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D&D General Plagiarised D&D art


This is not factually true, and neural network can use a feedback loop with machine learning algorithms on the data it is producing to create "fresh" data. This is how they developed new languages using machine-learnign algorythms. Those were "fresh" words.

The limits are the bounds of the medium it is using. To use a common saying - if you type millions of letters in a random sequence over and over again eventually you will write the novel "War and Peice" if use AI with a machine learning feedback loop you will get there much, much faster.

Randomly typing a series of keystrokes over and over may turn out War and Peace but that four volume set has 587,287 words, so I doubt it will ever be accomplished.

With a further thought it does sound like you are trying to brute force a copy into existence which based on the number of words may not ever happen before the death of the sun.

Yes I know it's a daft example that I'm suggesting.

AI by itself does not, but Machine Learning does contain meaning or symbolism and art by its very nature is in the eye of the beholder.

You can create synthetic data. Suggesting AI can't create new data because it is using numbers is like saying a human artist can create new art because there are only 10000 different shades of red she can use.

As has been seen in a recent course case ChatGPT can create content but it fabricated federal cases which the person who used it didn't realise it could do that.

I'd certainly like an AI powered GM assistant as that could really help me by searching through books and perhaps creating an index that I could make use of.

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Randomly typing a series of keystrokes over and over may turn out War and Peace but that four volume set has 587,287 words, so I doubt it will ever be accomplished.

Assuming you have the right number of words and the average word is 5 characters (inlcuding space or punctuation after it), it would be accomplished completely randomly once in approximately 30^3000000 tries without replacement.

With a further thought it does sound like you are trying to brute force a copy into existence which based on the number of words may not ever happen before the death of the sun.

In a random process yes, in a machine learning process with a feedback loop no, because that will dramatically reduce the number of iterations.


And these things should apply to non-tech fields...why, exactly?

Why wouldn't they?

Has half of medicine become obsolete every five years?

In the US, probably yes.

Half of physics?

Physics does become obsolete, just on a much longer timeframe. "Pea in a pod" is no longer accepted science and even Newton, arguably the greatest physicst in history was proven wrong.

Law? Journalism? Economics? Engineering?

I don't know, yes, yes and yes.

Journalism is entirely different today than it was a few years ago. Economics is as well. Both doe entirely to economic advances.

Engineering as a practice or profession is far different than it was a few years ago even if the principles and underlying math has not changed.

Moreover even types of art have become obsolete. As I said on another post the transition to digital art that started in 1985 has made other methods of creating digital art obsolete Pdfs are on a path making ink largely obsolete.


Assuming you have the right number of words and the average word is 5 characters (inlcuding space or punctuation after it), it would be accomplished completely randomly once in approximately 30^3000000 tries without replacement.

Sounds a bit like the Infinite monkey theorem .

In a random process yes, in a machine learning process with a feedback loop no, because that will dramatically reduce the number of iterations.

It also depends on whether or not your machine learning algorithm has been trained on War and Peace to start with :)


Why? Why do we need AI to create art? Who benefits?

I need it, I benefit.

Once its working, (and ignoring the massive power requirements for all the servers...) programmers will no longer be needed, their jobs are done, it will just be out there, doing its thing, and generating massive amounts of content that mega corps will be making money off of, not artists, not programmers. Soulless, mass generated, mass consumption.

It is not souless at all and as I noted earlier art itself is in the eye of the beholder.

Also it is not the mega corps that are going to be hurt by bans on AI artwork, the people who are going to be hurt the most are small 3rd party creators. I know several authors who write 3rd party adventures for 5E and they use AI art extensively in their products. These are the people you will be hurting the most - small places selling pdfs at $4 a copy that can't afford to hire a professional artist.

Whether artists are programmers are making money off of it will depend highly on how you define their jobs. There will be people making money off of AI art and I would call them artists. Likewise IT has dramatically increased demand for programmers and this is not slowing down but rather accelerating even though stack overflow is being used to write some 70% of code already.

The difference is coders today do things differently than they did even 5 or 10 years ago, and coders from that era did things differently than the guys writing in C or Fortran did before them.

Saying AI is going to replace programmers is no different than going back to 1980 and saying high-level languages like For-Tran are going to replace programmers because no one will need to learn machine language any more and the programmers who invested in learning machine language from the 60s-80s will be out of a job. Well maybe those people did lose thier job, but far more jobs were created in the programming field.

Again, I work in Software, so yeah, great. Care for your team. Care for your neighbor, but there comes a point where 1 individual (Programmer) is replacing X individuals (Artists) through their work. Thats not a net benefit for society, at all.

It is a huge benefit and it will spawn for more jobs for far more programmers and more artists.

The greatest tools for misinformation, propaganda, brainwashing, and divisiveness ever invented, and with advancements in AI (voice, deep fakes) the people who actually are in power in the world are laughing.

Propaganda was around and effective long before AI or computers existed. People are only becoming "aware" now because of technology.

AI can fight and quash propaganda as easily as it can forward it.
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Sounds a bit like the Infinite monkey theorem .

I did not want to use the word monkey, due to the potential to misconstrue it and offend people, but that is exactly what I am talking about

It also depends on whether or not your machine learning algorithm has been trained on War and Peace to start with :)

If it has been trained on war and peace specifically then it is trivial, but training it on language structure and words alone will dramatically reduce the number of iterations to get there.


Yeah and now its 24/7/365 panic, doom, and anxiety, oh, and monetized. What a vast improvement that has been on our society.

It is a vast improvement. Mostly the professional media has been sidelined in place of amature media, both good and bad.

I don't watch the likes of Fox News or CNN or any other main outlet as I think they are worthless when it comes to reporting news.

Without this though there would not be any reporting on most events happening wordwide and people would not even know about it.


It is not souless at all and as I noted earlier art itself is in the eye of the beholder.

It very much is soulless. The AI generated art is imitation, it is not even art.

I know several authors who write 3rd party adventures for 5E and they use AI art extensively in their products. These are the people you will be hurting the most - small places selling pdfs at $4 a copy that can't afford to hire a professional artist.

They are not going to be hurt, mostly because I wont buy products with AI generated content, but also because the AI generated art is already freely available.

Saying AI is going to replace programmers is no different than going back to 1980 and saying high-level languages like For-Tran are going to replace programmers because no one will need to learn machine language any more and the programmers who invested in learning machine language from the 60s-80s will be out of a job. Well maybe those people did lose thier job, but far more jobs were created in the programming field.

This is missing any number of factors. The programmers who learned machine languages just moved on to the next language. They still did the work. AI is doing the work in the future. I'm not going to learn "AI" and do the work. Are you kidding?

There are more IT jobs now? Well yes, because the IT industry is massive now. That is not what AI is doing. Its not going to promote industry growth, jobs growth, because its going to end up replacing jobs.

It is a huge benefit and it will spawn for more jobs for far more programmers and more artists.

Absolutely not. It is not a language, it is not a medium, it is not another way of doing work. It is the REPLACEMENT of labour.

I've been playing with Dalle-3 now for weeks. I have 1000's of images generated to see what it could do. For my dollar (if I was to spend on it) its already better than content which WotC sold at premium prices.

So if some untrained casual (myself) can take a free product, and generate images that to his casual eye is ALREADY better than an artist who has been paid by the largest employer in the space (WotC) how is that spawning more jobs? How is that helping actual artists?

AI can fight and quash propaganda as easily as it can forward it.

It could, if it wasnt going to be under control of the major tech companies who have already demonstrated that they will control the narrative, build the algorithms to benefit themselves, and wield influence that dictators around the world could only dream about 10 years ago.

Do you honestly think 'the people' are going to control AI?


I did not want to use the word monkey, due to the potential to misconstrue it and offend people, but that is exactly what I am talking about

If it has been trained on war and peace specifically then it is trivial, but training it on language structure and words alone will dramatically reduce the number of iterations to get there.

If we go back to the infinite Macaques* theory then it can still take a long time for War and Peace to be generated.

The opening of War and Peace in English is:


“Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you don’t tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist—I really believe he is Antichrist—I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my ‘faithful slave,’ as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have frightened you—sit down and tell me all the news.”

That's still going to take a bit of time to render into a coherent sentence even with feedback loops as your algorithm has no idea on what the original text looks like.

I'm not saying that it is impossible just highly improbable that it could produce anything coherent within our lifetime.

As an aside, last time I checked it would take 63,000 years to brute force a password of Password1 which is just nine characters. There was a big hullabaloo about ten years ago over the concept of passwords being decrypted with the help of Rainbow tables, it seems that never really came to anything .

*= In the interests of research the IMT was performed with live Macaques so I'm using that here. Admittedly they only had a sample size of six to work with and not an infinite number.

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