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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)

Femi nods at Tal and dashes off down the hallway, heading to the door leading to the stairs. He shuts down his saber as he moves but keeps the weapon in his hand in the event that he needs it again in a hurry. When he reaches the doorway, he cautiously peers inside, making sure no one is waiting to ambush him. If the coast is clear, he starts quickly down the stairs, hoping to catch sight of his quarry.

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Dire Lemming

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Kesler looks up at Bol for a moment, "What?" Without really waiting for an answer he goes back to talking with the Militia man. "I see, is there anything else you can remember? He apparently abducted a friend of ours but I'm not sure why. Was there anyone else around here?" He glances at the others, inviting them to speak up.


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"No, it was just us and that Jedi. He had that pilot in there, we brought him in for... umm... something. I....I don't even remember why he was here. I'm sorry, this must all sound pretty strange. I... I don't undertsand why you're helping us though. You being criminals and all.'

Tal checks the open cell in the windowless room and sees that there are signs that someone was in there very recently. Tal also notes that the lock was severed by something hot, as the metal is now melted slag. He hears Femi start down the stairs when he reaches the computer.

Femi catches sight of a pair of boots being dragged down the steps, but is not sure whether or not it was his eyes or a glimmer from the Force that showed him this. He reaches the bottom and sees Captain Haebes unconcsious on the floor and Lun Kura struggling with something. For the moment, it seems the Jedi Master is unaware of Femi's presence.

Tal looks over the recent records of the computer console and notes that the cell once contained Captain Haebes, who was just now dragged down the steps by Kura.

Dire Lemming

First Post
"We're not criminals! I mean, my 'friend' here just has an incomprehensible need to talk himself into trouble." He says, glaring quickly at Bol. "All I wanted was to get off this planet." he sighs. "Well look, I think the man you had back there is our friend, I don't know why that Jedi wants him but he's the captain of the ship we'd like to leave on. It sounds like he messed with your minds so don't worry too much if it doesn't all make sense, I'm not entirely sure what's going on either."

Femi steps into the room near the prone Captain Haebes and quietly draws his blaster, switching his powered-down lightsaber to his other hand. Pointing the blaster at Lun Kura's back and flipping the setting to stun, he clears his throat. "Stop whatever you are doing and put your hands out to the side where I can see them." If Lun Kura does anything besides what Femi commanded him to do, he fires the blaster.

OOC: Assuming that Femi actually entered unnoticed and has surprise, I guess that would be a readied action.


Bol raises an eyebrow at the doctors comments. "Hey now, you really haven't known me long enough to....well, yeah. I've had some issues in the past. But I assure you all that we are not criminals. We're just trying to leave this planet to start anew elsewhere. Now, that nasty jedi who clouded your mind, he's the one who is the fugiative. It looks like we got here just in time too, otherwise who knows what he'd have twisted you all into thinking, or doing. I mean you guys were just trying to do your job. It's not your fault that you fired on us innocents."

He then looks at Kesler with a mischievous smile. "Doc has already seen to most of your wounds and has assured me that you all will live and be fine. Perhaps the good doctor can make sure you all are not in any pain, if you want that? I have already called the authorities and they are sending some assistance. They did want to know which detachment we had helped, but I didn't know what to tell them. Do you have some sort of an identification number and name I need to give them or something?"


Bluffing out the butt on this one. :)

Bluff +8 (6 ranks, +2 Cha)


A growl in his throat, Tal rushes after Femi and his prey with murder in his mind.

"Looks like that jedi wanted the Captain for something as well," he calls out on his communicator. "We're on his trail!"


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One of the militia men turns to Bol, a low groan escaping due to the lingering effects of being shot. "Mora Tona Division, Patrol Unit 23. Situation 11. Tell them that, and they will probably send another patrol unit to pick us up."

One of the others that Kesler is seeing to pipes up. "I just don't understand why a Jedi would do that. I thought they were supposed to be Guardians of the Galaxy, not petty criminals."

Tal sees Femi at the bottom of the stairs saying something to someone that he is pointing a blaster at. More than likely it is Lun Kura.

The Jedi puts his hands out to the side and Femi can see that he is holding some sort of control device, his thumb is over one of the buttons. "I don't think you understand, young one. This man is the key to the future of the galaxy. I have foreseen it. If I don't bring him to where he is supposed to be, all will be lost and you and all of your Jedi friends with it."

He slowly turns around and you can see that Captain Haebes is slowly coming to consciousness.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Kesler frowns, "I don't know what to think these days, seems like everyone on Corruscant's lost their minds, 'Emperor' Palpatine..." he sighs. "I suppose corrupt Jedi were not unheard of before the war, I mean, I heard rumor that there was one on Naboo, fighting for the Trade Federation. So it makes sense that there would be more of them now."

OOC: Once he's done checking everyone's wounds Kesler will try to do what he can to ease their suffering, especially the amputee.

"Explain yourself, and quickly. I'm tired of riddles so speak plainly," Femi states evenly. He keeps the blaster leveled at Lun Kura, ready to pull the trigger if he so much as twitches.

Voidrunner's Codex

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