

Has anyone played an Orc as a PC race in a game. I am doing so now, and enjoying it immensely. I was wondering what others have experienced.

Also, at www.orcs.ca, you can find some great "orc" classes to use. My character is using the Orc Warrior class. Very cool.

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I was a GM for two players. Both played an orc. One was orc barbarian ad the other one was Rogue Fighter. Both advanced till level three or four. Then the campaign died because of lack of time from the players. The players and I enjoyed running the campaig. The players killed a first level good aligned party, but they nearly sold their entire tribe into the slavery of drow. :) I plan to start a new orc campaign with new players, but I have not found the right players yet :(

I know the site, but sadly the last update of the site was in August 2004.
I have not analyzed each of the new classes of this site, but some are IMHO more powerful than the normal core classes.

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