A fairly simple question.
As a player, would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?
Only the races and subraces in the SRD. Hill dwarf, high elf, lightfoot halfling, standard human, dragonborn, rock gnome, half-elf, half-orc, and tiefling. No others.
Only the classes and subclasses in the SRD. No artificer, only the base 12 classes. Only berserker barbarian, college of lore bard, life cleric, circle of land druid, champion fighter, open hand monk, devotion paladin, hunter ranger, thief rogue, draconic sorcerer, fiend warlock, and evocation wizard. None of the other subclasses.
One background or a custom build your own. One feat and no others. Only the spells from the SRD. Etc.
Would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?
As a player, would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?
Only the races and subraces in the SRD. Hill dwarf, high elf, lightfoot halfling, standard human, dragonborn, rock gnome, half-elf, half-orc, and tiefling. No others.
Only the classes and subclasses in the SRD. No artificer, only the base 12 classes. Only berserker barbarian, college of lore bard, life cleric, circle of land druid, champion fighter, open hand monk, devotion paladin, hunter ranger, thief rogue, draconic sorcerer, fiend warlock, and evocation wizard. None of the other subclasses.
One background or a custom build your own. One feat and no others. Only the spells from the SRD. Etc.
Would you play in a game that only used the 5.1 SRD?