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Phaeton's Falcons

Craw Hammerfist

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The melee continues, as the alert bravo rounds the table as he draws a short sword and attacks Gurv, missing wildly.

Vyleya steps forward and attempts to hook the feet out from under Gurv's assailant, who deftly sidesteps the halberd.

Rising from his position at the east end of the table, a chainmail clad dwarf grabs his shield and draws a large axe, taking a quick step toward Gurv and following through with an overhand chop, connecting with a devastating blow! Gurv is felled with a gaping wound in his left ribcage. OOC:22hp critical[sblock]8+11+3=OUCH![/sblock]

Seeing Gurv fall, Roland react with a healer's instinct and moves behind Vyleya to tend Gurv's wounds. Gurv's wounds close and his eyes open, but he looks like death warmed over. OOC:back to 0 hp Unless you tell me otherwise, no-brainer, in-character actions will be taken automatically. [sblock=Roland]I will use Lonstrider from Roland for the heal unless you want a different one.[/sblock]

Bravo 3 gathers his gear and makes straight for Deric, unwisely passing within range of Vyleya's halberd. She gets off a reflexive stab and slices through his throat, killing him.

With an arcane syllable, Deric brings forth a violent clash of color, and Bravo 2 and Bravo 6 fall unconscious, while Bravo 4 is unaffected.

Ickle deftly hops to the next crate and snaps off a quarrel at the slow to react Bravo 5. He sprouts a quarrel in the side of his neck, but does not fall.

Livingston utters an unhealthy sounding phrase and Bravo 4's eyes widen briefly, but he quickly regains his composure.

The window on the west side of the interior room bursts open and a small man dives through, rolls to his feet and heads for the back of the warehouse. Bravo 5 follows him, taking up a defensive stance short of a trapdoor.

ooc: need an action from Gurv, since he is prone and disabled.

Second round starts with Bravo 4 attacking Vyleya and missing.

Round 2 order:
Bandit 7
Bandit 5


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Vyleya Argnon, Human Fighter 2 - HP: 22/22

Vyelya grimaces, twisting her halberd quickly to avoid lodging hook or point into the nearby wall as she misses the agile bandit. The grimace turns to a horrified gasp as Gurv goes down to the dwarf's axe. Her grip tightens on her weapon and her expression hardens quickly, and it is with an almost callous upward thrust that she lashes out with the spear-tip of her halberd and pierces the neck of a bandit charging down Deric.

The weapon is already spinning as the man goes down, and she whirls it hard and fast at the bandit immediately before her. She lashes again at his ankles, attempting to hook him down once more for an easy kill. Her quick, hard motions are certainly skilled, but the force of her momentum leaves her off-balance for any follow-up attack.

OOC: Attacking #4: Touch Attack (Power Attack +1, Trip Attempt): (1d20+6=21)
Opposed Check, Trip Attempt: (1d20+6=25)
Attack Roll on Successful Trip (Power Attack +1): (1d20+10=11)

(If somehow the bandit is able to keep his feet, she will drop her weapon rather than allow an opposed trip check. Didn't roll damage as 1 is an auto-failure. :( )

Blind Azathoth

[sblock=OOC]Longstrider's fine.[/sblock]

Roland breathes a sigh of relief as Gurv opens his eyes. "Come now, friend; can't lay around all day," Roland says, trying hard to grin despite the violence around him; realizing his hands are covered in blood diminishes his smile somewhat, however. He presses a hand against Gurv's mutilated torso and once again infuses his body with positive energy, knitting the fallen ranger's wounds.

[sblock=OOC]Roland drops Sanctuary to cast Cure Light Wounds again, healing Gurv for 9 points of damage.[/sblock]


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Seeing the carnage unfold before his eyes, Livingston realizes he cannot be passive in this venture. He rushes forward to the two retreating enemies and unleashes a spell hidden in the back of his mind, he did not necessarily want to bring forth this horror today, but the situation dictates his actions. His hands deftly manipulate a small candle with a small bag and a curved bone, grinding them together in his fists before expelling them with a shout.

[sblock]Livingston will move to I3 and cast Summon Undead I to summon a Human Warror Skeleton on square F6, it'll last for 2 rounds[/sblock]

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
Vyleya manages to yank her opponent's feet out from under him, but he avoids her follow up slash.

Gurv is healed to some semblance of fighting shape, though, like all of his adjacent enemies, he is prone.

Bravo 7 has managed to open the trapdoor grate and has scrambled down the shaft.

[sblock=Livingston]Since Bravo 7 has gone down the trap door, do you want to summon the skeleton over the shaft or elsewhere?[/sblock]

ooc:Map update at end of round.


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[sblock=Craw]Let's do it to where the creature can block the access for Bravo 5 yet still keep the trapdoor open. If that's not possible, let me know[/sblock]


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Deric Moonbeam Wizard 2 11/11 hp

Deric looks on with approval as two of the bandits fall to the ground unconcious after his spell.

"Remember, those two who just fell will only be out for a short time, we need to take care of them before they wake up - but we need to get this dwarf under control first"

Knowing that his skills in hand-to-hand combat are quite weak, Deric takes aim with his crossbow at the Bandit near the trapdoor (Bravo 5) and shoots.

Next 2 - to-hit and damage rolls for Deric w/ Lightcrossbow - so you can continue w/o me if needed
[sblock=Roll Results]
+3 ranged to hit, +0 damage
[19,3] = (22)
[2] = (2)
[13,3] = (16)
[6] = (6)[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC for next round] Assuming that he hit with the first bolt, and 2 damage did not drop Bandit #5, Deric will shoot again at Bandit #5[/sblock]


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Gurv climbs to his feet, slipping slightly in all the blood on the floor.

"Is that all mine?

Still gripping his swords, he takes a moment to collect his senses before flinging himself back into danger.

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
Deric hit Bravo 5 with an off-center shot, but it appears to be more than he could take and he drops.

Gurv scrambles upright and stabs the prone Bravo 4.

[sblock=Livingston]Well, 5 is down, so that probably changes your plans. You are welcome to summon it over the top of the shaft. :p [/sblock]


Icklebad Moffet - Gnome Rogue

Ickle noting the new arrival to the party, decides to welcome him to the party with a well placed throw of his tanglefoot bag.

919412 Icklebad 1 1d20+6 [11,6] = (17) 2007-03-14 17:33:23
Ranged touch

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