 Speak Grell (free)
 Write Grell (1 rank)
 Speak Dornish (1 rank)
 Speak Trader (1 rank)

Wt:  Paid:      Description:
 -      -       Explorer's outfit
 3   4300       +1 [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#flaming]Flaming[/url] [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm#longbowComposite]Composite Longbow[/url] (+2 str)
 9      3       60 arrows
25    250       MW chain shirt
 4     15       Longsword
10      7       Heavy wooden shield

                          [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                58    116   175
[B]Total weight carried:[/B] 51

Money: 425g

Spells: Ranger spell list
Spells per day: 1/0/0/0
Save DC: 12 + spell lvl
Spells prepared: 1: Entangle

Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 170lb
Eyes: black
Hair: brown
Skin: greenish brown?


[sblock=money tracking]
 5000g Starting gold
-4300  +1 [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#flaming]Flaming[/url] [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm#longbowComposite]Composite Longbow[/url] (+2 str)
   -3  60 arrows
 -250  MW chain shirt
  -15  Longsword
   -7  Heavy wooden shield

Current total:

6000 starting xp (4th level)

[sblock=Animal Companion]


Wow. You linked all the special abilities. That deserves a wand of CLW at least.

I'll read over it a little more closely offline and get back to you. But nothing jumps out at me.

aka thotd

Voidrunner's Codex

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