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Planescape 3.5e - Cold Black Mask


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Once again Anthony takes the lead, guiding his charges away from the oppressive shadow of the Temple.

Heinrich Stronghand said:
"Tell me, friend, what was that mask they spoke of, and do you know why they were so interested in it?"

"Damnable thing. I didn't like the look of it, but at the same time, I was fascinated by it. A colleague of mine had sent it to me; apparently, an adventuring expedition had found it somewhere in the Stonelands." Hagen frowned slightly. "I'll tell you more once we find ourselves indoors. I don't think I want to say too much while we're still near that unholy temple."

István Angushtri:[sblock]István deftly slips to the rear of the group, then effortlessly sprints up the wall of a nearby building, avoiding patches of the wiry black vine as he does so. It takes little time to find a suitable vantage point; the rooftop of the nearby Azure Iris in provides an unfettered view of the Temple of the Lords of the Nine. István taps into his preternatural psionic abilities, and his colors literally run and blend into the shadows around him. ooc: István's Hide Check: 1d20+24 (it's getting dark) [7,24] = (31); Move Silently 1d20+18 [7,18] = (25). I'm assuming he is using his Chameleon power?

From his position, the entrance to the Temple seems empty; after a moment, however, a pair of fell-looking ravens swoop out from within the building. One of the birds climbs vertically into the air, quickly vanishing into the night "sky" . The other skims low over the rooftops, heading quite obviously in the same direction the group had taken. Then, inexplicably, the raven suddenly vanishes into thin air. ooc: Spot 1d20+11 [8,11] = (19)[/sblock]

After a short journey under growing darkness, the group makes its way into a wide-open plaza. At one end of the well-lit square stood a large, ornate stage or exhibition deck, its surface decorated with mosaic tiles depicting winged equines soaring across a blue, sunlit sky.
Arranged evenly across the deck itself stood five identically carved wooden stallions, each gaily painted and elegantly poised to look as though they were just about to launch themselves into full gallop. A solitary humanoid figure dressed in free-flowing linens moved amongst the statues, occasionally pausing to admire one particular specimen or another.

At the approach of the group, the figure turned, his face breaking into the smile of one who recognized potential customers. "Salaam! Welcome, friends! Beautiful are the steeds of the family al-Bassam, are they not?"

The fellow stepped lightly off the stage and gestured to the carved horses. Although he was human in appearance, his brilliant sky-blue eyes contrasted with his dusky skin, and both hair and clothes waved in an unseen breeze.

"I am Jarir al-Basaam ibn Faruq ibn Diya. I hope that I will be able to provide you with what you require."

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Dire Lemming

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Anthony greets the man casually, though he doesn't really know him, he's assumed for now that he's a Djinnii. " 'Ello Jarir. I'm lookin to take these primes here to the clerks ward so they can make kip. I need ta get their too."


[sblock=Cage-Rattler]OOC: It wasn't my intention for István to use his camouflage power; he doesn't really expect anyone to be scanning nearby rooftops for a lone gnome. Don't worry, I'll make it quite clear when he's using a limited-use ability. ;)

Speaking of which...

Adapting to the darkening conditions István smoothly removes, rolls and stowes his travel cloak; all the better maximize the stealthy qualities of his dark Shou silk clothing. Remaining nestled in the shadow of a stone chimney, the whisper gnome watches with some trepidation as the ravens leave the temple and then disappear.

As the group continues on its way along the street below, István watches and waits from his vantage point atop the inn while scanning the area for signs of the invisible bird's passage (Spot +11, taking 20 if possible). Assuming the raven intends to get close enough to listen in on the group's conversation, the whisper-gnome's plan is to allow the bird to move past his location and then trail both it and the group; while remaining above and behind the raven's focus of attention.

Once he's judged that enough time has passed, István rises and begins trailing the group from a distance; stealthily moving along the curving city's rooftops. Seeing the group arrive in a wide open plaza below, the wayfarer stops in the shadow of a nearby window gable once he judges that he's within range. Calling upon a talent honed by his kin after generations of enslavement, István fixes his attention on his friend below and whispers a short message meant only for Hagen's ears (manifesting message spell-like ability, range 110-ft., duration 10 minutes).

"My friend, you should know that the Diabolate asked about the iron mask you'd left in your study. Although we know it isn't there any longer, I told him truthfully that we'd left behind before crossing the portal. I don't know if he knows of the portal in the marketplace, but I thought you should be made aware of this lest they travel to the realms and threaten your household in search of it.

Lastly, two dread ravens have left the Temple in your wake. One has turned invisible and is following the group. Please tell the others discreetly so that they know to not reveal anything aloud. I am nearby, but I'll be able to hear anything you whisper for the next ten minutes or so.


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Anthony Orchidaceae said:
"'Ello Jarir. I'm lookin to take these primes here to the clerks ward so they can make kip. I need ta get their too."

Jarir's bobbed his head up and down enthusiastically. "Of course, young master! All of Sigil is but a moment's ride away; come, let us choose suitably noble mounts for you and your friends!"

Up close, it was obvious that each life-sized wooden horse was masterfully carved, from the glossy, muscled flank to the wildly-flowing mane and tail. As they examined the stallions, Jarir al-Bassam outlined the specifics of his service; for eight gold pieces each, the enchanted horses could easily carry two passengers to any air-accessible part of the City. Jarir would ride along on one of the horses in order to guide them to their destination (and to ensure that no one tried to make off with his property). Once the customers have reached their destination, Jarir and his horses return to the Lady's Ward.

István Angushtri:[sblock]ooc: It will be impossible to spot the raven unless István has some means of seeing invisible creatures. Hagen starts and glances surreptitiously around, not realizing that the gnome was no longer with the majority of the party.[/sblock]

Hagen, who had been silent so far, stepped forward. "Give us one moment, good merchant, while my friends and I discuss your proposal."

István, Sindr, Heinrich:[sblock]The archivist draws Sindr and Heinrich in close; belatedly, they realize that István is nowhere in sight. Fortunately, Hagen's murmured words shed light on the situation.
"Our little friend is keeping an eye out for us. He's just passed on a warning to me that we may have been followed; that someone from the Temple may be invisibly watching us from the air at this moment. Honestly, I'm not sure what we can do about it right now, but István suggests that we act oblivious to the presence of our pursuer."[/sblock]

As the three primes conferred amongst themselves, Jarir al-Bassam turned to the remaining members of the group and smiled politely. His luminous blue eyes travelled from Anthony to Cang to Pierce, where they stayed, a faint expression of disquiet on his face. Finally, he could bear it no longer and turned to face the Acherite fully.

"Your pardons, madam, but I am worried that you may find the ride...uncomfortable. If you'll permit me, I will find some blankets for you to sit upon during your flight." His eyes were riveted on the numerous points that jutted from the spiker's body, and it was a fair bet that the proprietor was more concerned with the condition of his horses than any potential discomfort to the passengers.

Nac Mac Feegle

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Heinrich's expression turns dour again at the news and he whispers in return.

[sblock=Hagen, Sindr]
"We must clearly hie to a place where overhearing us will be hard. Perhaps a bustling tavern will be a good plan indeed."


[sblock=Cage_Ratler]István's whispered words once more reach Hagen's ear.
"It's worth mentioning that the spy is in the form of a raven.
And please keep in mind that I can't hear what the others are
saying to you, only what it is that you whisper.

Might it be possible to outdistance or somehow confound the
spy's ability to follow you all? How quickly do the magic steeds

Dire Lemming

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Anthony glances at his customers, wondering if it might be wise to listen in on their conversation. Course if I don't know what the dark is, he can't decide not to sell it.

He discreetly attempts to hear what the primes are saying.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Pierce simply nodded at the horse-merchant. Her spikes had long been the bane of innkeepers. Spiker furniture was generally painful or even damaging to most softskins, and Pierce couldn't count the number chairs she had marred or destroyed since coming out of Acheron.

"As you will sir, I would not mar your creations," she said with a polite nod. Already this day was proving more interesting than many she had had while seeking employment. A successful mission to seek a missing man, and so far no threats had manifested. She wouldn't let her guard down, but so far she was fair pleased with herself.


First Post
Sindr seems all but oblivious to Hagen's whispered warning. Instead, he inspects the wooden horses closely, asking their owner a barrage of questions. "These're great! They fly? How d' they work? Some kinda perm'nant fly spell? Animate object? How d'you account fer th' weight o' diff'rent riders? If they're hurt, d' they stop flyin'? That why y' swaddled tha' one up fer Pierce there? Oh, an' what are you, 'xactly? Y' look plane-touched like me. 'Course, that's not 'sprising since we're in Sigil an' all. How d'ya make sure th' horsies come back t' ya?" and on and on in a similar vein.

[sblock=OOC]Sindr's part honestly curious, part acting for the unseen watchers' sake, and part trying to give time for the more organized members of the group to figure out where they're going and how to deal with the tail.[/sblock]


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Jarir bows and hurries off, returning presently with an armful of thick woven blankets that he arranges over the back of one of the horses. As he does so, he tries to keep up with Sindr's excited questions as best he can.

"My brothers and I carry a hint of djinn blood in our bodies; we are called "genasi" here in Sigil. The horses were a gift to my family from a djinni noble, after my eldest brother did him a great favor. They each carry a minor elemental spirit within, and so they long to fly, even if they must carry a rider or two! You will find that they as sturdy as they are swift; they can fly from one end of the city to the other in under a quarter of an hour!"

Heinrich, István:[sblock]Hagen nodded at something onl he could hear and turned back to the holy warrior. "István, Heinrich suggested we find ourselves some shelter as soon as possible, and I'm inclined to agree with him. Heinrich, István mentioned our spy being in the form of a raven. Depending on how fast these enchanted steeds are, perhaps we can simply out-distance the bird? Or, perhaps Sindr may have a way to confound it magically."He paused. "Do you trust your new companions? They may know of some way to divert our unwanted shadow."[/sblock]

Anthony Orchidaceae:[sblock] Edging closer to the group of huddled primes, Anthony's keen ears pick up most of what's being said: ooc: Tony's Listen Check: 1d20+10 [16, 10] = (26)
Hagen - "Our little friend is keeping an eye out for us. He's just passed on a warning to me that we may have been followed; that someone from the Temple may be invisibly watching us from the air at this moment. Honestly, I'm not sure what we can do about it right now, but István suggests that we act oblivious to the presence of our pursuer."

Heinrich - "We must clearly hie to a place where overhearing us will be hard. Perhaps a bustling tavern will be a good plan indeed."

Hagen - "István mentioned our spy being in the form of a raven. Depending on how fast these enchanted steeds are, perhaps we can simply out-distance the bird? Or, perhaps Sindr may have a way to confound it magically."He paused. "Do you trust your new companions? They may know of some way to divert our unwanted shadow."[/sblock]

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