D&D (2024) PHB Playtest Packet 7 drops Thrusday, September 7.

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If they think I'm not going to have a celestial skeleton, they have another thing coming.

Yeah, some folks are like the Skeleton & Tadpole is weaker then the rest, but I'm like the Skeleton has twice the strength of the Quasit, is medium, which means its the best pack mule. Also small Warlocks can ride it. It's bow attack has the best range, and does okay damage. You can discuise it with human sized clothes. It can do basic chores that require someone roughly human sized.

By 5th level you can have a flying skeleton mount for your gnome or halfling or Goblin that shoots arrows one of 4 damage types, that you can make it attack as a bonus action.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Yeah, some folks are like the Skeleton & Tadpole is weaker then the rest, but I'm like the Skeleton has twice the strength of the Quasit, is medium, which means its the best pack mule. Also small Warlocks can ride it. It's bow attack has the best range, and does okay damage. You can discuise it with human sized clothes. It can do basic chores that require someone roughly human sized.

By 5th level you can have a flying skeleton mount for your gnome or halfling or Goblin that shoots arrows one of 4 damage types, that you can make it attack as a bonus action.
The skeleton definitely has its niche, even if it requires a bit more creativity to get value out of than the 2014 chain familiars. The slaadpole just sucks though.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I don't remember what a Slaad Tadpole has for stats.
AC 12, 10 HP, 30’ speed, Darkvision (60’), passive perception 7, resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder, advantage on saves against spells and magical abilities. Bite attack +4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing damage. Tiny size.

I guess its niche is supposed to be that it resists a bunch of stuff? But I struggle to imagine any use cases for it over the others.


I liked the weapon restricitons. Beeing small should mean something. Also they get some advantages thanks to the size .. having mounts that can be used in dungeons, fitting in openings to small for medium chars,...

Voidrunner's Codex

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