D&D 5E Project Darklords is Complete! (stats for VRGtR's Darklords)


Project Darklords is complete! I have created stats for all of the Darklords (and then some) of the 17 Domains of Dread described in Chapter 3 of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. These are all based on the suggested stat blocks in Chaper 3, but I could help giving them the Elite (LevelUp's version of Mythic) treatment and customizing them a but. Let me know what you think!
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This is really nice, thank you !
Your welcome! I wanted to do this closer to when VRGtR came out, but I just wasn't in the right mind-space at the time.

Initially I was disappointed that the book didn't have actual stat blocks, but then I fell in love with the "suggested" stat blocks and just decided to take them a bit further. I hope it is useful for you.

This is really nice, thank you !
PS - feel free to let me know if there are any Darklords I am missing that you would like to see added. I am only familiar with VRGtR, but I know there have been many products in previous editions about the Domains of Dread.

I'm glad this exists and that you took the time to do this.

What I'm not so happy about is that a $50 book decided to not do this, necessitating this endeavor in the first place.
I was a bit disappointed about it at first, but I knew this was the case before I ended up buying the book. I do really like the suggested stat blocks and think that is a good way for them to cover a lot of ground without adding 15 or so pages to the book. However, what I think would have been even better would be to provide a little paragraph on how to modify the suggested stat block to more accurately portray the Darklord. That would not have taken up much space at all.

That being said, I enjoyed the project and hope others can find it useful.

I'm torn between being happy this stuff is free and asking dave to put it on the dm's guild because he deserves to be paid for this awesomeness!

I'm glad this exists and that you took the time to do this.

What I'm not so happy about is that a $50 book decided to not do this, necessitating this endeavor in the first place.
I mean, it made sense to me. Can't really kill them so why have a detailed stat block for them? They are story driven antagonists. That said, I'm glad dave2008 was nice enough to add this for those who want it. Labors of love are often the best!

I'm torn between being happy this stuff is free and asking dave to put it on the dm's guild because he deserves to be paid for this awesomeness!
Thank you for the kind words, but I feel like I would need to do a lot more to get this publish ready. I like that I can revise and make changes easily if I want to. Maybe down the road if I feel it "finished," then I would think about publishing something.
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