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Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]


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Ahki has:
Rope+Grappling Hook
1 bottle of alchemist fire

Sadly, no torch, the staple of all adventures! :heh:

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Del (Mordin the Dwarf)

"Indeed," Mordin rumbled. He had never been in that particular section of town. What sort of troubles lay in those abandoned corridors that would be worth so much? "Rope. Food. Maybe one of them magical rods that lights up but don't burn. If we hold off a few hours, I can ask around, see what my friends know 'bout that part o' Sharn."


The man with the probe
"Tis probably wise Mordin, knowing what we might expect down there," Stulgar says.

Food doesn't seem to be a big worry.
We have at least 2 ropes and graples
a sun rod or two per person?

Kharas, Siobhan, Weapon, any thoughts on what we need?[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the others start talking about equipment, the tactical part of Weapon engages. It is during this time that he temporarily forgets his concerns about entropy and decay. "Fire. The deceased human thinker mentioned that. Thus, some means of producing it. Alchemist fire or torches. Light and rope as mentioned. I have a fully functional battering ram. If something is stored and secured, traps are to be expected. Thus, a means for dealing with them."


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]As Kharas has told, a scroll of Comprehend Language would be nice, as that place seems old and we can fall on languages that has evolved just like the house Cannith symbol. But I am not sure how good this investment would be, as only Kharas can use it with his UMD and he is only at +5.[/SBLOCK]


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stonegod said:
" If something is stored and secured, traps are to be expected. Thus, a means for dealing with them."

"Traps and locks I can handle. My charmin' personality isn't th' only thing that's kept me alive over the years."


First Post
"What? Sorry lad, but locks and traps is my speciality. My family have been the one who have put the most lock and tarps in all the dwarven banks, and I am the natural heir of my family. I'll handle that or it will mean I'll be unconscious again." tells Kharas, before pourring another mug of ale that he drink half in one shot.


ooc: I'll let you guys come up with a list of equipment to purchase, you can find what you need at any number of places. The only time pressure is the agents of the Lord of Blades, but who knows how much they know.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]So, the list:
- Light for most folks (Weapon's weapon are two handed). Weapon has several sunrods for himself already
- Fire: A few alchemist fires or torches? Preferences?
- Maybe a scroll of comp. lang? Though only one person can use it. There are human ruins and I don't recall their being an ancient Eberron form of common.
- Food and water does not seem to be a problem.[/sblock]


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Del (Mordin the Dwarf)

Mordin shrugs, his hands spreading in an encompassing gesture. "I dinna mean t'offend you. If yer family be that sorta engineer, I'm more'n willin' to let you to take the lead. My experience is more practical th'n theoretical." The rotund dwarf looks at the rest of the group, eyeing each in turn.

"I don' think we be needing all that much. Shall we make our purchases and then check this place out? I fancy bein' back quickly, and the longer we wait, the more likely this Lord o' Blades will get in our way."

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