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Play Nice


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Ok, I for one am sick and tired of hearing about players having other characters 'black listed' because there godlings, god moders, powergamers, munchkins, noobs, and any other words I may have missed. For one moment take a chance to breath and think about what you’re doing for gods sake! This is just a game...a device to relax and have some fun. Not a place to cause real life drama and cause conflict on the site. I’m really really tired of it all. hey ill admit I myself own a powerful character but if you wanna get down to the nitty girtty of it, I spent months designing, converting and make sure the WHOLE character was actually playing by D&D's official rules even though I don’t have to. I used every book in my arsenal to make sure what i was doing was all with in the red tape of all. Even then, I don’t take my characters into any fight or spar unless me and the other player ooc have talked it out, and made sure we BOTH understood each other and know what were heading into. anyone who thinks that’s stupid then what ever, id rather have a 'scripted fight' as you call it then have me end up getting upset and arguing for an hour over what, nothing. And I’m sure there are plenty of you out there that have done the same. Spent lots of heart and soul into mending and making your own homebrewed characters come to life and will hear my on this posting and understand where I’m coming from. Anyways, who cares if there not, or even if there from any 'real' D&D based plane, setting, or rules. Because ISRP is a freeform style of RP people can, and do, come here to add their own unique individual ideas to a character of their own style of RP, and usually have no idea about the rules of D&D, and are not required to to be able to 'free form', nor should they EVER be expected to. People that prejudice against said characters because they do not follow a set of rules are ignoring the concept of freeform role player, and most importantly, freedom of destiny, and are unjustly ignoring said characters. As long as YOU as a player enjoy what you made and can take pride in your character to me that’s all that counts. And are unjustly ignoring said characters. YES every player has a right to ignore another player, for whatever reason be it RP style or simply OOC personality issues... that is there business alone, and if they wish to ignore a person because of their more unique character aspects they are completly within their rights to, but as they do they completly miss the point of freeform role playing. This is a site that is based around dnd settings. It is not a D&D site however. So what if your character is 'over-powered’, 'over-clichéd', or what have you. We all come here to have fun, to play nice and interact with other people with like ideas, hobbies and more.

I have plenty of friends on this site who haven’t even played D&D and still like to play here but never get the notice they deserve because of people not wanting to pay attention to those who don’t do what they do. So what I say, you all can have your games of ignoring others because they don’t get or want to do what you think is right. So be it, but remember your killing any chance you have with RPing with possibly the best thing you could have and don’t know it. Give people a chance and try it, you may find you like it. There’s plenty more things out there like a war going on, friends being sent over seas to deal with it and worse going on to worry about then putting yourself on above other people for the sake of a game.

I guess this is all I can say before it heads into spurring arguments. Read, respond, just please try and think about what I said here, it really may make a difference.
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I would have to agree.

But, this issue stems back to the WotC day's. Where elitist rp'ers with advance knowledge of DnD wouldn't allow non-DnD based characters into their plot lines.

I remember Nicholaus being shunned/ignored for being a 'free-will' vampire, whatever that means in DnD terms, but all I know is, that's bad because thats an NPC or some such. Back in those days, I didn't know anything about DnD, today I don't know much about the game system, I'm a White Wolf player and will always be one.

The beauty of about EN and its current evolution of ISRP is that its not under the WotC banner, its completely independent now and people can't 'mistake' it for being anything else, though I'm not saying it doesn't happen, its good that its more openly known to be a free form style roleplaying site with DnD peppered in between.

Why did I reply to this, since I'm only stating the obvious. Well, its because we need to bring this to the attention of everyone that there are other rpers out there. Those creative enough to create their own worlds, those that play WW and those that play DnD.

But I'm in a hurry now, so I can't continue any further, though if the thread continues I might have something else to say.

Adieu, for now.


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I too, also have to agree with Imreis, and a bit with Amet. Many many of these problems stem not from the characters being played but the players behind the characters. W all have a tendancy to click with just "Our" group of friends, and many times end up playing with "Only" them. Which I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this yet but with fewer and fewer people having time to RP now at days, If you want to get any story line done your going to have to open it up a bit.
As for those people who think you HAVE to follow D&D rules, well then I guess people like me would never get RP'd with then would we? I don't know a lick of D&D, have never played as I live in a rural area where people just don't do that stuff. So even though I have been RPing my FreeForm characters for 6 years now am I to be ignored because I don't fit in some clique?
And this problem isn't just happening to new players and discouraging them from staying with this, but it's happening to older players to and discouraging them from continueing onsight. I mean honestly I can't blame them either, I've been tempted to live myself on many occasions.

But also, I'm not saying theres anything WRONG with being picky about who you RP with. There are certain characters out there that just wouldn't fit in certain storylines. Like lets say for instance, Rajak all the sudden becoming a loving father. Now yes Maybe in some far universe it might happen, but honestly anyone who's RP'd with Rajak knows not to expect it anytime soon. Or a storyline that involves Bhyrn becoming a baker......We ALL know how that would turn out ;) O.O But then again, that kind of pickiness is very much to be expected.

Also on a side note. People who are blacklisting other players becuase the play characters that do fit the rules. I'd be carefully. Just because the characters you know of don't fit the rules.....doesn't mean they don't have some that do.....

My Two Sense in this crazy world.


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Ohhh contrare. I love it. The priceless fact about me is that I've been here (ISRPing) 6 years, only very recently bought the basic dnd rule-books. Why did I bother? Because I wanted to be a better RPer. I have inadvertantly just admitted to the points above! Being in a similar situation as Ru-dear; dnd is fairly foreign to me. On the contrary I have never had problems with people arguing the point because I dont know/play by the rules. I dont get it, perhaps my non-dnd 'ideas' aren't as outlandish as I think, or perhaps I just fall in with the 'right' people that accept me without even realising it. Therein lies the amusement factor. After 6 years I've decided to trial a 'storyline' with my favourite character. I get great responses, from people who do and dont play dnd. I wonder how many will probably retract when they read this. But then again, I dont care. I have fun either way. And if I end up on the blacklist, I look forward to the head-hunt ;)!


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there are, I think, more people here now that don't follow the D&D rules strictly as there use to be. yes back in the old days it was pretty much just D&D and some people like to play that way. But I myself, have been a so called "blacklisted" player for unknown reasons, at times. I could name off a long list of those who did that to me and it would surprise many here who some of them are. and some of them act so high and mighty that it just sickens me. back when the site was TSR before it was ever Wizards, I played by D&D rules cause that was the site, but I've evolved with the site and now to here.
I will say yes I am a picky player because of things in the past that people have done to me or things they tried to pull on me. but its not about what rules they play by. its by how they act ooc towards people. I'm tired of the all the cliques where people refuse to stray from their group of friends. yes we all are most likely guilty of this. I know that I do tend to stay within my group of friends here who have never been cruel to me or blacklisted/black balled me. but that doesn't mean I don't interact with others not in my group, lately I have met a ton of new people who are excellent rpers who are not D&D players, though yes we do disagree at times on things that neither of us don't understand but we work through it is all.

So I say we all need to stop this stupidity of blacklisting players and characters and well attempt to get along, knowing that there will be issues and certain players who will never get along for reasons not all of us can understand, but don't turn other players against those you dislike it's just dirty and cruel. I'm sick of it and I know some who do this, they set out to ruin any storyline some one has with player that they dislike, who they are friends with.


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Well im glad i got such a good responce out of this, and personally...after a long day of no sleep, and dealing ankle deep snow im ready to do this one. If you really wish to have my as a player blacklisted as its called. Get ahold of my on my MSN if you have it or through a PM window and ill send you a list of every character i play so that any further problems can be advoided. If you really wish to not RP with me then, by all means, do as such. But remember, like ruthia said, mupltiple characters means mulitiple persona's means mulitple chances you may have already gamed with me and never even knew it.

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