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PFS #41: Crypt of Fools

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[sblock] Ugh, I can't see the map. The server at work is blocking the image. :/

ACK. Take 2 from initiative! I got the roll wrong. :p She has +0 on init.[/sblock]

Isandra moves behind Karasu and if she is at range to use her channeling (DC13), she will try to hit the creature with positive energy. If she's not close enough, she will cast Protection from Evil on Karasu.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Jalil prays fervently to the Dawnflower, asking her guidance in the coming trial. His arrow streaks through the air past his allies who are moving into the room . . .

[sblock=Actions]Initiative (1d20+6=16)


Karasu wastes little time as the door open and springs into action, moving rapidly into the chamber, making his way past the straw-filled cages. Moving just past the black formed statue in the center of the aisle he unleashes a spell towards the ghoulish figure behind the desk. The magical energy goes just wide of its mark though as the ghoulish figure finishes standing.

Jalil manages to loose a shot from the doorway and thread an arrow through the crowd ahead and land a solid blow on the figure behind the desk. The creature snarls through clenching teeth as it begins a spell of its own and points a finger at Karasu. Karasu feels waves of anxiety as he works to shake it off.

Isandra also moves quickly up, her holy symbol held prominently out as she goes. Reaching an area near Karasu she allows waves of positive energy to flow from her and out, rolling over the skeletons and ghoul ahead.

The skeletons move forward into the path between the straw-filled cages. Unable to both reach Karasu at the same time, the first closes in and swings its rusty jagged scimitar at the bird-like man. The skeleton's slash with the weapon goes well wide of its mark, failing to strikes the dodging bird-like man.

Kronk hastily drinks a potion in the doorway as he prepares for battle.


Cause Fear against Karasu, DC15 Will Save.

Party Health

Karasu: Unharmed
Jalil: Unharmed
Isandra: Unharmed
Kronk: Unharmed
Kalenth: Unharmed

Enemy Health

Dalirio Tepesh, Ghoul: Slightly Wounded
Skeleton 1: Moderately Wounded
Skeleton 2: Moderately Wounded

[sblock=Updated Map]


[sblock=Dice Rolls]
Ghoul Init -- 1d20+3=16
Skeletons Init -- 1d20+6=14
Ghoul, Will Save -- 1d20+8=25
Skeleton 1, Will Save -- 1d20+2=15
Skeleton 2, Will Save -- 1d20+2=17
Skeleton 1, Attack -- 1d20=8



First Post
Kronk moves in and throwns a bomb at the one in the middle, missing, 1 is north, then clockwise, hitting the one in front with splash, and thus all three receive 4 fire splash damage and can save for half.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Having gotten off his first shot, Jalil takes a moment for another prayer to Sarenrae. The Dawnflower's warm embrace flows from her Servant, enveloping all of Her allies with Her confidence and grace. (OOC: +1 Attack and Saves vs. Fear for everyone. 2 Minutes should get us through the whole fight with some left over ;))

[sblock=Actions]Cast Bless.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]
Jalil Khoury
Male Half-Elf Inquisitor 2
NG Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +12
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 15 (2d8+2); Judgement of Sacred Healing 1
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7
Defensive Abilities Judgement of Sacred Protection +1; DR Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic; Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities, Judgement of Sacred Purity +1, Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2 (Cold)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Cestus +4 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Masterwork Scimitar +5 (1d6+1/18-20/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +1) +5 (1d8+1/x3)
Special Attacks Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1, Judgement of Sacred Justice +1, Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1, Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Alignment (At will)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 2, +4 melee touch, +4 ranged touch):
1 (3/day) Shield of Faith (DC 14), Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14)
0 (at will) Resistance (DC 13), Disrupt Undead, Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Cosmopolitan (Knowledge [local], Linguistics), Skill Focus (Perception) (Adaptability)
Traits Armor Expert, Elven Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics -1, Bluff +5, Climb -1, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +5, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +12, Profession (Guide) +7, Ride -1, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +3, Survival +7, Swim -1 Modifiers Monster Lore
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish, Osiriani, Thassilonian
SQ Elf Blood, Fire Bolt (1d6+1) (6/day), Inquisitor Domain: Fire, Judgement (1/day), Track +1
Combat Gear Arrows (20), Arrows, Blunt (20), Cestus, Masterwork Agile Breastplate, Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +1), Masterwork Scimitar; Other Gear Alchemist's Fire Flask, Backpack (8 @ 7 lbs), Chalk, 1 piece (5), Fishhook, Flint and steel, Lantern, hooded, Oil (1-pint flask) (3), Rations, trail (per day) (2), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Sack (7 @ 6 lbs)
Alchemist's Fire Flask - 0/1
Arrows - 10/20
Arrows, Blunt - 0/20
Fire Bolt (1d6+1) (6/day) (Sp) - 1/6
Judgement (1/day) (Su) - 1/1
Rations, trail (per day) - 0/2
Special Abilities
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Elf Blood You are counted as both elven and human for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Fire Bolt (1d6+1) (6/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+1 Fire damage.
Inquisitor Domain: Fire Granted Powers: You can call forth fire, command creatures of the inferno, and your flesh does not burn.
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Sacred Healing 1 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Sacred Justice +1 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Sacred Protection +1 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Sacred Purity +1 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2 (Cold) (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.

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Karasu brushes off the waves of anxiety as they leave his body nearly as quickly as he felt them come on. He presses forward with an attack on the skeleton before him, making a vicious slash with his scimitar which glances off the skeleton to no effect.

Jalil seeing the situation unfold quickly calls for blessings from the Dawnflower and radiates his goddess' blessing across the other party members.

The ghoul hisses as it again tries to send waves of anxiety over Karasu at the front of the battle. The ghoul remains behind its desk, commanding the skeleton to press their attack.

Isandra lets another wave of energy flow from her sending it over the undead before her as she keeps her holy symbol in grasp. The skeleton in front of Karasu shatters, crumbling to dust on the floor in a spray of bone dust. The second skeleton fairs a little better, but appears to be struggling to maintain its footing. The ghoul seems to shrug off the energy the best it can.

The second skeleton lurches forward, swinging its jagged rusty scimitar at Karasu. The blade strikes true leaving a long red line on Karasu from the slashing strike.

Kronk steps further forward into the room and hurls another bomb into the chamber. The bomb arcs over the combatants and lands, splashing the remaining skeleton and the ghoul behind the desk. The skeleton that stuck Karasu falls to the ground, its bones sizzling from the splashed, thick liquid. The ghoul behind the desk grows agitated as the fiery liquid hits hit and watches the last of its skeletal minions fall to the ground.


Cause Fear against Karasu, DC15 Will Save. (Don't forget the bonus from Bless)

Karasu, take 1hp of damage from the scimitar of the skeleton.

Party Health

Karasu: Slightly Wounded
Jalil: Unharmed
Isandra: Unharmed
Kronk: Unharmed
Kalenth: Unharmed

Enemy Health

Dalirio Tepesh, Ghoul: Moderately Wounded
Skeleton 1: Dead
Skeleton 2: Dead

[sblock=Updated Map]


[sblock=Dice Rolls]
Skeleton 1, Will Save -- 1d20+2=6
Skeleton 2, Will Save -- 1d20+2=15
Ghoul, Will Save -- 1d20+8=19
Skeleton 2, Attack -- 1d20=19
Skeleton 2, Crit Confirm -- 1d20=6
Skeleton 2, Damage -- 1d6=1
Ghoul, Reflex Save -- 1d20+3=8


Voidrunner's Codex

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