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Please rate this spell list


I am running a module and it had a 6th level elven wizard NPC in it. I rather quickly came up with this as his spellbook:

1st-Protection from Evil, Change Self, Enlarge, Color Spray, Reduce, Expeditious Retreat, Comprehend languages
2nd- Tasha’s hideous laughter, Web, Shatter, Misdirection, Pyrotechnics
3rd- Summon Monster III, Invisibility sphere, Greater Magic Weapon

Is it horrendous? or playable?

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First Post
Looks good to me. I think that as long as you roleplay the npc well, and explain why he has the spells that he does if the need arises, then it works perfectly. Any spell selection is really good, just have the character reflect their spell selection.


ROleplay, scmoleplay, it is G1. All about killing giants!

Seriously, this guy is gonna see some combat action. Iwould like for him to be a little useful!

the Jester

I think he needs a better 1st-level selection... replace enlarge and reduce with shield and magic missile or something, none of his spells are very combat heavy. He needs to be able to deal damage and protect himself, and as it stands he sorta can't.


First Post
trentonjoe said:
ROleplay, scmoleplay, it is G1. All about killing giants!

Seriously, this guy is gonna see some combat action. Iwould like for him to be a little useful!

If you want him to be useful in combat, get more combat related spells. Spells that scale with level are probably the best. You might even consider some of the buffing spells. These can help the character as well as other party memebers.

I would go with something like this:
1st-Protection from Evil, Change Self, Enlarge, Color Spray, Reduce, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missile
2nd- Tasha’s hideous laughter, Web, Knock, Pyrotechnics, Bull’s Strength
3rd- Fireball or Lightning Bolt, Invisibility sphere, Greater Magic Weapon

Good luck!


First Post
It is a rather short spelllist. A player character would have at least 4 spells of 3rd level.

Add at least 1 1st and 1 3rd level spell to the list.

Unless he has good clerical backup, I would add at least one elemental protection spell (Endure Elements, Resist Elements, Protection from Elements) to the list. In general, the list is light on defense.


Rules Monkey
trentonjoe said:
I am running a module and it had a 6th level elven wizard NPC in it. I rather quickly came up with this as his spellbook:

If you want him to be slightly more combat oriented, I would suggest this (this assumes that he is by himself):

1st: Replace Enlarge and Reduce with Shield and Magic Missile.
2nd: Replace Shatter with Glitterdust (good for blinding fighters and revealing invisible opponents), tasha's hideous laughter with Blindness, and pyrotechnics with Invisibility.
3rd: Re

1st-Protection from Evil, Change Self, Shield, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Expeditious Retreat, Comprehend languages

2nd- Blindness, Web, Glitterdust, Misdirection, Invisibility.

3rd- Summon Monster III, Fly, Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon

Now he can turn invisible, fly above their heads, and summon a monster without turning visible.

Genral combat plan: Summon a Thoquaa (immune to fire) while invisible, cast Blindness/Deafness on an enemy spellcaster (becoming visibile), and then fireball them as the Thoquaa attacks. Glitterdust any archers or fighters, cast Web, and use Magic Missiles to mop up any survivors.

Sir Edgar

First Post
trentonjoe said:
I am running a module and it had a 6th level elven wizard NPC in it. I rather quickly came up with this as his spellbook:

1st-Protection from Evil, Change Self, Enlarge, Color Spray, Reduce, Expeditious Retreat, Comprehend languages
2nd- Tasha’s hideous laughter, Web, Shatter, Misdirection, Pyrotechnics
3rd- Summon Monster III, Invisibility sphere, Greater Magic Weapon

Is it horrendous? or playable?

A lot of these spells look like Cleric spells to me. What module is this? Which character? What are the goals you want to achieve for him?

I'd get a more "elven" and "wizard" spell list that includes more charm and offensive-type spells like Charm Person and Fireball. He'll need some offensive spells anyhow unless he's really good with his staff. Even so, he probably doesn't have enough hit points to engage in too much melee action.

But it all depends on the plot, etc. as well as the terrain and what his role is in the game.


First Post
as it stands

the Jester said:
I think he needs a better 1st-level selection... replace enlarge and reduce with shield and magic missile or something, none of his spells are very combat heavy. He needs to be able to deal damage and protect himself, and as it stands he sorta can't.

I would also give him both a 2nd and 3rd level attack spell and I would give him haste too!
lev 2 - flaming sphere or melf's acid arrow
lev 3 - shadow touch from R&R1


Re: Re: Please rate this spell list

Sir Edgar said:


But it all depends on the plot, etc. as well as the terrain and what his role is in the game.

This is the 3/6 fighter wizard in the basement of G1. The elf swears loyalty to the party for one year if the party frees him. He will be tagging along with 9 other characters of similar level and will basically just be support.

If you are not familiar with the GDQ series the best I can describe it is bunch of characters fight a bizillion Giants (Hill, Frost, and Fire) in a series of well fortified fortresses. Then they stumble into the bowels of the underdark and take on a few bizillion kuatoa and then drow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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