• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project Daedalus (Issue #4)


Sarah smiles. "I've been looking forward to meeting your mom," she replies. "Count me in."

Kiro looks as though he wants to sigh, but manages a smile as well. "I've only really ever eaten one meal in Japan. This sounds like a good opportunity to try and see if something that has been planted in my mind can be undone. I will accept, as well."

"Hey, hey, somebody say barbeque?" can be heard from down the hallway. Neutron and Cumulus walk up, both still in their uniforms. "I'm all over that like a wet t-shirt."

"I think this is a team bonding thing, Berrett," Cumulus replies, rolling her eyes. "Looks like we just missed the press conference. How'd it go?"

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"The press is the press. How could they do anything but love this group? And team bonding doesn't exclude you guys. Hell, I'll drag him kicking and screaming," he says, pointing at Neutron. "If I didn't, my life wouldn't be worth spit if mama found out I could have brought her Neutron and didn't. His ass is probably the only think that'll save my ass when I show up with a dozen people for a barbeque without notice," Tyrone grins. "You'd really help if you showed up in a wet T-shirt, Neutron. Well, at least mama would like it. Personally, I'd bring track shoes. Or," he says, drawing out the word. "You could just bring your girl along to protect you."

"Mama wants to meet you too, Sarah. I keep talking you guys up to her. By now, I doubt you could do any wrong in her eyes." He chuckles at Kiro. "Brother, if you want something you like better than burgers," he says warningly and pauses ominously before continuing with another smile. "Chen's Oriental Market is like, a block from the grocery store. I bet he'll have something you like."


Neutron goes white as a sheet, fumbling for the vid phone on his belt. Hitting a single button, he waits a moment before saying, "Hey, babe. Want to get married?"

"What?" you can hear from the phone.

"Heheh, just kidding. How about go to a barbeque? Please say yes."

"Uh, sure, just let me..."

"Cool, see you in thirty!" he says, snapping the phone shut, still looking rather nervous. "Alright...heheh, good to go..."

It's all Cumulus can do to stop from bursting into giggles. "Sounds like fun, I'm just going to wash up, and I'll come, too," she finally manages to say.


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Calinon said:
"I'm thinking... barbeque," Tyrone says. "Everyone can jump into something comfortable, pile in the caddy, we can swing by the store and pick up some burgers and salads, sit out in the back yard at mama's place and have some fun while mama tells embarassing stories about me. Can even drag the big screen out and watch some movies. Hey, and speakin' of mama's house, you crashing there tonight Aaron? I promised her she'd get to finally meet my sidekick. What about you, Sarah? Anyone else?"

"A barbeque?" Misha says as he pauses across the room as if weighing his options.

"I have a vehicle, I can follow you if you don't mind," he says with a turn of his shoulder, "I don't need to change, this is about as casual as I get. If anyone wants to ride with me," he lifts his keys, "I have room."


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Tokiwong said:
Misha gives his best charming wink to Jennifer and Rachel.

"Man, sometimes its almost too easy." Miguel thinks to himself as he watches Misha wink at the girls.

That would be great thanks man, didn't feel like walking. He tells him as straight faced as he can, he turns and faces Tyrone with a big cat-that-ate-the-canary grin on his face. See you in a few, Amigo.

He turns back and walks over toward Misha again as straight faced as possible. So where's your car, I bet its a sporty little number.


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Mimic said:
That would be great thanks man, didn't feel like walking. He tells him as straight faced as he can, he turns and faces Tyrone with a big cat-that-ate-the-canary grin on his face. See you in a few, Amigo.

Misha nods, "Sure thing Miguel," he starts walking.

Mimic said:
He turns back and walks over toward Misha again as straight faced as possible. So where's your car, I bet its a sporty little number.

Misha cracks a smile, "A man has to have his toys, black Osprey II GT, just had the engine polished, and replaced the factory Intercooler. So I guess you could say it is sporty..." he replies offhandedly.


Jennifer walks out of the press conference with a smile. That went well. I just wish that someone had directed a few questions towards me, but the rest of the team handled themselves very well indeed. Although I'm not sure Rachel feels that way. Jennifer smirked, recalling her barely audible comments during the conference. I have a feeling we're going to work well together.

Sure, Misha. I'd hate to crowd Tyrone's 'caddy' with all of us. So, Miguel, she says, lowering her voice, what's the deal? Does our fearless leader still live with his mother, a smile quivering on her lip.


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Hammerhead said:
Sure, Misha. I'd hate to crowd Tyrone's 'caddy' with all of us.

Misha smirks, "Well considering that the caddy would have to fit both the team and Tyroc's ego... it would be a tight fit," he winks.


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Rachel trails along behind Misha and Tyrone, following them in a way reminiscent of a puppy trailing along behind a child she wasn't sure about. "If there's no room in the cars I can run along behind you, I like chasing cars," she says smiling cheerfully, putting the press confrence behind her, she answered the questions as best she could, so she didn't really have any regrets, its not like she would read what they were gonna write anyway.

"You'll just have to carry my clothes since I don't want to end up at the Barbecue clotheless." she tells the others. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go change into some shorts and stuff." she tells Tyrone before running off and doing exactly that, though probably not exactly as what the others imangined. she was carrying a bag with a pair of shorts, sandals, and a red tank top that matched her hair, or rather, fur, because she returned in her wolf form, with the bag in her mouth. She gave a playful yelp and barreled into tyrone, knocking her from her feet.

As always, it had been a relief to shed her human form, wolves were much happier animals, and they were lacking in certain concepts that humans had that generally made them miserable, like greed, or anxiety, and many besides. Before the girl had left her room, she had examined herself in the mirror, noting with some pride the rich cinimon color of her fur and her downy white belly. She only stood about 3 feet high, but her body was long and lean placing her at the age of a young adolescent wolf.

After barreling into Tyrone, she looked up at him with her tongue lolling out the side of her mounth in a canine laugh, and her tail thumped on the floor happily. The difference between her senses in this form and human were like night and day, it was like someone had throne a switch, she sniffed at her teammates, memorizing their scents.

Voidrunner's Codex

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