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Paths of Legend: Paths of Madness (IC)


First Post
"It's here" Shard whispers in a choked half-sob. "Maulmat is here. It's too late to run now."

The roiling white smokey substance abruptly contracts inward into a distinct, if bizarre, shape. A headless, barrel-chested thing with squat, thick legs and outrageously oversized arms with hands the size of small casks on the end. Its skin is a pallid white, except where two black eyes peer out, each one in the spot that a nipple would normally be.

Lacking a mouth, it works in eerie silence as it trundles between the two guards and throws a single looping punch with all the force of a mace!

Meanwhile Shard recognizes that Maulmat is a bit outnumbered out there, and is fighting alone, more or less. She makes a cat's cradle out of her fingers and concentrates, imagining ghostly spiders skittering and chittering just out of sight all around the guard in front of Dremis' cell.

Strange filaments of shimmering white thread fade into existence all around that guard, and start to weave around him! He has only one chance to avoid the strands of sticky 'silk' that seems to follow him as he tries to get away!

(Ectoplasmic Cocoon on the guard outside Dremis' cell. Reflex save DC 17 to avoid, otherwise he will be bound up tight and helpless, unable to see or speak or move for 6 rounds.)

(Astral Construct III, with the Cleave and Trip options. Attacking the guard attacking Evan.
To hit: 19
Damage: 9
Roll Lookup
Trip roll: 9 (Guard must beat this with a Str check, or fall prone in square)
Roll Lookup )

Construct Stats:
Hit points: 36
AC: 20
Saves: +1 Fort, +3 Ref, +1 Will
Cleave: If target falls to an attack, it may make another attack against an adjacent enemy as a free action.
Trip: If slam hits, it may make a Trip attempt as a free action against the target without a touch attack or provoking an AoO. If the trip fails, the target does not get a chance to try to trip in return.

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First Post
Guard Reflex save (1d20+3=20)

Panic stricken, the guard manages to evade the ectoplasm out of sheer adrenaline.

The guard with the key is not so fortunate as he lands hard on the floor after the astral construct's attack. The key skitters out of his grasp, arriving at Dace's feet.

OOC: Next action - Xoan

[sblock=Initiative Order for Reference]Initiative Order

24 - Dremis (Rathan)
20 - Dead Guy (Ambrus)
20 - Dace (Myth and Legend)
17 - Evan (Jemal)
17 - Varon (Vox Fini)
15 - Steise (RelentlessImp)
15 - Bree (Tailspinner)
13 - 5 Guards
11 - Nameless Duergar (Voda Vosa)
10 - Seventeen (ethandrew)
6 - Shard + Astral Construct (Shayuri)
4 - Xoan (pneumatik)
3 - Grellus (GlassEye)
3 - The Creature (Vertexx69)[/sblock]
[sblock=DM Screen]Guards hp = 27

Guard 1 (Evan's cell) - 40 damage (nonlethal), unconscious
Guard 2 (Dace's cell) - 18 damage (nonlethal), 5 damage
Guard 3 (Dremis's cell) - 12 damage[/sblock]
Guard 4 (Evan's cell) - 9 damage

| 0███████████████
| 1| | |o|O|o| | |
| 2| | |o|O|o| | |
| 3| | | | | | | |
| 4| |M| | | | | |
| 5| | | | | | | |
| 6| | | | | | | |
| 7| | | | | | | |
| 8| | | | | | | |
| 9| | | | | | | |
|10| | | | | |G|G|
|11| | | | | |G|G|
|12| |s| | | |X| |
|13| | | | | | | |
|14| |Q| | | |7| |
|15| | | | | | | |
|16| |S| | | |B| |
|17| | | | | | | |
|18| |d|g| | |V| |
|19| | | |C|E| | |
|20|D|D|g|k|g| | |
|21|D|D| | | | | |
|22| | | | | | | |

Oo = Oubliette entrance (barred trapdoor in floor, 10 feet square, situated in the center of the hall taking up the middle square and half of each square to either side) [Ambrus's character is 5 ft. below the trap door.]

The two far left columns and the two far right columns are 10 foot square cells starting in row 21. For reference and because he is Large size, Dace occupies his entire cell and is the first cell on the lefthand side.

D = Dace
E = Evan
d = Dremis
V = Varon
S = Steise
B = Bree
Q = Nameless Duergar
7 = Seventeen
s = Shard
C = Astral Construct
X = Xoan
G = Grellus
M = Screeching Bug Thing (in an isolation cell, there is another isolation cell across the hall, but it is currently empty).
g = Guards
k = Guard with Key


The 8th Evil Sage
Xoan keeps his eyes on what's going on near the entrance to the prison. "Get the key! Let us out!" he shouts. Otherwise, he waits.

[sblock="Xoan's Status"]Initial Armor: +7 armor bonus to AC for 7 hours.
Detect hostile intent: 30ft radius for 1 hour
Remaining PP: 23
Reamining HP: +1 temp[/sblock]

Myth and Legend

First Post
Dace heard the rattling of a metal object near his cell and looked around to see what it was. "Key! It KEY! Must get key!" However the human guard was still wiggling in his grasp, making it impossible for the large Minotaur to reach over and retrieve the item.

[sblock]Dace has acted already this round, as far as i know there is nothing he can do to get the key until next round right?[/sblock]


Guest 11456

OOC: Make a Disguise check, with the +10 bonus provided by the spell, to see how convincing it is.

OOC: Disguise (1d20+10=18) Actually 23.

[sblock]Thanks Jemal. I totally missed that I had ranks in Disguise. It is 5 ranks. 4 cross-class ranks from 5 levels of monk and 1 rank from one level of assassin.[/sblock]
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Tailspinner, don't forget that the +10 from the spell is in ADDITION to your normal skill (Your sheet says +5, so you'd have a total of +15, for a 23 check).
Edit: Actually, I think it should be +4 not +5, b/c you have 4 ranks and I don't see where the additional +1 is from, as you have a 10 charisma.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Next actions - Grellus is up, followed by Dremis, the Dead guy, Dace, Evan, Varon, Steise, and Bree ("The Creature's" action is already posted). I'll be posting a Round summary and the guards action on the next update. Anyone listed above who hasn't posted their action will be assumed to be holding action.

[sblock=Initiative Order for Reference]Initiative Order

24 - Dremis (Rathan)
20 - Dead Guy (Ambrus)
20 - Dace (Myth and Legend)
17 - Evan (Jemal)
17 - Varon (Vox Fini)
15 - Steise (RelentlessImp)
15 - Bree (Tailspinner)
13 - 5 Guards
11 - Nameless Duergar (Voda Vosa)
10 - Seventeen (ethandrew)
6 - Shard + Astral Construct (Shayuri)
4 - Xoan (pneumatik)
3 - Grellus (GlassEye)
3 - The Creature (Vertexx69)[/sblock]
[sblock=DM Screen]Guards hp = 27

Guard 1 (Evan's cell) - 40 damage (nonlethal), unconscious
Guard 2 (Dace's cell) - 18 damage (nonlethal), 5 damage
Guard 3 (Dremis's cell) - 12 damage
Guard 4 (Evan's cell) - 9 damage[/sblock]

| 0███████████████
| 1| | |o|O|o| | |
| 2| | |o|O|o| | |
| 3| | | | | | | |
| 4| |M| | | | | |
| 5| | | | | | | |
| 6| | | | | | | |
| 7| | | | | | | |
| 8| | | | | | | |
| 9| | | | | | | |
|10| | | | | |G|G|
|11| | | | | |G|G|
|12| |s| | | |X| |
|13| | | | | | | |
|14| |Q| | | |7| |
|15| | | | | | | |
|16| |S| | | |B| |
|17| | | | | | | |
|18| |d|g| | |V| |
|19| | | |C|E| | |
|20|D|D|g|k|g| | |
|21|D|D| | | | | |
|22| | | | | | | |

Oo = Oubliette entrance (barred trapdoor in floor, 10 feet square, situated in the center of the hall taking up the middle square and half of each square to either side) [Ambrus's character is 5 ft. below the trap door.]

The two far left columns and the two far right columns are 10 foot square cells starting in row 21. For reference and because he is Large size, Dace occupies his entire cell and is the first cell on the lefthand side.

D = Dace
E = Evan
d = Dremis
V = Varon
S = Steise
B = Bree
Q = Nameless Duergar
7 = Seventeen
s = Shard
C = Astral Construct
X = Xoan
G = Grellus
M = Screeching Bug Thing (in an isolation cell, there is another isolation cell across the hall, but it is currently empty).
g = Guards
k = Guard with Key


Grellus squints into the darkness and watches the combat unfold. He waits. Hopefully someone will come within reach or open the cages...

[sblock=ooc]Ready action to grab guard if one comes within range. You can assume that will be my action each round until a guard comes near or someone uses the key and he can begin battering his way out.[/sblock]


Evan grabs at the fallen guards stun-stick, knowing that his movements open him to attack, but knowing too that he can take it. Finally armed, he straightens and grins at the remaining guard in his cell "Lets see how you like these things."

5'step to the downed guard, move action to pick up the weapon (Provoking an AoO I believe), And then Hideous Blow with it.
Attack; damage; Electrical (1d20+8=13, 4d6+4=12, 1d6=1) AC 13 for 12 dmg + 1 electrical. Unless the weapon is a 'light' weapon, add an additional 2 damage from strength for wielding it two-handed. (Not sure on the weapon stats, just used a base d6 and d6 electrical b/c that's what the guards were rolling vs me)
AC 12, HP 45 (11 Nonlethal damage), DR 5/Cold Iron

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