The ‘will they, won’t they?’ conjecture around whether or not Paizo would voluntarily recognise the new United Paizo Workers union was mercifully short. Paizo today announced that it would work with the union to improve working conditions at the company.
United Paizo Workers consists of more than 30 employees, and was formed to address allegations of pay inequity, verbal abuse, and poor working conditions.
This also means that the group of 40 or so freelancers who ceased work for the company will likely return to work now that their demand that Paizo recognize the union has been met.
United Paizo Workers consists of more than 30 employees, and was formed to address allegations of pay inequity, verbal abuse, and poor working conditions.
This also means that the group of 40 or so freelancers who ceased work for the company will likely return to work now that their demand that Paizo recognize the union has been met.
Paizo - Paizo Workers Unionize
The workers at Paizo, publisher of Pathfinder and Starfinder, have formed the United Paizo Workers union (UPW). The new union speaks of its love for the company, but cites a number of underlying issues including underpay, crunch conditions, and the recent allegations regarding the work...

Paizo - Paizo Freelancers Support Union
Jason Tondro, senior developer for Pathfinder and Starfinder, has indicated that a large swathe of Paizo freelancers have stopped work in support of the recently formed union by Paizo employees. Initially the freelance group had a range of demands, but in light of the new union, they have put...

October 21, 2021 (Redmond, WA) -
Paizo is pleased to announce it has voluntarily recognized the United Paizo Workers union, which is affiliated with the Communications Workers of America (CWA). “We look forward to working with the union to continue and expand our efforts to make Paizo a better place to work and to ensure that Pathfinder and Starfinder products continue to exceed gamer expectations for many years to come,” said Jeff Alvarez, President of Paizo. The next steps will involve the United Paizo Workers (UPW) union electing their bargaining representatives and then meeting with Paizo management to negotiate terms for a collective bargaining agreement. We expect this process to take some time, but we are committed to the effort and hope to settle a contract in due course. Until an agreement is reached, the Paizo staff continues to focus on creating amazing Pathfinder and Starfinder products. Paizo has always been about creating awesome games, and we look forward to the changes that unionization will bring to the company. Please join us on this journey by following the UPW on Twitter and stay tuned for future updates! |