PATRONS of the MONSTROUS ARTS [Official Thread]

I'm not planning on it, and I don't think it's that necessary either.

The biggest change for the TB monster book is formatting and layout. I'm hoping people - regardless of the d20 system they play - will be blown away by it and find it very useful.

As far as mechanics go, the biggest changes/additions to the monster stat blocks are Combat Maneuver Bonus and Defense, Combat Reactions, and full attack.

If you don't use CMB/CMD, you can just use the CMB entry for grapple checks. It should be essentially the same in most cases. Simple. And if you don't use Combat Reactions, just ignore that line.

TB changes the number of attacks a creature gets with a full attack. In the TB monster book, the full attack sequence will be listed with an "or": +12 or +10/+10 for example. So the creature can take a single attack at +12 or two at +10.

But remember, a creature only gets additional attacks if they use manufactured weapons so I don't think even this is a big issue.

Hope that helps!

It does. Thanks! Lookin' forward to the book!

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Quick Update:

I've been busy moving over the past couple of weeks, but the workstation is unpacked and back in order, so I'm hoping to grind out a lot of progress this weekend (including several more substantial supplemental chapters GlassJaw just sent over...)

Quick Update:

I've been busy moving over the past couple of weeks, but the workstation is unpacked and back in order, so I'm hoping to grind out a lot of progress this weekend (including several more substantial supplemental chapters GlassJaw just sent over...)


Just to add a little bit to what Wulf said - the bulk of the book is "written". That includes the stat blocks, definitions of terms, glossary/special abilties, and sections on types, subtypes, monster races, etc.

The biggest section that is still in the works is monster and NPC advancement and customization. I sent the outline of what I'd like to include to Wulf so that's the biggest thing now on our plate.

Once that's done, I'll start work on to the patronage monsters because that relies on the monster customization system.

Just to add a little bit to what Wulf said - the bulk of the book is "written". That includes the stat blocks, definitions of terms, glossary/special abilties, and sections on types, subtypes, monster races, etc.

The biggest section that is still in the works is monster and NPC advancement and customization. I sent the outline of what I'd like to include to Wulf so that's the biggest thing now on our plate.

Once that's done, I'll start work on to the patronage monsters because that relies on the monster customization system.

Thanx for the update, y'all. Any thoughts of the next TB project after the monster book?

Once that's done, I'll start work on to the patronage monsters because that relies on the monster customization system.
I hope you include a monster design system a la 4E. Are you familiar with Tequila Sunrise's Manual of Monster Creation? It does a good job of using a 4E monster design template for 3.x.
After being spoiled by 4E, I'm really hoping for this.

Also, I hope to see a continuation ofthe beautiful work on CR's and Encounter levels that Wulf did for Grim Tales (based on Upper Krust's work). It used to be available on, didn't it? (My copy of Grim Tales is buried in my basement...)


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