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Planescape: A Hopeless Beginning



"A very interesting suggestion Estariel, an envoy of our own might be good. It would at least give us some additional information." He continues to pace.

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Eclaiyan chuckles aloud as he eyes Vaerhia slipping out of the room, and bounds backwards into a handstand as Wyk bolts towards Elandra. He descends from the handstand once Elandra gets a word in, and saunters towards a wall, leans against it, and watches the parley.

"So Elandra, what do you think would happen to us if we did accept the offer? What are you so afraid of?"

"Hold a moment, milord Dainan," Vaerhia calls, trusting the voices in the room to cover her voice from Elandra's hearing as she moves forward and around the corner.

"I wish to ask a question of you, and apologize for our... hostess' abrupt manner. Let it be known that we don't all share it."


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"I don't know what would happen," Elandra shrugs. "And I suppose, if you're inclined to take the offer, I can't do anything much to stop you. If you think it doesn't matter much what kind of a basher he is, that's your choice - much as I might not like it. But if you don't believe what I've told you about him, I'd ask you to just go out into the streets for a little while. Just wander around and look at the people here. Talk to them maybe. Try and find out a little about what life's like here. Then think about the fact that he's the one who rules this place, and ask yourself what that says about him. Then ask yourself if you want to go to dinner with the sod."

Finishing her speech, Eladra sighs, deflating a little, and sits down, picking up her tea once more. To those who are paying attention to the way events are running with regard to Vaerhia, it seems imminent that Elandra will notice she's gone, whatever that might mean.

* * *

Vaerhia's shout arrests Dainan's progress, and he turns to face the succubus with a polite smile and a slight bow. "I thank you, good lady. The sentiment is much appreciated. I am used to the disagreeable nature of miss Elandra, but it is a pleasure to know that not all her guests share her temperament. What would you ask of me?"


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"Well, that actually seems like a really good idea. What do you guys say we get out there and check the place out, find out what its really like around here?"



Wyk nods in agreement to his fellows, but holds up a hand and turns to their hostess. "Elandra, I am sorry for my dramtics, I guess I'm just a little unused to such treatment and perhaps I have spent too much time around melodramatic hero petitioners back in Ysgard. What would you like to gain from all this? What would be the best posible outcome from all this?"

Vaerhia smiles and returns the slight bow, mentally cursing the fact that time did not allow her to conduct this meeting more diplomatically, nor to find a way to get rid of the guards for a time to talk, but her presence would no doubt be missed shortly. She moves closer, showing no sign of her thoughts on the surface.

"Unfortunately, time does not allow me any other choice, so I will come to the point." She sighs and gestures gently the way she came, her smile inviting Dainan's understanding that perhaps Elandra likes Vaerhia little better than the envoy. "Before you were so rudely treated by our reluctant hostess, was there somewhat other you wished to speak with us about, before dinner this night? It seemed so, from your words."


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"Well," Elandra muses, "it isn't really about what I want. As a cleric of this Ministry, I'm vowed to help anybody who needs it and is prepared to accept it. I saw that you lot could probably use a helping hand, so that's about the story up to here. So as far as I have an aim here, I guess it's pretty much just to see that you don't come to a sticky end."

* * *

Dainan's eyes flicker almost imperceptibly to the guards on either side of him, and then look significantly back at Vaerhia. "Ah, my apologies for leading you to trouble yourself like this. I merely would have liked to have a less constrained conversation with you, it was not that there was anything else in particular."

Voidrunner's Codex

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