post pics of your pets!


This is Rolf.


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The night before Thanksgiving 2002, it was green. That evening, we got heavy snow. I heard a piteous mewling outside, and went to open the garage so whatever neighbouhood cat could sleep somewhere warm. Instead, there was a tiny black kitten, emaciated, and desperate. He lept into my wife's arms. My son traced the tracks in the newfallen snow to a set of tire tracks around the corner. He was a dropoff in the worst weather. :mad: We thought he was a girl until months later, we observerd her cleaning himself :D , thus his name. This is Bast this past Samhain:


After we bought the house last May (After 20 years renting), it was time to get a dog. I went to the local humane society website, and saw these two drop-offs. I knew we could give them a home. Blue collar is Casey, red collar above is his sister Daisy. They're littermates, near-twin markings, and have never been apart longer than overnight.



Julie and I miss her
Here are a few pictures of Arthémise (the black and white) and Shiva (three colours). They are both sisters from the same litter. They are now almost eight years old and they have brought Julie and I many joys. They are both a little paranoid, a trait they inherited from their mother. That said, they will have a major adjustment to make come the end of May when a new little gamer will be joining the Guillaume and Julie Household. :D



Cthulhu's Librarian said:
This is Logan. Logan is a 5 year old Springer Spaniel that we adopted from the animal shelter in October. He's a great dog, and getting even better in the obedience classes that we go to every Sunday. His favorite snack is peanut butter.
Hehehe, whenever I hear the combination dog + peanut butter I can't help to think of Denis Leary and his "My kids" story.

MrFilthyIke said:
Here's pics of our cats, Ickle and Oats (Oats is the small one). These were RIGHT after Oats was rescued from the dumpster behind Wild Oats grocery (and thus the name). She was maybe 3-4 weeks old. Ickle is our deranged older cat, about a year old in the photos.
Okay Shane, that first picture is PRICELESS. With Ickle eyeing Oats with a "Oy, who's this then?" look.
And Oats is so cute!!! (I know, I know, but I go all gooey over cute kittens)

I love cats, but unfortunately I'm not allowed pets where I live. But we've had 8+ cats all the time at my parents farm since we moved there back in '86 (one cat, Tarzan, even had 2 extra toes on each of his front paws and 1 extra toe on each of his rear paws, quite a strange looking thing, although he seemed to have no problems with his "monster" paws).


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Two of the three felines currently cohabitating with us.

The orange tabby is Phebes while the black & white is Stinky (he had some flatulance issues as a kitten).

Phebes is 5 1/2, Stinky is 4 1/2 and neither one is overly thrilled with feline #3 Lexi who is almost 5 months.


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The cat is Fidshi; she died 1992.
The dog is Kelly; she's alive and well (5 yrs old)


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Behold! This is my baby. He's very spoiled.

His name is Remy LeBoots, and he's the least gracefull cat I've ever seen. He'll wobble on the backs of chairs, or miss jumping on the bed. The best one though, is you know when cats rub their heads against things? Well, Remy was trying to do that against the corner of the wall, but instead just bonked into it. Then let out this tiny meow kinda like "please tell me you didn't see that..."


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Well, I should have a pic of my cat to post in a few days. Her vet takes digital pics of their patients and puts a little color copy on their papers. I called for a copy, on disk or to be e-mailed, but I think the woman misunderstood me and they sent a 6"x6" color copy of her picture (still very nice of them). I have to stop by there anyways to pick up her blankie that they mixed up with other blankets, so I'll ask again. Kinda cool, since I've been wanting a picture of her for my avatar.:)


Julie and I miss her
Acquana said:
Behold! This is my baby. He's very spoiled.

His name is Remy LeBoots, and he's the least gracefull cat I've ever seen. He'll wobble on the backs of chairs, or miss jumping on the bed. The best one though, is you know when cats rub their heads against things? Well, Remy was trying to do that against the corner of the wall, but instead just bonked into it. Then let out this tiny meow kinda like "please tell me you didn't see that..."

Arthémise, come quick ! I think I found you a new boyfriend ! :D

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