• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

A frigid breeze permeates through the Lower Ward. A dilapidated shack appearing to be long uninhabited – standing inconspicuously among the more desolate alleys of Tinker Avenue sways gently in the wind. It’s about antipeak, and the dull, now dark haze covering the sky blocks vision of one trying to observe the opposite side of the Ring.

Now turning into Tinker Avenue appears a large bipedal. Red-orange scales, large black wings curving beyond it’s 12 foot height and completely white eyes glowing as molten steel. An unfortunate half-orc beggar happens to be standing directly in the Cornugon’s path – apparently looking for something she dropped.

She feels a colossal force on her shoulder – a heat like she’s never felt before emanates from the massive maw into her body for the short instant she is in contact. Then she is airborne - her yelp of pain and surprise stopped short when she makes contact- headfirst with an adjacent marble building ending with a sickening thud. Her world blackens as she falls unconscious, the last thing on her mind being the incredible heat on her shoulder.

The few remaining dwellers quickly scuttle away – wisely - after witnessing the Cornugon’s sudden swipe of the woman. It stands for a second where the half-orc was, and sneers – its alligator-like maw filled with teeth sharp enough to slice diamonds. It lets out a slow, menacing growl that is more fearsome than loud– much like the calm before a storm.

The Cornugon waits for a few seconds and ensures the area is completely desolate… using its innate magical abilities to confirm that nothing alive, nor dead is in the immediate vicinity – except the unfortunate, comatose woman, who may be either… although that would not matter in the least.

It casts an invisibility spell and approaches the dilapidated shack. A short time later, a swirling, ovular portal opens up in front of the shack. The invisible Cornugon steps into the portal resembling a blue-green whirlpool going in the counterclockwise direction. Then the portal disappears just as quickly as it had come into being.

“You’re late Shazz’ak’fr” goads a cold voice to the Cornugon.

“Forgive me Lieutenant, I was pressed for time and using-”

“You have wasted my time enough, don’t squander it further with your useless explanations.” The cold voice interruptes.

Shazz’ak’fr (still invisible) looks down and sneers at the man. The young man –perhaps no older than 30- has dull, dark eyes and jet black bangs that twirl along the sides of his sunken, unshaven face. The only mark of distinction on his face is a scar running diagonally from the corner of his left forehead, past the break in his eye, and down to the right side of his lips. Wearing bland studded leather and a commoner’s cloak, the unimpressive looking man could have passed for a commoner in the Hive – to the untrained eye. Shazz’ak’fr, however, could discern with his fiendish vision right past the disguise. The powerful magicks that cover the man make him glow like a candlestick in the eyes of the Cornugon.

As if suspecting the silent insolence, the man gives a simple wave of the hand, and Shazz’ak’far comes into view- his invisibility dispelled. No longer is he sneering, though, the fiend gives a reluctant half-bow/half-salute to the human. It seems almost comical, unreal that a greater fiend would humble himself so before a human. Shazz’ak’far, however, reminds himself that this is no ordinary human.

As if hearing the unspoken command, Shazz’ak’fr gives his report.

“We have found them, as well as some others who will be of assistance”

“And you are sure they are capable, Shazz’ak’fr?” the man speaks the last three syllables slowly, deliberately, taunting the fiend.

“Without question, Lieutenant” replies the Cornugon, placing a similar emphasis on the syllables of ‘lieutenant.’

“Very well then, put my machinations into motion – very soon now, we shall return to where we once were.”

Shazz’ak’fr smiles when he hears this, a genuine smile very rare among fiends… yet rare expressions are saved for rare occasions. Shazz’ak’fr looks up at the human and smiles even wider.

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Oddly enough, the Sigilian ‘sky’ is clear for the moment. Anyone who looks up from the Hive simply sees the opposite half of the ring; tiny dots of light from miniature buildings speckle the opposite corner of the city in the Lady’s Ward. The skyscape is a gentle harmony, a luminous wonder for the observer.

In the Lady's Ward, events are somewhat less serene on the ground.

At the intersection of two small streets lies a ravaged tiefling. Her off-white eyes rolled to the back of her head, face contorted and frozen forever into a twisted scream of horror. A scream that went unheard until it was too late. Two Sodkiller investigators are bent over the body, clearing the tousled hair from the woman’s face, double-checking her slim, finely robed body for marks of damage. There are none.

A third investigator barks orders to a full contingent of 15 armed guards. The streets are barricaded by a second and third contingent, while a fourth investigator begins the questioning of the 8 poor sods who happened to be in the immediate vicinity of the area. A motley bunch to say the least.

The investigator approaches the gathering, flanked by two more armed guards (who are eagerly half-wishing that a berk will try and make a run for it).

His question is simple, and to no one in particular. He asks it monotone - although there is a hint of insinuation in his voice:

“What are you doing here?”

(Cue the PCs!)

Deuce Traveler

Gran'shra shrugs before answering. "We are not looking for trouble. I'm curious of who would seek to harm the poor lady. It does not look to have been done in order to test her and make her strong. It looks to have been torture or murder for the sake of the act alone. Such a thing is a travesty."

Land Outcast

Everyone's favorite genasi clueless...

After being finished in looking around to familiarize himself with the scene.

Lets see... since I first got here there's been talk of "The Lady or... pain? knives? blades?... must be the Grand Sultan of Sigil...

Slavery under a Noble Salamander wasn't of his liking... at all. Therefore:
being in no way willing to take the risk of these having any contact with the Tower of Krak al-Tawil in The City of Brass (as they surely do, any real city guard should be IS in contact with them), the fiery eyed genasi looks at the investigator in the eye, answering proudly and loudly in ignan, the tongue of those of worth:​

"I am here as an ambassador from Jamal Kala’un, Grand Vizier to Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan, Grand Sultan of All the Efreet and Lord over the Grand City of Brass. I am on my way to meet with your lady... The Lady."

Of course the "guard" knows the greatest tongue in the planes, the "ambassador" waits for a response... demonstrating his anxiety to continue his duties.

No, I won't bother to mention he is trying to Bluff his way past the guard... and failing fantastically.[/sblock]
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First Post
Clothed in the illusion of a vagrant Chaond in tatters and rags, Vorkhek regards the inspector with the unfocused eyes and palsy of a bubber. His speech is perhaps less clear than could be accounted for by mere drunken slurring, "Jush sheeing wha duh commoshhhuns about. Das a buncha bashhhers fer one berk in da book."
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First Post
Shadrin paces around, eyeing the guards blocking his way. When the investigator approaches, the young man walks up to him. His red eyes appraise the man cooly. Shadrin rubs the shaved side of his head as he speaks, pulling the longer, black hair on top out of his eyes.

"Listen, I don't know this woman. I have no idea what happened to her. I was in the Hive on business. After I concluded my work, I headed to the Bottle & Jug for a drink and some entertainment. After, I was on my way to the the Pandemonium door just around the corner when I got caught up in this little...dragnet of yours."


Fhetek abruptly halts his brisk stride as he realizes the way forward is barred. He spins on a heel, only to see that the same is true of the way he had come. Scowling, he turns to face the investigator. "I am returning to my residence after completing a bit of business with a whitesmith here in the Lady's ward." Almost as an afterthought, he reaches into the pouch on his belt to withdraw a tiny silver object, waving it impatiently in the air before putting it back. "May I leave now, please? It is quite late, and I do have an employer who expects me to be on time in the morning," he says with just the barest hint of condescension.

Momentarily ignoring everyone’s words, the investigator looks at Shadrin, giving him a curious smile, and then everyone feels it –

-a psionic intrusion, their minds being scanned by the investigator. His mental “hands” grasping, simultaneously caressing the brains of the suspects, releasing memories and random sensations as a byproduct of the process.

The investigator is in deep concentration – meanwhile the guards flanking him stay on the ready for any issues that arise. He gives a curious look at a Barbazu amongst the group, and lastly, an even more curious look at Aasimar twins that stand beside the other six.

Those two," He points to the guards and then the Aasimar– “Take them to Lokaski

Looking back at the others, the investigator smiles – a very, very unfriendly smile.

One of the facto—leaders of the Dustmen was assassinated three weeks ago. Today, another one of their leaders is dead. It is not a small matter that two faction leaders are assassinated, nor is it safe for anyone involved in the assassinations themselves – the Sodkillers aside – Her Serenity would not condone actions that may well lead to a second Faction War. Tensions are running high, and we are going to end these killings before there is an escalation. We are taking no chances, as a result – no one may leave the premises of this crime until further notice from me- innocent or not.”

The Barbazu snarls a low, dangerous curse, but takes no further action.

The investigator looks at the fiend, then back at Shadrin – “Although you are certainly welcome to try” he smiles that horrible smile again, before slipping away towards the other investigators.

..But not before the collective notes several things of importance:

Firstly, The dead tiefling has no spell residues on her, except for a minor enchantment on a dagger concealed in the woman’s thigh – the very same kind of minor enchantment that is apparent in every single guard’s weapons. This implies that no apparent physical, nor magical means were used for the assassination. Furthermore, the investigator was using more than simply psionics during the questioning – during his brief period of concentration – he was utilizing a “True Seeing” spell. In fact, looking once again at the investigators, it is quite likely that all of them are using that spell.

A sudden, loud order steals the attention of the remaining five – (no listen checks needed)- looking over, they see the Aasimaars now surrounded by at least eight guards.

Disable that tattoo, before I rip it out of your flesh!” One of the guards snarls.

Land Outcast

No, he does not know of the bright tongue...

He does understand there has been a murder here...
Now, completly baffled by the talk of sodkillers and dustmen, the fire genasi starts looking around while trying to figure what to say next Her Serenity?... oh, surely their "Lady"... why can't these cool skinned have only one simple name for their ruler, like Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan Grand Sultan of All the Efreet and Lord over the Grand City of Brass?

In his meditation about the next course of action, he looks at the corpse with interest how did she die? some poisons leave their victims with contorted features because of the pain...

Directing himself at the investigator now in the mundane planar tongue -mainly to test his suspicion of them being in contact with the City of Brass- Blaze asks "Do they know of this in the Tower of Krak al-Tawil?..." when...

"Disable that tattoo, before I rip it out of your flesh!" One of the guards snarls.

The genasi almost spit out his molten lava heart when the shout, first hearing the scream and then deciphering the words... Quiet, it's not at you... and probably your gasp went unnoticed...

He asks at those around him:
"What in the longest winter is the aasimar doing?! the penalty for resisting the watch is decapitation!"
He approaches the scene, but remains at some healthy fifteen feet.

Both Aasimar glare at the Sodkiller (presumably Lokaksi) who just yelled out.

Another guard from the perimeter approaches the remaining six.

You will be released shortly, but not yet.... wait for my instruction.

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