POD Services


Can anybody recommend POD services/companies?

I'm particularly interested in cost/quality comparisons on runs of, say, 100 (or typical runs in the industry for small-time publishers).



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First Post
Avalon Innovations can provide the type of services that you are looking for.

You can see our web site for our pricing: http://www.avalonteam.com/cap_paperbacks.html

For paperback books, we can do almost any size run that you would need.

For hardcovers, we do require a 30 book MOQ.

Cost wise, you should find us to be very competitive with the other POD Providers.

Quality wise, I would put our perfect bindings against any book on the shelf. We are not perfect and have made mistakes, but we will also try to do what we can to make sure you are happy with your order.

We have experienced a little growing pains from time to time and because of that, have been a little slow at getting back to people. But we are always working to improve our services and fix the things we find are not working.

Have a look over our web site and let us know if you have any questions.

Take care,


First Post
We've actually spun the miniature production side of the business off into it's own company called Fluffy Bits (fluffybits.com). Our industrial designer, Dave Hartman, is heading up that portion of the business. We're still all one business, but it was different enough that we thought it best for it to have it's own identity. We have started production of some of our own cast and laser cut pieces, focusing more on architectural bits for game (thus the Fluffy Buts name). For any question you may have, please feel free to contact Dave at dave@fluffybits.com



Thanks for the information, AvalonTeam! It looks like you've got a professional setup going there with good prices and quality.



First Post
I've used Lulu for smaller runs (50-75). I usually receive the finished product in 2-3 weeks time.

The only quality issues were due to my own formatting and not the printing, so I can't complain.

They're a little pricier, but they're fast and reliable.

They're also the only POD company I've used, so I can't comment on any of the others.


Front Range Warlock
It's worth considering that almost all Iindie Press Revolution publishers use Lulu (including the publishers of Burning Wheel, The Shadow of Yesterday, Reign, etc), as do companies like Adamant Entertainment. I can only assume that the cost benefits analysis conducted by each of these fairly prominent small-press publishers worked out in their favor.


First Post
Pinotage said:
Thanks for the information, AvalonTeam! It looks like you've got a professional setup going there with good prices and quality.


I have dealt with Avalon in the past, and I can say without hesitation that they are on the ball. If there is one thing I prefer over all else, then that would be communication. Avalon has excelled in this, keeping me in the loop with all matters. It's my money and it's my product, so it is very comforting when Avalon keeps me in the loop from the moment I place an order to the moment I receive my products!

I highly recommend Avalon.



First Post
jdrakeh said:
It's worth considering that almost all Iindie Press Revolution publishers use Lulu (including the publishers of Burning Wheel, The Shadow of Yesterday, Reign, etc), as do companies like Adamant Entertainment. I can only assume that the cost benefits analysis conducted by each of these fairly prominent small-press publishers worked out in their favor.

I guess I should note that we have been picking up more and more IPR clients as we move forward. Also, I think Luke prints most of the Burning Wheel book traditionally, not POD.


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