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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


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Palpatine as Anakin's Father?

I'm starting to get an eriee feeling that Palpatine is Anakin's real father... Now I don't have much to back it up except to say that it would fit and from what I've seen of the Prequels and their mirroring of Ep IV-VI... I think we might have another "I'm your father" scene...

As for reasons:

1) Shmi is pretty reluctant to reveal Anakin's father...
2) Palpatine's interest in Anakin...
3) Darth Tyrannus's facial experession after having to take off Anakin's hand... and the fact that he does not finish him off like he was going to do to Obi-Wan... (he just force pushes him away)
4) It would mirror later events in Episodes VI-VI...


PS: This is just a gut feeling... and thus the less than concrete reasons...

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333 Dave

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Re: Palpatine as Anakin's Father?

jaldaen said:
I'm starting to get an eriee feeling that Palpatine is Anakin's real father... Now I don't have much to back it up except to say that it would fit and from what I've seen of the Prequels and their mirroring of Ep IV-VI... I think we might have another "I'm your father" scene...

As for reasons:

1) Shmi is pretty reluctant to reveal Anakin's father...
2) Palpatine's interest in Anakin...
3) Darth Tyrannus's facial experession after having to take off Anakin's hand... and the fact that he does not finish him off like he was going to do to Obi-Wan... (he just force pushes him away)
4) It would mirror later events in Episodes VI-VI...


PS: This is just a gut feeling... and thus the less than concrete reasons...

There are a few reasons that Dooku could have stayed his hand...
1) Express orders from Palpatine (for reason's other than fatherhood)
2) He sensed Yoda coming and wanted Obi and Ani in a place where he could get them both at once as a sort of time buyer...
3) He was just trying like hell to escape before Yoda showed up.
4) He was distracted by Yoda's approaching presence.


Furn_Darkside said:
The raised importance of the Fett's is a mistake, imo.

I agree. I used to think Fett was cool... when I was 12 or so.

I like the look of many of the jedi. One was the same race as the dancing slave girl of Jabba. heh.

Twi'lek. Yeah, there was a pic of a female twi'lek jedi in the revised core rulebook. She's sort of cool.

I liked the look of the alien cloners- very elegant.

It was cool, but they seemed a bit like pop-folklore grays to me.


Epic Commoner
R2-D2 is a slacker

Maybe Spoilers

Did anyone else notice this in the movie. Obi Wan sent the message from Geonosis to Tatooine. R2 was on the ship to recieve this. The next scene shows Anakin telling Padme he is going to rescue his mother--stuff happens-- He comes back buries his mom and then R2 comes and tells them they have a message from Obi Wan.

Now did R2 wait a whole day to give the gang the info or was it the way the movie was edited. Cause R2 got the message it was light out, Anakin did his thing, it was night, he came back buried his mom and it day again, so did R2 wait the whole day?


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It was a nice parallel scene, what with C3PO uttering the same lines about messages from Obi-Wan that he does to Luke in Ep.4.

Simon Magalis

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Oddly enough, through this interpretation, Anakin does eventually fulfill the prophecy. Anakin kills the Dark Lord of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine, in Return of the Jedi. In the process, he becomes critically wounded and returns to the Light, so to speak, eliminating the Sith in one fatal blow.

Actually, Vader IS the Dark Lord of the Sith. The only time that title was ever mentioned before Ep. 1 was in reference to Vader. It was even on his toy label on the old Kenner cardstock.


I dunno, but I thought Dooku's facial expression was simple weariness, nothing more. Didn't really read anything into it.

Guess I'll have to see it...AGAIN! :D


First Post
I think Attack of the Clones is vastly superior to The Phantom Menace. However, it still doesn't capture the spirit of the original movies.

One thing that I got a little tired of is all the CGI backgrounds. I mean, yes, all the backgrounds were beautiful and wonderous, but it got old after awhile. Just too much of a good thing, I guess.

And yes, the love story was a little lame.

The movie started with a bang (literally) and had my attention all the way through. The battle scenes were spectacular and the plot was good.

Thumbs up.

...but I want Jar Jar dead. I think it would be funny if the bounty hunters went after him instead. heh heh


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