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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued

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Rashak Mani

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As for the Hitler comments one should notice how a countries Leader can lead a country into becoming an aggressive and expansionist country just manipulating basic feelings of patriotism and indignation.

Many modern examples show how the population is taken along gradually for a ride into ever more tyrannical policies. When you notice it happening its too late.

(Havent seen EpII... but the rise and fall of tyrants can be fast... or not )


Dahak, in the thread about the birth of Anakin, suggested that the midichlorians knew about the imbalance Palpatine was about to bring in the Force and created Anakin to restore the balance.

I think that at the beginning of episode 1, the force is already seriously imbalanced. It's leaning heavily to the light side. There are dozens of light jedis, who wield an enormous political power to boot, while the one or two sith have to stay in hiding. Therefore, Anakin is supposed to become evil, because that's how he will fulfill the prophecy of bringing balance to the Force.

Creeping Death

First Post
Zappo said:
Dahak, in the thread about the birth of Anakin, suggested that the midichlorians knew about the imbalance Palpatine was about to bring in the Force and created Anakin to restore the balance.

I think that at the beginning of episode 1, the force is already seriously imbalanced. It's leaning heavily to the light side. There are dozens of light jedis, who wield an enormous political power to boot, while the one or two sith have to stay in hiding. Therefore, Anakin is supposed to become evil, because that's how he will fulfill the prophecy of bringing balance to the Force.

And Yoda and the rest of the Jedi council wasn't wise enough to figure this out? Hmm.... Bring balance to the force? Thousands of good Jedi and two evil Jedi.... forget balance, I'd have killed the boy right then and there, then smacked Quigon for bringing him in.

I did enjoy episode II very much. I liked they way Anakin was portrayed. The scenes of him finding his mother all they way til he confesses to Padme are my favorite so far.


Commenting on some posts from the other thread...
Palaptine is a clone...Darth Sidious is manipulating him. Hence why the Council cannot detect the Drak Side when it is 3 feet from them.
Certainly a possibility, though considering how powerful Sidious is, it wouldn't be hard to fathom that he has some way of masking his presence among the Jedi as long as he doesn't blatantly use the Force (especially Dark Side powers) while they are near.
Darth Sidious is Jedi Master Sipherdias (sp?), the one who supposedly died years and years ago but yet ordered the clone army from Kamino...
That was my initial reaction, as well, but then I changed my mind. I believe it might have been Dooku that placed the order under the guise of Master Sifo-Dyas, since Jango specifically mentioned a man named Tyranus hired him for the cloning job, not Master Sifo-Dyas (that's the spelling according to the scripts online *shrug*). And at the end of the movie, we learn Dooku's Sith name is Darth Tyranus (or Lord Tyranus).

Of course, Dooku seems confused by how the Republic could've amassed such an army during the battle on Geonosis. However, it's likely he was just acting ignorant in front of his supporters so he wouldn't be suspected of treachery. It appears that starting the war was the primary goal of Sidious and Tyranus:

COUNT DOOKU -- The Force is with us, my Master.

DARTH SIDIOUS -- Welcome home, Lord Tyranus. You have done well.

COUNT DOOKU -- I bring you good news, my Lord. War has begun.

DARTH SIDIOUS -- Excellent. (smiling) Everything is going as planned.
That business about Palpatine's lightning killing him - Luke withstood it for 30 seconds or more, and 7 seconds of it kills Anakin ... very fault machinery for Anakin? More likely very hard to believe.)
Well, Vader had already been weakened by his fight with Luke. Plus, he was probably still somewhat in shock since he just had his hand cut off. Palapatine's Force Lighting was also hitting him in the face at point blank range. There's also the fact that Vader was more machine than man. Vader needed that suit to survive. Perhaps the lightning destroyed his life support systems. Oh, and I almost forgot... there's a Force power that lets you basically absorb and dissipate energy, to a certain extent. Luke was probably putting that to use as much as possible.
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First Post
I can believe that the cloners could have had the army ready and that they might have provided them with the armor and blasters. But where did the army get a hold of/build tons of victory class star destroyers(were they victory class SDs?)/troop transports/laser batteries?


Creeping Death said:

And Yoda and the rest of the Jedi council wasn't wise enough to figure this out? Hmm.... Bring balance to the force? Thousands of good Jedi and two evil Jedi.... forget balance, I'd have killed the boy right then and there, then smacked Quigon for bringing him in.

I did enjoy episode II very much. I liked they way Anakin was portrayed. The scenes of him finding his mother all they way til he confesses to Padme are my favorite so far.

Yeah, that would seem to be the obvious explanation, but I think it goes deeper than that. There seemed to be some hints dropped in Episode II about the need to bring balance to the Force.

After Obi-Wan informs Yoda and Master Windu that a clone army is being created, Yoda shakes his head and makes the "blind, we are" comment since they didn't know of the creation of said army. Windu makes a suggestion to Yoda, saying they should inform the senate that the Jedi are losing their ability to use the Force. Yoda dissuades him from this course of action, fearing it will only cause more people to lose faith in the Republic and subsequently break away.

All in all, perhaps their interpretation of the prophecy involves the Chosen One somehow being able stabilize the Jedi's ability to use the Force.
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Just got back from seeing it for the first time.

All in all I am very impressed, I did not even mind the "love scenes" since they were not IMO too overbearing and provided a needed explanation for the birth of Luke and Leah. I have to laugh... those that complain about having the scenes in there would complain equally if suddenly in the middle of episode III you find that Padme is pregnant and there had been no in story explanation for why she agreed to marry Anakin.

Actually, to me the most striking scene(s) in the whole movie did not involve fights or special effects but involved the relationship between the two Fetts. In the arena when the boy is holding his fathers head to his own I must confess I felt myself moved and the two actors involved in my mind did a superb job of showing the closeness between father and son.

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