• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

And at that moment, Lokaski whispers to an armed guard (who appears to be a Lieutenant of sorts, as his gray armor contrasts with that of the other guards who wear a deep red. He also doesn’t carry a two-handed double-blade like the others, but rather, a sheathed scimitar hangs loosely from his belt) and the officer approaches the remaining 6 – barbazu and all.

Very well, you may leave the premises – we have your names and descriptions. There is also a psionic mark that was planted in your minds such that we may locate you within the Cage, if need be.

Without a further word, he walks away and a wall of guards ‘separates’ in one side of the four way intersection – clearing the path for one to walk into the street ahead.

The barbazu wastes no time, and quickly, almost violently barges off, making sure to give the wall of guards a final sneer before disappearing into the street ahead.

It is getting dark outside.

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Land Outcast

"A pleasure to be of service, Saib" Sarcasm, Blaze can never get enough of it... while it doesn't spoil negotiations

It is getting dark outside.

The genasi appreciated sarcasm, but the invitation to leave the premises under an ashen rain was plain sick humor. Indignant, Blaze exclaims "The sky is darkening! Ash! We can't just leave and be buried alive under ashes and charcoal!!!"


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Vorkhek, who had been drifting over since Blaze said he was paying is preceded by a foul rotting odor. "Don' gest all addle-coved. Da shhky ain' fallin'. Ya drop da jink fer sum bub an we'll gesha well-lanned."

The stinking bulky figure moves with surprizing speed to lead the group through the gap in the wall of guards.


Land Outcast said:
Indignant, Blaze exclaims "The sky is darkening! Ash! We can't just leave and be buried alive under ashes and charcoal!!!"

Fhetek raises an eyebrow as he looks sidelong at the genasi, trying to perceive whether or not he's joking. Finally, he shrugs and steps forward to introduce himself. A naive, yet innately powerful associate could be very useful...

"Greetings. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and, having immigrated to Sigil from a rather provincial corner of the planes myself, I quite agree that you would be well served to receive some guidance from the natives. I've been making my way here for over a year now, and would gladly accompany this little party in discussing the finer points of Sigilian protocol."
He looks from face to face, grinning just a bit too broadly to be endearing.

Deuce Traveler

The hobgoblin begins to stare in wonder at the genasi... that is for a second until he gets a hold of himself for acting the wonder-eyed fool. Seeing the genasi's distress he suggests, "Perhaps we should go indoors, after all. A tavern sounds perfect and maybe you can tell me more of your home while we journey and even over a drink."


First Post
Shadrin looks at the growing company but does not seem alarmed.

"Finally, we can go. Can't say I'm too pleased about this psionic implantation, though. Doesn't seem right considering we've done nothing illegal. Anyway, if we're going to be going somewhere, may I recommend anywhere not the Hive. If I am showing someone around my home, I usually don't start with the privy. We can figure out where we're going once we get away from here. I can't think straight with the stench of inhuman misery in the air."

Land Outcast

Blaze notices the lack of a lethal rain of rock fragments and suffocating ash... "Wait, wait wait... then why is the sky filling with shadows? doesn't make much sense..."

At the intromission of the half orc... or of what appears to be a half orc and speaks a strange twisted version of the Trade Tongue, Blaze stares in confusion and a hint of fear... This one seems like he doesn't stay to listen, probably can't be talked into -or out of- doing something. Dangerous... He has certain resemblance with those touched by the Abyss at the slave pens, maybe he'll grow an arm which will choke him to death, or a demon will burst from inside him, or who knows what... Dangerous

"Greetings. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and, having immigrated to Sigil from a rather provincial corner of the planes myself, I quite agree that you would be well served to receive some guidance from the natives. I've been making my way here for over a year now, and would gladly accompany this little party in discussing the finer points of Sigilian protocol." He looks from face to face, grinning just a bit too broadly to be endearing.

At the tatooed and too-wide-grinning human, Blaze listens carefully, trying to read between the dressings of elegant words... either a pompous fool, a master of the arcane, or another of my trade... a possible friend if he hasn't declared himself my enemy yet

"I will be the most grateful of your company, Saib... I am sure you could explain to me points like how is it that shadows cover the land while no ash is on the air" he answers with a smile, which if it didn't seem sincere could be taken as a mockery.

"Perhaps we should go indoors, after all. A tavern sounds perfect and maybe you can tell me more of your home while we journey and even over a drink."

"Indeed, we should be departing now... but you shall be the one paying my expenses as storytelling fee, Saib" Said with a perfectly serious face, storytellers usually get free lodging, but he's not going to tell a story to the tavern-owner.

"Finally, we can go. Can't say I'm too pleased about this psionic implantation, though. Doesn't seem right considering we've done nothing illegal. Anyway, if we're going to be going somewhere, may I recommend anywhere not the Hive. If I am showing someone around my home, I usually don't start with the privy. We can figure out where we're going once we get away from here. I can't think straight with the stench of inhuman misery in the air."

"Shad, for this you would get a nice slave-necklace at the City indicating your lack of cooperation witht the watch. At least this won't make us outlawed from taverns and shops." Absently, Blaze passes his dark red hand over his neck.

The Genasi nods, understanding it as something good that the demon-spawn (he didn't reply in Infernal, therefore he's probably of Abyssal blood) didn't step back as more people decided to accompany them. At least he wasn't thinking of gutting the Fire Genasi after the next corner.

This place is strange... Abyss-touched creatures alive in the streets... Aasimar are arrested for murder... and an Abyssal Blood doesn't go on a murderous rampage... it seems I'll have to rely on the words rather than on the skin...

"Moving then"


First Post
OOC clarification: Vorkhek is currently using his hat of disguise to appear as a Chaond in tattered rags carrying a staff. Chaond are planetouched with Slaadi ancestry, having crude blocky features and a stout build. Those able to see though illusions percieve an orc suffering from mild elephantitis throughout his body and having hugely swelling gums that constantly drip blood and pus. He is wearing a mithril shirt and carries a guisarme with javelins strapped to his back.


Lot said:
"Finally, we can go. Can't say I'm too pleased about this psionic implantation, though. Doesn't seem right considering we've done nothing illegal."

Fhetek laughs sharply. "I'm sure it seems quite reasonable to those whose power derives from keeping absolute control over those around them. I know little of this brain-magic that seems so prevalent across the planes, but I fully intend to effect some way of warding off any invasion of my privacy," he says with a disdainful sniff.

Land Outcast said:
"I will be the most grateful of your company, Saib... I am sure you could explain to me points like how is it that shadows cover the land while no ash is on the air" he answers with a smile, which if it didn't seem sincere could be taken as a mockery.

Fhetek looks to the sky and says, shaking his head, "On my own world, I would tell you it had something to do with our position relative to the incandescent sphere in the sky. Here, however..." He shrugs.


First Post
Shadrin starts walking, speaking to whoever is nearby.

"I'm heading to the Mermaid's Cups. It's not too far, nestled nicely in the Lower Ward, it is. The drink is decent and the dancing girls are excellent. If one thing can wash away the nasty reminders of this night, this is the place."

The young man grins, a new vigor in his long stride as he makes his way through the dilapidated maze of the Hive.

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