D&D 5E Players, would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?

Would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 80.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 19.2%


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Hill dwarf Cleric (Life), lightfoot halfling rogue (thief), standard human Wizard (evocation), half-elf Bard (lore), half-orc Barbarian (beserker), tiefling Warlock (fiend), High Elf Druid (land), Dragonborn Paladin (Devotion) and many more. Yes, I could have fun with multiple campaigns using just those rules.
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A good and enthusiastic DM can sell me anything so, yes? In itself it wouldn’t be a selling point however, and I would be much more interested in a PHB-only game than a SRD-only game, partially because SRD means no feats (or one feat?) and I prefer feats to ASI.
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Yeah, I'd have no problem with this. The plethora of races and subclasses isn't what draws me to play, hanging out with friends on a shared imagined adventure is what draws me. You could condense it to the basic rules with only 4 classes and I'd still be happy to play.


Yeah, I'd have no problem with this. The plethora of races and subclasses isn't what draws me to play, hanging out with friends on a shared imagined adventure is what draws me. You could condense it to the basic rules with only 4 classes and I'd still be happy to play.
Same here. I played human sword&board fighter in 3e and had a blast.

Character i played the most in 5e, my high elf fighter 2/wizard 10 would require minimal rework to fit into SRD rule set ( switch from abjuration to evocation). He would just blast more often. I made that character back when phb just came out.

There is enough material in SRD to make any character concept i would like to play.

Greg K

No problem with it. Then again, my starting point is, essentially, the SRD without dragonborn, tiefling, and dragon sorcerer. From there, I add some additional PHB subclasses (e.g. additional cleric domains, battlemaster fighter, and Arch-fey Patron), and third party material.

Aurel Guthrie

I have mixed feelings about 2024 D&D, but if one of my friend groups invited me to play it with them of course I'd accept, even if we're only limited to 5.1 SRD. I might be a little grumpy about it in private, but at the end of the day most of the enjoyment I get out of D&D doesn't come from the rules, it comes from hanging out with my friends and roleplaying with their characters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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