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Pathfinder APs in 5E


So, when looking at handing out treeausre from Pathfinder modules, I'd hand out a 1/0th the money from APs up to level 10. Half from levels 11-16. And regular treasure from 17+ (for the three APs that get that high).

I was using Paizo APs and handing out the listed treasure. At no point did the PCs have anything like official PF WBL, as far as I can tell - not when running Crimson Throne in Pathfinder, not when running Shattered Star + Runelords in 5e.

I'm guessing maybe most of the nominal wealth in the APs was tied up in magic items*, not cash & gems, and that they were not being sold for the official sale amounts, which AIR is half the purchase cost.

*Mostly rings of protection was my impression!

Edit: For converting '+' items PF to 5e I go with:
+1 = +1
+2 & +3 = +2
+4 & +5 = +3

I found that the vast majority of '+' items (weapons, armour) were +1. At higher levels these would get lots of special powers added on that I might remove some or all of.

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I am going to go out on a limb and guess not a few people who like Pathfinder APs on this board prefer the 5E ruleset for play at the table.

If you fit into that category, I am curious which Pathfinder APs you have run (or played in) using 5E. Also, how did it go? Did you convert on the fly or do a bunch of prep work? Where did it break down or get difficult, if at all? Would you do it again? And if you have run multiples, which ones worked best?


I do this since I started 5e.

I have run Giantslayer and currently half way through book 3 of Rise of the RuneLords.

The trick is re-skinning everything. Meaning keep all the images of the creatures the same and find creatures that are close to what you need it to be.

Today I ran the an encounter with the Black Magga in the town of Turtleback Ferry, the creature looks like the lockness monster on the body of a octopus, it is huge in size.
I used Kobold fight club, found the Froghemoth from volo's guide, aded more hit points to make it a CR 11 instead of 10 and here is how you sell it.

Describe everything the creature does as the image it is supposed to be.

I kept the Froghemoth the same but bumped HP's by 20 and gave the bite a 10ft reach as the black magga has a long neck.
The tongue attack I described it as a fifth tentacle as it has 8 anyway.

So they fought a Frogthemoth but every description was for the black magga, very simple.

If you run an AP with many Orcs and Ogres, which I changed half the Ogres in book 3 to Orcs in Rise of the Runelords as one of my players is a half orc and had to work in his background he wrote up buy this PDF's
Nerzugal's Extended Bestiary
Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde

Black Magga
Black Magga.jpg


As for Magic you have to follow the Xanathar's guide to placing magic items, I like to give more one shot items and have now stolen the trinket idea from Pathfinder 2e so that fighty classes have more one shot items.
I use many potions, scrolls and items that burn out. I also have my players make a list of magic items they want from each category (common,uncommon,rare,etc...) and that is what I give them as the game goes on.

All that matters is description.
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I was using Paizo APs and handing out the listed treasure. At no point did the PCs have anything like official PF WBL, as far as I can tell - not when running Crimson Throne in Pathfinder, not when running Shattered Star + Runelords in 5e.

I'm guessing maybe most of the nominal wealth in the APs was tied up in magic items*, not cash & gems, and that they were not being sold for the official sale amounts, which AIR is half the purchase cost.

*Mostly rings of protection was my impression!

Edit: For converting '+' items PF to 5e I go with:
+1 = +1
+2 & +3 = +2
+4 & +5 = +3

I found that the vast majority of '+' items (weapons, armour) were +1. At higher levels these would get lots of special powers added on that I might remove some or all of.
So many of the +# items in Pathfinder used by NPCs are just math patches to make the numbers work. I'd skip most of them. Anything that doesn't have a special power doesn't need to exist in a 5e update.

As far as wealth by level is concerned, the PCs are expected to keep a lot of the treasure adding its full price rather than selling it for half. And they're really expected to be crafting as well. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Not every AP is as good as they should be for matching Wealth By Level.
I ran the PF Rise of the Runelords, and the PCs were pretty close to Wealth By Level.


Reskin monsters - good idea. Personally I just made Black Magga a Kraken and the PCs were glad they subverted the AP by immediately going to (spoiler) the dam and fixing it before she could reach (spoiler) Turtleback Ferry and trash the place. :)

Re +1 items - in 5e it makes sense to remove most of the Rare +1 armours but keep many of the Uncommon +1 weapons and shields.


When we were playing Pathfinder rules, I ran 10 of the first 12 AP's to completion. My Sunday crew really likes Golarion, but were so fatigued from the rule set. So currently I'm running them through Wrath of the Righteous using 5e, and it's great. I have no problem doing monster converts if needed and the magic hoards I just tone down. They're having a blast.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️


I’ve never done it, but I have considered it before as a possible “gateway drug” for my regular Pathfinder group. :)


I am going to go out on a limb and guess not a few people who like Pathfinder APs on this board prefer the 5E ruleset for play at the table.

If you fit into that category, I am curious which Pathfinder APs you have run (or played in) using 5E. Also, how did it go? Did you convert on the fly or do a bunch of prep work? Where did it break down or get difficult, if at all? Would you do it again? And if you have run multiples, which ones worked best?


I like Paizo I like Golarion and I like their APs. I don't like playing them with the Pathfinder rules although we had fun with some of the earlier ones a few years ago. Rather than run a whole AP though I often seal a map, encounter or idea from them.

i did pick up some tricks from Pathfinder APs though that IMHO made me a better DM. For example the little side missions in Kingmaker that tied back to the exploration part of the AP such as encountering the Roc and an NPC who wanted you to find Roc eggs to make an omelette.
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