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Paths of Legend - Tragedy at Silvergard (Vol 2)

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Valen moves stealthily alongside Aleera, his bow at the ready. He whispers to her as they go. "Let us try and take them by ambuscade, lass."


If his guide is heading for the secret tunnel, William follows. Otherwise he stops for a moment, calling out and asking her about it.


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crazy_monkey1956 said:

The elves bid Corath farewell, the lead elf giving her a word of caution, "Aleera is one of the few survivors of the Darkwood. If there are orcs about, she may indeed abandon reason."

Another couple of days of walking both night and day brings Corath onto a narrow mountain trail.

Up ahead she sees two potential paths to follow. One that appears to lead down, possibly into a valley of some sort, though the cliffs block her view of it, and another that leads up into the cliffs themselves.

Hmmm. We were told that Silvergard was on a plateau in the mountains. The others likely followed the mountain paths. With that thought, Corath's decision is made. She turns onto the path leading into the cliffs and continues on.


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The collective poking and prodding of the cliff face proves mostly fruitless, except for the alchemist and the dwarf. Alaric manages to find faint, unnatural looking lines in the stone. Muzdum's dwarven stonecunning helps him find an opening mechanism that serves to open the secret door framed by the lines Alaric found.

The door, making the noise of rock scraping against rock, opens into a dark, narrow tunnel. Muzdum and Norali find that the tunnel is about right for them, but the others, especially Aohdan, realize that if they enter the tunnel, it will be uncomfortably cramped and closed in.

Johen senses something...from the Dagger. Something is coming...something it wants.

Meanwhile, William's guide ushers him onward, a sense of urgency evident in her pace. The tunnel is cramped and narrow, full of narrow stairs leading downward. Finally, the darkness parts once again, this time due to some sort of door opening at the end of the long tunnel he finds himself in. He sees humanoid figures backlit by the sun, framed in the opening.

Corath rounds a bend in the mountain trail and comes upon a stark cliff face. Further up the trail she sees a group clustered around a strange opening in the cliffside. It's hard to make out details, but she is fairly certain that the horse shape at the back of the group is actually a centaur...and she's only ever seen one centaur in her entire existence.

Confronting the Orcs

Aleera's smiles the smile of the skilled knife in the dark, "There is no other way more satisfying," she says to Valen as she moves silently among the stunted mountain trees toward her prey.

OOC: Hide and Move Silently checks for Valen please.

Aleera Hide; Move Silently (1d20+9=26, 1d20+9=21)

[sblock=Orcs Listen and Spot checks]Orc Warriors Listen checks (1d20+1=11, 1d20+1=19, 1d20+1=12, 1d20+1=21, 1d20+1=11, 1d20+1=11, 1d20+1=12, 1d20+1=21, 1d20+1=10, 1d20+1=6)

Orc Warriors Spot checks (1d20+1=13, 1d20+1=11, 1d20+1=3, 1d20+1=20, 1d20+1=6, 1d20+1=14, 1d20+1=11, 1d20+1=10, 1d20+1=10, 1d20+1=12) [/sblock]
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Johen's face shows signs of satisfaction as the meccanism is revealed and activated. But soon a strange feeling fills his mind making him worry about his own safety. Could it be the dark and narrow corridors? No.. the.. Dagger! he thinks.

He steps back and immediately puts his hand on the Dagger to check it. He says: "Some.. something is coming our way, and it's after the Dagger!!!"

He looks at the Dagger, searching for some kind of confirmation, then steps further back from the entrance, readying his shortpear.


"Hold there, whoever you are, We mean you no harm." Sir William steps out into the light. He is still recognizable, but the changes he's gone through are apparent. So long spent underground, and his ordeal with his love before, have left his skin pale, his eyes hollow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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