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[Pathfinder] [OOC] DarkSun game


Tempting. I don't think I've played a psychic warrior before. Or a half-giant. Hmm.

I'm coming back from vacation and have more work waiting for me than I expected and will take a little while to get back in pbp but I'm definitely tempted.

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First Post
Is there any online information on the campaign setting? I'd love to join, but don't know much about the setting and since it seems to be quite far from the standard D&D worlds, I'd have to know more about it.

Walking Dad

First Post
Very very tempting. If I wasn't full into my moving preparations I'd try putting a character together. As is I won't be able to even contemplate doing so until next week. :erm:
No, problem. Looks like this is only slow filling...

very cool, haven't seen much of Athas since wow.. 2e, wish I had the time, but I'm waiting to see wether a few other games get off the ground and don't wanna spread myself further than I have time to post with
Understood. Perhaps you will have a bit time later.

What are the methods for ability scores, hp, and starting steel?

BTW, I'm thinking psionically (so to speak).

Though I hate the 10-min rest rule - healing arrow wounds in 10 min and all reminds me of 4e - I should ask, how does it interact with psionics?
Pathfinder heroic 20 pts buy.
No starting equipment (you will start in medias res on a slave transport :devil:).
Full HP for first, haf Hit die +1 after ( d10 = 6)
I think I can ditch the ten min rest. But many abilities (bard, barbarian) are rounds per day!
And, all characters will start with a psionic bonus feat.

Will include all this informations above.

Tempting. I don't think I've played a psychic warrior before. Or a half-giant. Hmm.

I'm coming back from vacation and have more work waiting for me than I expected and will take a little while to get back in pbp but I'm definitely tempted.
Will wait for you ;)

Is there any online information on the campaign setting? I'd love to join, but don't know much about the setting and since it seems to be quite far from the standard D&D worlds, I'd have to know more about it.
Just saw that the wiki is down. You can use these links:
Dark Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main Page - The unofficial Dark Sun wiki

There is also a great pdf on athas.org:


With this GREAT bunch of players you[ve got so far, WD, all I can say is, SIGN MY BUTT UP!! I'm also intrigued by finally being able to play alongisde kinem, as we have only DMed for each other up to now.

Character: I'm thinking a Mul Cleric of Lightning? (But am I right that the favored weapon for this is star knife? hmmm, he'll probably stick with a mace, if possible.)


First Post
Hum... Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass on this one, since I'm new to bost PbP and Dark Sun. A big unfortunately, since it seems an interesting setting, and I WILL keep a close eye as an observer.


Hum... Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass on this one, since I'm new to bost PbP and Dark Sun. A big unfortunately, since it seems an interesting setting, and I WILL keep a close eye as an observer.

I don't see why being new to either should stop you. You'll pick up PBP soon enough, and this is as good a game to start with as any. And if you don't want to read too much background info, just make a PC who is fairly ignorant.


I don't see why being new to either should stop you. You'll pick up PBP soon enough, and this is as good a game to start with as any. And if you don't want to read too much background info, just make a PC who is fairly ignorant.
Yeah, WD, you'd better sign me up for a "fairly ignorant" pc. Dark Sun came out while I was on my extended hiatus from D&D, so I know nothing of it. I'm not averse to reading background info, but I'm not sure how much good that will do me, really. :erm:


First Post
Here we go. I'm not an experienced Dark Sun player, but I waded through what info I could find- let me know if anything in the background is off. Would you have any objection if I was gunning for the Psionic Monk PrC found in Prestige Class Compendium 1 on athas.org?

Ghazi- N mul Psychic Warrior 3

Strength: 16 +3
Dexterity: 14 +2
Constitution: 16 +3
Intelligence: 10 +0
Wisdom: 13 +1
Charisma: 10 +0

HP: 34

AC: 12 (10 +2 Dex)

Base attack bonus: +3
Melee attack: +6
Ranged attack: +5

Unarmed strike +7 melee 1d3+3 bludgeoning, 20/x2 crit

Fort +6
Ref +3
Will +2

Autohypnosis 3 ranks, +3 class, +1 Wis, +7 total [Note: I am presuming that this is the skill used to gain psionic focus]
Perception 1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis, +5 total
Survival 2 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 total

Simple Weapons Proficiency
Martial Weapons Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency
Improved Unarmed Strike
Psionic Fist
Latent Power
Weapon Focus (Unarmed)
Scorpion Style

Racial traits:
Darkvision 60 ft
Darven Blood
Extended Activity
Ignore Pain (Nonlethal DR 1/-)
Speaks Common

Favored Class: Psychic Warrior

Power points/day:

Powers known:
Inertial Armor
Offensive Precognition
Pulverizing Blows (Claws of the Beast variant, discussed)
Dissipating Touch

Appearence: Ghazi is tall, well-muscled, and of intimidating physique, like many other mul. Unlike them, he has a glint of intelligence and self-confidence in his eye, not the beaten dimness or stupid hostility displayed by many others of his kind. He is also quite young, for a free mul.

Personality: Along with physical traits, Ghazi seems to have inherited the best in the psyches of both his parent races. He combines the focus of a dwarf with the polymath tendencies of a human to throw himself fully into whatever challenge he faces.

All mul are, of course, born into slavery. The slower and weaker of them are put to simple manual labor, but the destiny of those unfortunate enough to be born healthy and strong is to be thrown into the gladiatorial pits. Those doubly unfortunate happen to be born in Draj; their bloodsports regularly vie to top all others in sheer quantinty of blood and cruelty.
Ghazi was born a very strong mul in an outlying suburb of Draj, and so he faced his fate early. An unusually large 'crop' of mul suitable for battle was born in Draj one year; rather than waste the cream of that crop on manual labor, a templar of Tectuktitlay put a plan into motion of unusual cruelty even for the high standards of that city. When they reached the age of just ten years old, he announced that Tectuktitlay hungered for younger sacrifices, and set up a series of special exhibition matches pitting mul children against an equal number of captured halfling raiders.
Some avoided the new matches, but many flocked to them, and what had begun as mere spectacle became an expected part of Draj's games. As the surviving mul children became more and more skilled, their death rate tapered off, the children began to enjoy a few of the perks of victorious gladiators, and for a brief time Ghazi enjoyed a few glimmers of happiness.
Then the crowds began to thin and grow restless at the letup in the bloodletting, and the templars began giving the mul fewer and fewer weapons in their matches with the halflings. The deaths began again, everyone around Ghazi falling as the weapons they learned to rely on were taken away from them one by one; only he managed to adapt, fighting as well with his fists as another might with the best of weapons. Two years and countless pointless spillages of blood later, there were only two of the original child warriors remaining; Ghazi and Tlatoani, a powerful psion who had survived by forging his mind itself into a weapon.
When they were pitted against each other, Ghazi was saddened but not surprised. He had a quiet talk with Tlatoani, and the next morning appeared in the arena in full traditional gladiator gear, as did Tlatoani. The audience saw them wage a titanic battle, muscle pitted against mind, with spectacular blasts and armies of astral constructs countered with incredible aerial maneuvers and single-mindedly vicious blows. As they fought, their captors began to sweat; neither of them had demonstrated that kind of power in any of their prior matches...would they be able to keep the winner of this clash of titans once the battle was over? The fight built to a crescendo, Ghazi battering through the astral legions of Tlatoani to face him one-on-one....
And then the illusion vanished.
By the time the guards had fully realized what happened, Ghazi and Tlatoani were both well on their way to Tyr on the fastest mounts they could find. They eventually parted ways when Tlatoani found a job as part of a Templar's retinue in Balic, and he continued to wander until again captured and put on the slave ship that kicks off the campaign.
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