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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


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Callon, seeing the situation, formulated a plan.

"Cover me! Suppressive fire on the droids' position!"

He and his men ran full out in the direction of the droids. Once his men had gone 10 meters forward, they started firing. Callon continued on for a total of 40 meters.

(OOC: My men move up 10 meters and fire, I perform a 'run' action, moving towards cover (hopefully ending my move in cover, if there is any))

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Ka-Femi nods at the words of Master Xan. He remains close to his mentor, staying in a slight crouch and deflecting any blaster bolts that get close enough to matter. He will continue to scan the area as he can trying to keep tabs on the entire battlefield.

OOC: Use Deflect (Defense +1) as needed, use Spot +3 to scan the battlefield for anything interesting, out of place, and to make sure he knows who is on their side and who is not.


"Yes Sir." Delta Six says as he keys his helmet mic. The ground under the LAAT shimmers as the engines burn fuel and it slowly lifts off, pitching forward and banking to the right. "Gunners, open fire."

As the ball turret wing gunners begin spraying the battle droids with pin-point laser fire, Six eases the LAAT into a holding pattern, circling in a large arc around Master Lun Xan and his Clone troopers.

He punches in several commands via the LAAT's control console, scanning for additional enemy troops while the ship's gunners continue to fire in support of the troops on the ground.

OOC: Computer Use +3, Pilot +9


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Miran hits the ground with her fist in frustration. People were in danger down there, the survival of a whole planet was at stake, and there was nothing she could do to help. She couldn't get close enough to use the Force without placing herself in the line of friendly fire, getting in the way and doing more harm than good.


First Post
For Ambrus:

Dofina's hangar is another kilometer or south of the Communications center, or 1500 meters from where you are, considering the size of the array. As far as her location, she was in her room in the command center the last you knew. Tracing her location at the time of the comlink discussion would require a Computer Use check.

Galethorn, your best bet would be to have Callon fall prone, as once you left the safety of the trees, your cover pretty much vanishes until you actually reach the array.

Captain Tagon, Originally you were headed around the insurgents, right? Now you are headed around to the Clone Troopers? I just wanted to clarify so I don't get your position messed up.

Nephtys, there are plenty of other things you could accomplish from your position without taking a direct hand in the battle...

I will post the results for this round as soon as Ambrus writes in his actions. It may not be until later tonight however, as I have a class in an hour or so.


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At the end of his forty-meter dash, Callon fell prone and prepared to open fire.

(OOC: how far away are the nearest foes?)


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The LAAT circled around the battlefield, surveying the communications array. Other than the three groups of combatants on the ground, the sensors could only pick up the activities farther away at the command center, where it seemed the Republic troops had gained the upper hand, as the red dots were heavily outnumbered by the green ones.

Green beams of destruction tore into the Super Battle Droids, barely giving them a chance to fire, destroying two and leaving two more incapacitated. As Callon hits the dirt 150 meters from the nearest Battle Droid, his men light up the Array's control buildings with blaster fire, causing the remaining droids to run directly into the cross fire provoded by the Clone Troopers. The return fire is scattered and barely manages to catch some of the men, causing one of them to have to fall back.

Jedi Master Lun Xan and his padawan Ka-Femi-Odo continue to deflect the few blaster bolts that continued to come from the Battle Droids that were still combat effective, their lightsabers forming a veritable wall of energy between them, but they are too far back to protect the Clone Troopers, as a few well placed shots kills one of the eight troopers.

Shaman Miran watches on as she sees the skies suddenly darken, at least to her. An uneasy feeling flows through her, tugging at her conscious mind, but she is unable to place it. As she watches the battle, she can see that the droids barely stood a chance against both the Republic troops and the insurgents she grew to know.

Meanwhile, the Bothan commando inches ever closer to the Clone Troops and their Jedi, weaving between buildings, support columns and power converters. It seems that, for the moment he is invisible.

DRK-1X is too busy with his own mission to see how the battle is going. His circuits race with information regarding his mistress. According to the remaining details from the communication, she had just entered the underground tunnel that fed into the hangar, but her precise location is sketchy. He as of yet is unable to reach her again, as the only response on all internal channels is static.

The distances between the Jedi, Clone Troopers and Battle Droids remain the same, Raek is now 88 meters from the Clone Troopers and Callon is 150 meters from the Droids, his men are 180 meters from them. DRK-1X is currently moving towards the Communications array, but is currently still under cover of the trees. The LAAT continues to circle the area.


First Post
Callon shouted out an order to his men.

"Forward 40 meters, then get down!"

He proceeded to stand up run forward a short distance, and then drop prone again.

(OOC: Stand up, move 10 meters, drop prone...unless I can move as far/farther by crawling, in which case I'll crawl my maximum distance)


OOC: I just realized that the entire battle and communications array lies directly between DRK-1X and the hangar bay. This is a little hard to follow without a map. It would also be helpful to know how many NPCs are involved (Troopers/Insurgents/Battledroids).

Cognitive Processing
Datum: Negative response from Mistress Dofina
Proposition: Republic/Insurgent victory over Separatist forces is imminent.
Proposition: Due to incapacitation, death or capture, Mistress Dofina may be unable to reach
hangar bay 17B to successfully escape Taris with DRK-1X.
Proposition: DRK-1X may successfully locate and aid Mistress Dofina
Proposition: DRK-1X may successfully reach hangar bay 17B
Proposition: DRK-1X may successfully reprogram self to operate Mistress Dofina's shuttle.
Proposition: DRK-1X may successfully escape Republic/Insurgent forces.
Proposition: DRK-1X may be captured and/or destroyed by Republic/Insurgent forces.
Algorithmic Node: Obeisance protocols apply. Must move immediately towards hangar bay 17B
at highest possible velocity (V=10.667 m./second).
Heuristic Node: Self-preservation protocols apply. Mistress Dofina's position and condition remain
uncertain. May risk unnecessary damage by entering hazardous area. (Safety index: 38.3%, +/-17.7%)
Emotive Node: Anxiety 32.2%; Uncertainty 23.5%; Reluctance 18.3%; Frustration 15.4%; Excitement 10.6%
Algorithmic Node: Obeisance protocols take priority.
Heuristic Node: Override. Self Preservation Protocols apply. Must circumvent threat from Republic/Insurgent
forces to safely reach hangar bay 17B. Must continue to try and assess Mistress Dofina's location/condition.
Priority Hierarchy established
Processing flight plan.
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=98m,Y=114m, Z=0m, V=10.667 m./second]
Uploading data to transmission buffer 41C-2
Transmitting inquiry (encrypted channel #782364B)
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

Having resolved to try and reach the secret hangar as ordered, DRK-1X's repulsorlift engine surges to life with a soft buzzing sound as the diminutive droid streaks across the surface of Taris. (full run action, 64 m.) Mindful of its own safety however, it attempts to circumvent the battle while trying best to remain low to the ground and unseen. (heading 45º either south-west or east to best make use of cover while avoiding the battle) En route, DRK-1X reorients its telescopic and infrared sensors to follow the progress of the two battles as it flees while continuing to transmit desperate inquiries to its now silent mistress: "Inquiry: Mistress? Are you all right? Mistress? Please respond."
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