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Creature Cataloguer
Large Outsider (Evil)
Hit Dice: 11d8+22 (71 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 22
Attacks: 2 claws +13 melee, bite +7 melee
Damage: Claw 1d8+2, bite 2d6+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, reopen wounds
Special Qualities: DR 10/+1, close wounds, outsider traits, SR 21, yugoloth traits
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +13
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 19, Cha 17
Skills: Climb +11, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +14, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +13, Sense Motive +12, Spot +13
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw)

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard (coins and gems only)
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 12-22 HD (Large); 23-33 HD (Huge)

The baernaloth is an outcast among yugoloths. Some have speculated that it is not even a true yugoloth, or is of some sort of progenitor race to the yugoloths – the truth has been lost with time. They are always encountered alone, and most are reclusive and inactive. They live alone on the Gray Waste of Hades, not even associating with other yugoloths, and even lacking the power to summon them. Other yugoloths offer them a surprising amount of respect, for some unknown reason. It is said that they possess the mysteries and secrets of the yugoloth race.
A baernaloth is a tall, lanky creature, with long limbs. Its head is huge with large curving horns, and its mouth looks like that of a skeletal horse, with skin stretched over it. Its gray skin drips with pus, and its faraway, glassy yellow eyes ooze a revolting liquid. Though they travel alone most of the time, they occasionally take night hags or nightmares for companions.
Baernaloths see the main purpose for their existence as bringing misery and pain to lesser creatures. They are cold and emotionless, causing agony and anguish to all they meet. They enjoy coming up with new methods to bring physical and emotional pain to sentient creatures. Baernaloths sometimes go mad, and decide to try to control the events around them. They conquer and control the creatures of the Lower Planes, and plan the devastation of everything.

The baernaloth prefers to use its dangerous physical attacks to its spell-like abilities, as it has a power that allows its attacks to cause further damage. Surviving victims are often put into a dungeon, where the baernaloth will reopen and close its wounds over and over again. The baernaloth only uses its ability to close wounds to keep its victims alive, that it may continue to cause them pain. The baernaloth will not use this power if it feels it would be putting itself at risk by keeping opponents alive and healthy.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – alter self, charm person, contagion, darkness, detect magic, discern lies, emotion, fear, minor image, produce flame, suggestion, teleport without error; 3/day – cloudkill, true seeing; 1/day – demand, symbol. Caster level 11th; save DC 10 + spell level.
Reopen Wounds (Su): 3 times per day, a baernaloth can cause wounds that it has created on victims to be revisited. The baernaloth can repeat any damage caused by its claws and bite attacks from one round, in the last 24 hours, causing the wounds to tear open agonizingly. Victims must be within a line of sight, and up to 30 feet away from the baernaloth. Thus, if a baernaloth inflicts 4 points of damage with a claw attack, 6 with another, and 10 points with its bite attack all in the same round to the same character, it can later use this ability to cause 20 points of damage to that same character. This ability is a free action and can be used in addition to any other attack. There is no saving throw against this ability.
Close Wounds (Su): Within a range of 30 feet, a baernaloth can instantly heal any amount of damage that it has inflicted on a creature with a physical attack. This is done at will, an unlimited number of times per day.
Outsider Traits: A baernaloth has darkvision (60-footrange). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Yugoloth Traits: A yugoloth is immune to poison and acid. It has cold, fire, and electricity resistance 20. Yugoloths can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

The baernaloth first appeared in Planes of Conflict (1995).

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First Post
In the words of the almighty Cartman: KICK ASS!

In other words, I love it, and I will use it (I might add a few character levels, as well as advance it a couple of levels... :D)



Creature Cataloguer
Krishnath said:
In other words, I love it, and I will use it (I might add a few character levels, as well as advance it a couple of levels... :D)

LOL don't you just do that with everything? :D


Inventor of Super-Toast
Krishnath said:
Well, I haven't found a way to add character levels to oozes or constructs yet, but I'm working on it ;)
C'mon, man. Awakened oozes! Incarnate constructs!
It sounds like you need Dragon 304 and a copy of Savage Species. :)
Anyway, back on topic, nice work, BOZ. Now, if I could only get more response to my thread here...

Demiurge out.


First Post
Oh, I intend to get Savage Species. Unfortunatly it isn't out here yet. :rolleyes: But I'm not really that surprised, it took them (the shops) several months to even understand that people wanted Tome of Horrors.


Creature Cataloguer

Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 8d8+16 (52 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft, fly 80 ft (perfect)
AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 20
Attacks: 2 claws +11 melee, scimitar +9 melee
Damage: Claw 1d10+3, scimitar 1d6+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Trumpet, burning wind, spells
Special Qualities: Immunities, veil of truth, polymorph self, outsider traits, SR 19
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +11
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +11, Hide +11, Knowledge (any two) +15, Listen +14, Move Silently +11, Perform (trumpet) +13, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Spot +14
Feats: Hover, Improved Initiative, Multiattack

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary (2-20)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium-Size); 17-24 HD (Large)

Asuras serve various powers throughout the Upper Planes as couriers and heralds. These beings serve with a righteous fervor, bringing warnings of punishment and death to those who have earned the wrath of the gods. Sometimes, asuras do serve mortal visionaries and mystics as bringers of knowledge and insight. The wicked usually find asuras too frightening to look at.
Asuras have talons on their feet like those of birds, and deadly sharp claws that look and feel like rubies. Their skin is white like marble, and their eyes burn with the same celestial fire that makes up their wings. Their hair is red, gold, or copper, and is worn long. Asuras wear loose togas of pale blue or pure white color, and males adorn themselves with bronze feather-crested helms. They consume energy from the Positive Energy plane for all of their sustenance.
Asuras are organized into hosts, but there is little organization in this structure. Asuras usually function well with their chosen host, and are free to switch to another any time. Commanders are noticeably different from their subordinates, being taller and nobler, with a golden radiance about their person. On occasion, an asuras goes rogue, having no host or power to serve. These rogues wander the planes performing random acts of kindness, and even producing half-celestial offspring.
Asuras tend to avoid other celestials, considering them rivals for attention from the gods. They make every attempt not to allow this to cause actual conflict with the other celestials, though they are barely able to disguise their contempt.

Asuras attack with their ruby claws, usually by swooping on opponents. These noble warriors also carry scimitars or huge spears, and are actually able to attack with both claws and a weapon in the same round, at more than one opponent. Asuras traveling in large groups will carry their mighty trumpets.
Trumpet (Su): The sound of an asuras’ trumpet can ruin the morale of evil forces. These trumpets can be heard several miles away, and any evil being that hears these instruments must make a Will save (DC 19) or become frightened for 2d10 rounds.
Burning Wind (Su): Groups of three of more asuras have the ability to cause a wind with their wings that burns evil creatures. Evil creatures must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 16) or be burned for 2d10 hit points of damage.
Spells: An asuras casts divine spells from the cleric list and from the Chaos, Fire, and Good domains as 9th-level clerics (save DC 15 + spell level).
Immunities (Ex): An asuras is immune to all mind-affecting effects, as well as hold person and ray of enfeeblement spells.
Veil of Truth (Su): Asuras have outstanding instincts, and are especially resistant to any attempts to fool them. They are not affected by any illusions, and can always see the truth behind them. They can use discern lies at will, and can cast true seeing three times per day.
Polymorph Self (Sp): Asuras can change their form three times per day, as the polymorph self spell, into the form of any humanoid. This form is always very attractive, and never affects their combat or spellcasting abilities.
Outsider Traits: An asuras has darkvision (60-footrange). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

The asuras first appeared in Monstrous Compendium Appendix 13, Al-Qadim (1991?), and later appeared in Planes of Conflict (1995).

Voidrunner's Codex

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