D&D 5E Primeval Thule 5e


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Has anyone found a character sheet for 5e Primeval Thule? I looked at the website but there didn't seem to be any downloads, and there wasn't one in the pdf. I can uses a standard 5e but there are a number of changes that a new sheet would be nice.


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Elder Thing
Changes like what? I've been running a 5e Primeval Thule campaign for the better part of a year now using standard 5e sheets.


Elder Thing
We use both narrative and backgrounds, and write them separated by a slash in the "background" slot. We use a different Sanity system (one largely developed by Morrus on these boards), and wrote the Sanity scores in extra space.

We don't use Fame or Power, so I can't help you there, but it would be easy enough to write in a blank space same as the Sanity score.

We use character sheets I downloaded from somewhere. I don't remember where. Actually, one of my players has a character sheet in his phone and uses that; I actually don't even know when he's one it is.


We use both narrative and backgrounds, and write them separated by a slash in the "background" slot. We use a different Sanity system (one largely developed by Morrus on these boards), and wrote the Sanity scores in extra space.
Wouldn't that give every character 2 extra skills, not to mention the bonus abilities (which replace the tools/languages)?


Elder Thing
Wouldn't that give every character 2 extra skills, not to mention the bonus abilities (which replace the tools/languages)?

Well, first of all, not all the narratives have the same number of skills. Secondly, so what if they do? As long as all the characters are getting the same (extra) allotment of stuff, what difference does it make?

The narratives are intended to replace backgrounds, but I find that the game works better if they overlap instead. That approach gives a greater degree of flexibility and interesting combination to characters' backstories, with a nominal increase in capability. Win win in my book.

Yeah I love the Primeval Thule campaign setting, but it seems like they no longer support it. Have they published anything recently? We use the standard 5e character sheets and just add the additional info wherever.

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