Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon shook his head as the others bargained for more money, and slumped forward. More money would come, or it would not. Perhaps they would loose the job, perhas they would keep it. He hoped they kept it; action was better than inaction. Harder to notice the inevitable entropy then. And, it would be better to keep the cursed Lord of Blades from whatever the thing was. Really, Weapon did not care about the schema.

But it would be nice to have something to do.

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Velmont said:
"I think it is my fault, Lady, my common is not as good as my dwarven. I am used to schema. My family have a lot of them, and they are all the schema of traps we make for our customers. Designing new traps is great, but using the same design cost less and is more accessible to the wide public. My questions was what these schema will help to build?" correct Kharas.

He look closely at teh book as she start to decipher it. "A thousand gold pieces, for the whole group, that makes a nice pay, but as we don't know the risk... by any cance, does that journal tells what defence exist in this forge?"

"I am not certain what this schema will build. Provost Geldem thought that it might be key to our families discovery of how to construct warforged. I remain unconvinced, though I would like to see it for myself and of course I will have to spend some more time with this journal." replies Lady Elaydren d'Vown.

"While I assure you that 1000 gold crowns is indeed a princely sum, I might be willing to increase it to say 300 a piece or 1800 crowns? I know not what risks you will need, nor what defences might exist in the forgehold. It has long been lost and is probably completely in ruins now. Other than the Lord of Blades, who may have other agents seeking the schema, who knows what lurks in the hidden places beneath the city? Now that I think about it, Bonal did say that he would definitely need to bring fire on the expedition, I wonder what he meant? Anyway, I urge caution, but I am completely confident tha tyou can handle anything you may encounter in your search."" she continues.

Rystil Arden said:
'My comrades won't understand my misgivings working for such an agent of death and evil, except perhaps my brother, but it seems that they do value the power of coin. Hmm...'

"This is for a weapon to kill people, it must be or the Lord of Blades would not desire it. I care little for the coin either way, so I don't much mind, but isn't 1000 fairly insignificant for such? Consider that the Lord of Blades sent agents after this, so it must be something valuable and new. Now, a stock-standard magic sword of the cheapest and lowest quality would cost over 2000 gold, more than double the offered price, and I'm sure the Lord of Blades wouldn't send agents after one of those."

"Hopefully 1800 will help persuade you to take up this quest. I do not know why the Lord of Blades wants this journal or the schema who's location the journal describes. He seems interested in anything related to the 'forged and their creation. In this case I guess we can be thankful that all the creation forges in Cyre were destroyed in the war."
she says with a touch of sorrow in her voice.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon looks at the lady questioningly. "Fire? Anything else the dead one mentioned? Regardless, I am ready to accept. Anything to keep the Bladed One away."


First Post
"I think it seems fine with me. I hope you don't mind if I can take a look at the blue print before we give it to you. I always been interested by these kind of technology. Warforged have been the greatest creation made by a humanoids. It is the creation of life through technology..." Kharas finish his drink and looks at Siobhan, to see her reaction. After all, it is because of her they are here now.


Lady Elaydren turns the map that she has pulled out around to face you, "Excellent! This map shows the way to reach the sewers of the Dorasharn Tower. Somewhere beyond the E-213 Valve Cluster you'll find a sealed door with the smae mark as the one on Bonal's journal. Open the seal, and the tunnel beyond will take you to the long-forgotten level far below, where the foundry resides. Here is 300 gold coins as payment upfront, you can find me here again after you are finished and I will arrange for the rest of your reward."


The man with the probe
Stulgar nods as he takes the bag of coins and does a quick check. "Thank you, and we shall return soon with what you seek."

He looks at his companions. "We should buy any suplies we may need, and then split the rest. Let's make a list."

Food - How much do we need?
Rope - I have some, need more?
Lights - Sunrods? Torches? Lamps? We need any more?
Water - Need any?


First Post
"If we aren't too much in a hurry, I could try to write down some scroll that could be usefull. If it is an old place, we aren't sure to understand all document we fall on. I would like to produce a scroll that allow us to read such text. The magical trap deisgning of my family have extended use that could help us here." suggest Kharas.

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