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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


Bol is happy to have come by the information so easily. He files that away just in case they need it later in order to get out of here.

He then looks at the doctor. "Doc, we about ready to go after that Jedi? I hope our buddies can handle him until we get there."

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First Post
Tomorrow night being a relative term....;)

The Cerean Jedi Padawan Ka-Femi-Odo had been faced with a difficult decision. If he attacked the Jedi Master Lun Kura, he would be violating everything that he was taught at the Jedi Temple. On the other hand, it appeared that Kura had murder in his own mind, that of the Captain of the ship that had brought Femi and Tal here to Tatooine in the first place.

The Jedi Master didn't back down and Femi was forced to fire the blaster in his hand. The shot engulfed the Twi'Lek in a blue corona, but the man resisted the effects, only dropping Haebes to the ground in the process. Shaking his head in disgust, Lun Kura left Haebes and Femi behind, leaving through the door that he was near and disappearing into Mos Eisley.

As the rest of the crew gathered at the bottom of the stairs, they could see that they would probably encounter Lun Kura again.

After Kesler made sure that Haebes was fit to travel, they gathered on his ship, along with Nuina and her friends and Sieblacca, the Wookiee engineer.

It wasn't long until the crew found themselves in trouble again. Apparently, whoever had put Bol in the predicament he was in previously had decided that they weren't finished with him yet. Even though the rest of the galaxy was still reeling from the sweeping changes the Empire was making, the underworld was still alive and well, and that meant Bounty Hunters could make a killing. In more ways than one.

The worst of the bunch was one named Coron Nayed. A Human from some far away colony world, Coron had always been a hunter. He started with the animals on his planet and eventually moved on to more dangerous game. As is a textbook case, he ended up following his destiny as a Bounty Hunter. The Bol case caught his eye for two reasons.

The first was simple, the contractor was offering 100000 credits. Only the most dangerous criminals got that much. Or the most desperate of contractors offer it. Either way, it was going to make Coron a very rich man.

The second was more personal. According to records recovered long after Bol and his companions survived, Coron Nayed was also part of the same project that Bol was. The reason Bol was hunted in the first place. The truth of the matter wouldn't become clear for some time.

The crew took some small time jobs here and there to make money enough to keep the ship in tip top shape. They found themselves doing a lot of missions for a woman they only knew as Athona. Her identity was always kept secret from them, but she paid very well and didn't care how they accomplished what was set before them, as long as they got it done.

Not long after this relationship occured, Nuina and her dancers parted ways with the rest of the crew, mostly to pursue a career in their art. They saw gallavanting around in a ship only fun for a short time. It was a tearful goodbye for Kesler and Nuina, but it wouldn't be the last time they would see each other.

Due to complications after a mission on a dangerous planet, Captain Haebes died of a still unidentifiable disease. Sieblacca, no longer feeling a wish to travel around without Haebes, returned home to Kashyyyk. No sooner he did, he was recruited into slavery by the Empire. The rest of the crew wouldn't learn of this until much later. The ship was sold to Athona, who then assigned it to the crew. They were to become her "number one team".

It became apparent that Athona had more than simple snatch and grab and rescue missions in mind when she offered the crew a permanent job. Once they accepted, Athona gave them missions taking them to Imperial military facilities and having them do things that for all intents and purposes, were illegal.

They drew the line at assassinations though, as Femi still clung to his Jedi training, as hard as it was with such a mercenary group. It was even more difficult for him to continue his studies of the Force, especially without a mentor and knowing that at any moment, the Emperor's assassins could find him and end that journey for him.

Lun Kura appeared in their lives again, but this time as a benefactor. At least at first. He rescued them from an almost botched mission to the Kuat Shipyards where the latest Star Destroyers were being built. Taking them to a small moon to hide until the heat from the Empire blew over, he explained to Femi how he had come to know the Force and that his heart had changed. After two weeks of discussion, Femi finally accepted Kura's teachings.

Sure enough, not too long after the crew returned to the galaxy, Femi started to show the repercussions of Kura's training, becoming more aggressive, more demanding and more impetuous. This was goaded on by Kura's gloating that he had corrupted the last of the Jedi. Through the help of his friends, Femi shook off the effects of Kura's control and they finally defeated him once and for all. Femi still has a dark stain on his aura, but he uses it as a reminder of the better things in life.

Through all of this, Tal had remained a silent, but willing friend, constantly standing up for the crew and even risking his life more than a few times for them. It wasn't until much later that he had to turn to them for once. A mission brought the crew to Taris, where Tal had fought his last battle against the Trade Federation and where he met Femi. When they arrived, they found that Tal was still on the Empire's records as a soldier for them. Being taken in by the Imperial Army Internal Affairs, the crew had to rescue him before they put two and two together and found out that he was the one behind numerous raids on their facilities and killed as a traitor.

It was here that Nuina returned as well, but not in the same way. Come to find out, Nuina was working for Athona the entire time. Using her contacts on Taris, the crew sprung Tal and escaped with their lives mostly intact. Bol suffered a grievous wound on the way out and would be out of action for weeks.

Kesler spent his time between reconnecting with Nuina and taking care of Bol. Tal and Femi enjoyed their relatively short vacation, both honing their already elite fighting skills. Once Bol was healed, the five of them were sent on one final mission.

As per Athona's instructions, they were to go to the planet Dantooine and recover some archives. As it turns out, these archives contained information about Bol's past. The reason he was hunted all this time was because of something he carried in his DNA, a map to an uncharted planet on the Rim. This map led to what the team would eventually discover was the birthplace of the first Sith Empire. Again, they almost lost Femi to the darkness, but his strong will fought hard and they all managed to return home. When they did, they finally learned the secret of Athona's identity. She was none other than Mon Mothma, Mother of the Alliance against the Empire.

As the Rebellion grew, Kesler and Nuina eventually settled on Alderaan where Kesler was given a Medical facility of his own to run for the Rebellion. Tal was eventually assigned to tarin the Rebel Special Forces units, eventually created his own unique unit, Tal's Talons. One of his recruits was a young man named Han Solo. This team would be an important factor in the battles to come against the Empire. Bol eventually found his niche with Alliance intelligence, though reluctantly at first. Bol's work was key to discovering the location of the first Death Star.

As for Femi, presumably the last of his kind, he went on a journey to discover the Force for himself, returning every so often to check on his friends in the Alliance.

Little did the four of them know, but all of their actions would be a grand stepping stone for the next generation of heroes.... All of their names are still on display on New Alderaan, fifty years later.

Well, folks, that's the gist of it. As I told Ambrus, if you guys have any questions about anything or comments, let me know and I'll try to answer them as I can. Again, it's been a pleasure and I look forward to gaming with you all again some time.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Ah man, my character gets blown up? :(

It was an interesting read. Makes me all the more disappointed the game had to end when it did though.

So was that stuff concerning Bol actually in his background? Also, a human and a Twi'Lek? Is that really biologically sound? :p


First Post
Actually, Maddmic had decided that he was going to leave his background blank for me to play with, so I added a few ideas....

As far as Kesler and Nuina, I left their relationship vague on purpose.... ;)

It is possible that they left Alderaan before that happens....

EDIT: *notes post number--->* Hmm... how very interesting...

Gotta agree with the Lemming, reading this makes me wish it hadn't ended before more of this had been revealed in the game and more of these adventures had taken place.

I almost wish I had offered to continue things for you, Shadow...but that would have meant having Femi become an NPC, eliminating the fun of exploring his story as an unknowing player. Not to mention that continuing without the architect would have been...weird. :)

Thanks for the synopsis, Shadow!


First Post
No problem at all guys.

As for Nuina, most of what she told Kesler was actually true, except it wasn't Kesler that had helped her. It was somebody else. Nuina successfully used the story many times before and each time it got the right attention...

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