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Planescape 3.5e - Cold Black Mask

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First Post
István Angushtri said:
"I'd hoped the silver and iron I'd left on the windowsill would have been enough..."
"Have heart, István," Hagen smiled reassuringly. "You've already proved that these devils are still vulnerable to silver's bite, and Sindr's spells and Heinrich's faith are potent weapons against them, as w-"
Sonata said:
"Hang on. Mask? What mask?"
The older man faltered for a moment.
"Yes, well...that's something that we'll discuss in the tomorrow, perhaps. Until then, good evening; we'll meet again come morning."


In the aftermath of the night's excitement, exhaustion set in for those who could feel it. The proprietoress wade quick work of hanging heavy cloth about the cracked doorframe to serve as a makeshift barrier, and Cang Lao assured everyone that he would serve as the first line of defense should another attack befall the boarding house.

Already well-rested from his previous sleep, István returned to his elevated perch outside to better keep a wary eye on the surrounding area. From his vantage point, he marked the approaching morning as the pitch-black of night was replaced by a gradual growing in brightness of the "sky" outside the curve of the city. The lack of a rising sun -- or any visible source of light at all -- proved to be a poor substitute for the dawns of home, but the morning here still served to dispel some of the uncertainties of night.

Ambrus:[sblock]The warehouse remained still and silent throughout the night. Oh, and because I still haven't rewarded you for defeating the Reave (again): another 350 XP. :) [/sblock]

Shayuri:[sblock]For roleplaying and helping Ambrus' character out in combat: 300 XP. :)[/sblock]

Scurry:[sblock]300 XP fore roleplaying up to this point. :)[/sblock]


Come morning, the small wayfarer drops down onto the sill of his companion's shared room and raps lightly on the wooden shutter until someone unlatches and opens it for him from the inside. A deft hop carries István from the sill to the room's center where he addresses Hagen, Heinrich, Sindr and his bodyguard Pierce. "Morning. I hope you all managed to get some sleep after last night's turmoil. We have much to do today and this may be our only chance to speak before we're accosted by more enemies and would-be allies. In all my travels I've never heard tell of a place where everyone is so anxious to involve themselves in the affairs of strangers." The whisper gnome shakes his head with incredulousness before continuing. "There are five things I believe we need to consider before setting out..." István raises a gloved fist and extends a finger for each topic as he lists them. "...who to see to break the curse bewitching Hagen; what to do with the iron mask which the devils seem to want so desperately; how to return you all to the Heartlands; which of those we met yesterday, if any, we should allow to accompany us; and whether or not to visit the warehouse up the street. As to the last, I would tell you that both the imp I slew and the reave both tried to flee there while I was hunting them through the streets."
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First Post
Sindr looks around at his companions, a serious look on his face. "I 'ave anuther thin' t' consider." He pauses a moment, for effect. "When's breakfast? I'm starvin'!"

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Heinrich smiles at Sindr's comment. "Now there's keeping your priorities straight. Whatever the day brings we'd best face it with a full stomach." After sitting down, the cleric takes a more serious tone. "We must not lose sight of our goals. Our first priority is to get out of here, after which we can deal with other problems more at our leisure. To do that we need the help of these natives. Of course, this does not mean we must trust them, but the more help we can get the faster we'll be gone. I don't know about you but I'd be happier studying that mask surrounded by a hefty contingent of Knights Templar. It seems that in this place demons and devils walk about with impunity."


First Post
István said:
"There are five things I believe we need to consider before setting out..."
Hagen cleared his throat somewhat self-consciously.
"I haven't felt at all out of sorts since yesterday; I'm not sure that there's even an bewitchment that needs undoing. Perhaps the enchantment has run it's course, or perhaps being in the company of my friends and allies has helped me shake off whatever influence may have been upon me.

"At any rate, I agree with Heinrich. Or rather, I agree with Sindr and Heinrich; we should make finding a way home a primary goal -- after a good, solid meal."

He looked around quickly to see if the innkeeper was within earshot.

"Although the cucumber soup wasn't bad, I can't imagine eating that three meals in a row. Perhaps we could take a few moments and pack our belongings; if those odd people from last night return, perhaps they'd know of a place where we can dine and discuss our plans for the day."


OOC DireLemming:[sblock]For the sake of getting you back into the game speedily, we can hand-wave your return to the Clerks Ward and the Slumbering Lamb; is there anything Anthony would have liked to get done in the morning while still at Dinah's?[/sblock]

OOC Scurry, Shayuri:[sblock]We can have you bring your characters back into the scene whenever you're ready. :)[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

First Post
[sblock=OOC]I can't think of anything off the top of my head. As they leave the Hive though, Anthony will be sure to stay alert for anyone that might be in trouble, or be trouble, as usual.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Pierce clanks downstairs a pace behind Sindr, somewhat subdued. Her suggestions that she might be able to inquire about the Blood War mercenaries connected with the Black Dogs had come to naught, for no one had heeded her, and her subtle inquiries as to whether or not she'd even be needed beyond this morning was still unanswered. Sindr hadn't indicated if he found her protection welcome or not, indeed if she was even helping at all.

Clearly the priest Heinrich was an able fighter, and since the tiny gnome and recently-arrived songster had managed to subdue the dangerous reave and clever imp alone while her own spikes had remained so embarrassingly unbloodied, she was feeling superfluous. She knew little of the primes or their troubles with the mask, and while they were clearly in some danger, they had managed to amass their own protection and plan without listening to any imput of hers.

It was supposed to be the mark of a good bodyguard to be able to remain suitably invisible, so the employer wouldn't feel constrained in her presence, but Pierce felt she had managed to accomplish exactly nothing. She hadn't been able to protect Sindr, nor strike a single blow against any of his enemies.

Her heart sank when she realized she had failed again. Never called to fight with her clan, not in a hundred hundred of battles, set again and again to sharpen her skills against lemures or participating in mop-up battles, she had gone to Sigil to try to gain a scrap of honor by protecting someone with less martial skill and more wealth. Yet her employer had struck a more bitter blow against his attackers than she had.

No, they did not need her...

As Sindr was eating, she tapped on his shoulder to speak with him in a low voice.

"Sindr, it seems you have things well in hand, with a fine company of strong friends and your own personal magic to protect you. I would offer again my own familiarity with the fighters of the Blood War to wrest information from the Black Dogs, or perhaps my own expertise in Acheron, where I believe the next part of your quest lies, but it seems that you already have other avenues you wish to persue. If that is so, I shall take my leave later this morning, to complete my contract to protect you for a day. If you still wish my services, please let me know," she says softly, her voice like old rust.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Anthony finally approaches the Slumbering Lamb once again and turns to Lilly. "Come on, I'll buy you breakfast." He goes to open the door for her, only to realize that there is no door... "What the hells?" He mutters, looking around suspiciously. He then carefully tries to peek inside without alerting the inhabitants to his presence.


First Post
Pierce Spinecrusher said:
"If you still wish my services, please let me know."
The storm-born magician hesitated for a bit; when he spoke again, it was without his colorful accent.
"We still don't know what we're up fully against, or whether we'd be able to handle the next challenge when it comes. Plus, if do end up in Acheron, it'd be good to have someone who knows their way around. Aye, I'd like to keep you on for a bit longer, if it's the same with you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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