Pathfinder Comes To Fantasy Grounds & d20Pro

If you're like me, you probably thought that Fantasy Grounds and d20 Pro (both virtual tabletops) already had official Pathfinder content. Fantasy Grounds already has official D&D content, and other games. Apparently that was not the case, as Paizo has just announced that Pathfinder is now on both. Roll20, probably the world's largest VTT, is notably absent, but perhaps that's coming? "Paizo Inc., publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, announces today agreements with Mesa Mundi Inc. and SmiteWorks to deliver official Pathfinder RPG content to millions of gamers through their leading virtual tabletops, D20PRO and Fantasy Grounds, respectively." Anyhow, here's the full announcement.

If you're like me, you probably thought that Fantasy Grounds and d20 Pro (both virtual tabletops) already had official Pathfinder content. Fantasy Grounds already has official D&D content, and other games. Apparently that was not the case, as Paizo has just announced that Pathfinder is now on both. Roll20, probably the world's largest VTT, is notably absent, but perhaps that's coming? "Paizo Inc., publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, announces today agreements with Mesa Mundi Inc. and SmiteWorks to deliver official Pathfinder RPG content to millions of gamers through their leading virtual tabletops, D20PRO and Fantasy Grounds, respectively." Anyhow, here's the full announcement.


Paizo Inc., publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, announces today agreements with Mesa Mundi Inc. and SmiteWorks to deliver official Pathfinder RPG content to millions of gamers through their leading virtual tabletops, D20PRO and Fantasy Grounds, respectively.

"I am a long time fan of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and I am excited to begin working with Paizo to release official content," says SmiteWorks' president Doug Davison. "We believe that Fantasy Grounds already does a great job supporting the game system with many tools to help automate the game, share maps, track combat and speed up DM prep both at the table and online. I am ecstatic that we can now share the great adventure paths, with modules soon and monthly releases next year."

Says Tobias Drewry, CEO of Mesa Mundi, Inc., "Adding officially licensed Pathfinder material to D20PRO tops many of our users' wish lists. D20PRO already offers deep support for the Pathfinder system, including automated combat and effects, skills, spells, movement and more. We are thrilled to level this up with the addition of Paizo's rich library of official content."

Doug Davison also said, separately:

"We had a big announcement for my game company (SmiteWorks) today. Pathfinder is one of the remaining large RPG gaming properties that we still had left to secure and we just signed a license agreement with them that was years in the making. I began working on this deal in 2009 when I first bought SmiteWorks and the persistence has finally paid off.

While it makes great news for our business, on a personal level, this gives me a chance to work on yet another brand and property that I greatly admire and for a game that I've played many, many times. I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to work with the fine folks at Wizards of the Coast for Dungeons & Dragons, Pinnacle Entertainment Games for Savage Worlds, Chaosium, Green Ronin, AAW Games, Troll Lord Games, numerous smaller independent companies and artists and now Paizo for their Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Now I just need Star Wars, Marvel and Games Workshop."

Fantasy Grounds is also working on a WOIN ruleset for its VTT.

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Very cool. Glad for them, while there is a bit of anti Roll20 stuff floating around on the smiteworks forums from time to time I do like the community and developers in general.

As someone who has spent 6 months with fantasy grounds 5e and has spent 3 years on roll20 (various systems, started with pathfinder)
As a DM I like fantasy grounds so much more, but due to a few niggles I would probably still recommend Roll20 to a majority of people. This will probably change after the unity version of fantasy grounds releases though.

Not only Pathfinder, but Fantasy Grounds also released the Call of Cthulhu 7e ruleset today. Smiteworks has long been the leader in cracking open the market for officially licensed content. If you like another VTT, then you still get the benefit of the market opening up. probably thought that Fantasy Grounds and d20 Pro (both virtual tabletops) already had official Pathfinder content. Fantasy Grounds already has official D&D content...
Fantasy grounds has had a ruleset (i.e game mechanics) and OGL content for PF for years. But, Paizo has never been willing, until now, to actually license official content.

As for Roll20, their is a quote from the CEO of Paizo something like 'just be patient' or such. So, it sounds like Roll20 is coming as well.

As for Shadowrun and Twilight 2000, contact the publishers as they are no doubt the holdouts to a licensing arrangement. But, in the meantime, both can already be played on FG. As mentioned, Shadowrun 7E ruleset was just released and Twighlight2000 can be played on FG using the CoreRPG or MoreCore Rulesets.

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