D&D 5E People didn't like the Psionic Talent Die


Well, apparently a predominant number of the players who responded to the surveys for latest Psionics playtest document have said they don't like the Psionic Talent die. They liked the ideas of the Psi Knight / Soulknife/ Psionic Soul subclasses... but having there be an all-new mechanic to learn and use was voted down quite a bit. Jeremy Crawford doesn't say the idea of the Psionic Talent die is now dead... but that they have to go back and figure out if there's a way they can do both... make psionics work more like everything else in the game (which most people apparently said they preferred), while also trying to please the populace who really enjoyed the new mechanical expression.


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but having there be an all-new mechanic to learn and use was voted down quite a bit.

DANGIT people! It was interesting! It was even that hard to learn! It's simpler than learning how to use spell slots!

make psionics work more like everything else in the game (which most people apparently said they preferred)

Why have Psionic then if it's just more boring spells shenanigans?!

I swear... all the fun stuff get downvoted by people who can't just learn a simple new rule.


Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Well, apparently a predominant number of the players who responded to the surveys for latest Psionics playtest document have said they don't like the Psionic Talent die. They liked the ideas of the Psi Knight / Soulknife/ Psionic Soul subclasses... but having there be an all-new mechanic to learn and use was voted down quite a bit. Jeremy Crawford doesn't say the idea of the Psionic Talent die is now dead... but that they have to go back and figure out if there's a way they can do both... make psionics work more like everything else in the game (which most people apparently said they preferred), while also trying to please the populace who really enjoyed the new mechanical expression.


OH cmon people! These were cool, different and super evocative!



Do what you want, I'll use the mechanic to fuel maneuvers for the base fighter, when I get to it.

Cmon! :p


Stuck in the 90s
Well, apparently a predominant number of the players who responded to the surveys for latest Psionics playtest document have said they don't like the Psionic Talent die. They liked the ideas of the Psi Knight / Soulknife/ Psionic Soul subclasses... but having there be an all-new mechanic to learn and use was voted down quite a bit. Jeremy Crawford doesn't say the idea of the Psionic Talent die is now dead... but that they have to go back and figure out if there's a way they can do both... make psionics work more like everything else in the game (which most people apparently said they preferred), while also trying to please the populace who really enjoyed the new mechanical expression.


Not surprising. In our Home games for psionics, we pretty much ignored the psionic playtests and just retrofitted Sorcerer, using the "Spell Points" options from the DMG, and it made psionics feel quite natural and intuitive. The playtest psionic material never quite meshed well with our interpretations, which admittedly were skewed from being 2E fans.


aka Ian Eller
I am not especially invested in whether 5e does something with psionics, although I will say I liked how it made the Kalashtar and Quori feel alien in Eberron as opposed to just different (if that makes sense).


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Psionics are never going to happen. Too many people want too many different things from them for any one approach to clear their satisfaction threshold.

Well, that’s not entirely true. Eventually something will be boring enough that most players are fine with it. But it’s going to be a while.

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