D&D 5E People didn't like the Psionic Talent Die

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That's why in 6e, spells and mgic rules should be in their own book. That way you can fit all the required spells at first printing.

One aspect of 5e's success has been that players aren't required to buy multiple books. The PHB has everything a player needs to join a game, and everything else is gravy. I sincerely doubt WotC is dumb enough to go back to 4e's content model.


One aspect of 5e's success has been that players aren't required to buy multiple books. The PHB has everything a player needs to join a game, and everything else is gravy. I sincerely doubt WotC is dumb enough to go back to 4e's content model.

Yes but the spells take up so much of the book that it sucked up page space from the classes.An all the spells still couldn't fit.

The most iconic spells could stay in the PHB.
The niche spells, "damage type swap" spells, and "another buff" spells could go in it's own book.. That way we can give all the spells for basic play at the start. And every class is released with at least 5 subclasses.

How you have over 70 pages of spells and slit not fit all the necessary ones in?

Voidrunner's Codex

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