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Orcs preview


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I don't really think everyone got the point on minions. Clearly the minion idea was not about throwing a pack of powerfull 1-hit kill mobs at players.

5 Orc Warriors (9th lvl) against a 5 men 1st lvl party would be pretty lame, ie. Not even counting in the "fireball dilemma", the party could bring down all of them in one single round, providing the players roll high enought. While the very same party would need two/three rounds to win an appropriate 1st lvl encounter with no minions.

A 1st level character can even take down a 30th level demon minion with a nat 20, as likelly as making a gnoll minion laugh at the Epic Tier character's unlucky miss. This clearly is not the spot minions are supposed to fill.

Minions are supposed to be the crowds to flood the party. Suppose the 10th level party is attacking the Orcs outpost. Throw at them tens of Orc Warriors, a pack of Eyes of Grumsh/Berserkers and some Chieftein and Bloodragers. The horde would quicklly surround the party, while the heroes are taking down the warrior's number (whome hit point the DM don't have to bother with, they just die on hit or survive on miss). Of course Berserkers and Bloodragers are spreading out damage across the battlefield, and the Warriors who managed to reach melee would be more dangerouse when dieing thanks to theyr leaders' auras.

At this point you see why minions don't die on miss. 1hit point doesn't mean they only need a punch to be killed, it means managing a huge encounter with ease.
Just don't use hundreds of low lvl minions to bother Paragon or Epic chars, or a few high lvl minions against low lvl party. Regular monsters are much better at this.

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First Post
I really like the new Orcs. :)
They have lots of abilities, however. Lots of stuff to track...
I hope it will not be too complicated to run an encounter with a group of them.

pawsplay said:
Realistlcally? They would all be dead. People caught in fireballs die, because their lungs fry. I am very comfortable with people needing to be All Heroic And Sh-- to survive a fireball strike.
I was certainly not talking about "realistically". Realistically, there was no fireball. (maybe a grenade, and these are certainly deadly, but not guaranteed to be so.)


First Post
On the subject of people wanting more background information on orcs in Monster Manual...

Every time that WotC has released some fluff, half the people are up in arms because a) they don't want fluff at all, or b) they want different fluff that fits their worlds. I'm sure that whatever they would write about orcs, beyond the very generic, short blurb in the preview, would get exactly the same reaction.


Lurks-no-More said:
On the subject of people wanting more background information on orcs in Monster Manual...

Every time that WotC has released some fluff, half the people are up in arms because a) they don't want fluff at all, or b) they want different fluff that fits their worlds. I'm sure that whatever they would write about orcs, beyond the very generic, short blurb in the preview, would get exactly the same reaction.

As for me, I think that's about the perfect amount of fluff. Just enough so that when people from different gaming groups talk about "orcs", they share a common set of baseline assumptions. From that paragraph, you can build a lot of different ways to fit orcs into your world. The basic orc mechanic -- hitting other people makes them feel better -- provides a cultural hook and tells you a lot about how orc society works, but the exact specifics and details are up to you.

So there's a win for WOTC on that one. When I want a 128 page book on orc culture, I will either buy one or write one.


pawsplay said:
Realistlcally? They would all be dead. People caught in fireballs die, because their lungs fry. I am very comfortable with people needing to be All Heroic And Sh-- to survive a fireball strike.

As soon as the word realistically comes up with regards to a fireball, I'm pretty sure that Hong's principle of thinking too hard about fantasy comes into effect.



First Post
Anyone give some thought to the level/XP increase you'd give to the orc chieftan if you gave it the Blood for Blood and Wounded Retaliation abilites? Maybe one more level or maybe make it a level 8 solo plus the "solo" bumps.


I wonder if there some additional rules regarding minions, and how they interact with some of the edge cases, in the MM?

I'm happy to use "DM common sense" rules for adjudicating oddities regarding Minions. I think it is just the price we have to pay for having an easy to run monster type for massed encounters that are not lethal to the PCs, yet scale a little.

The spirit of the rule is oft neglected when talking about running these guys. Even in the legal profession it is recognised that the spirit of the law being applied is important, it is why there is a human in the loop who can make decisions (judge/DM)...

I, for one, am looking forward to minion fistfights and 30th level demons against halfling babes.


First Post
I generally like these orcs. I am puzzled why the orc warrior minions are such high level compared to the other orcs in the entry, however. Why are the other orcs presented 4th level and such, and only one 8th level, but the minions 9th? It's probably not a big problem, but should the minions be built for the same level as the other orcs?

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