D&D 5E Project Darklords is Complete! (stats for VRGtR's Darklords)


I mean, it made sense to me. Can't really kill them so why have a detailed stat block for them? They are story driven antagonists. That said, I'm glad dave2008 was nice enough to add this for those who want it. Labors of love are often the best!
This is how I feel about Darklords too. We're currently running a Ravenloft campaign with 3 DMs. As an example, if we take Strahd all 3 of us are going to portray him differently, use his powers and magic differently. Further, if he's destroyed and reforms who's to say his statblock doesnt change as well? I'd argue in favor that they would be changed in some way. So I understand why and it makes sense that stats werent included in VRGtR.

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This is how I feel about Darklords too. We're currently running a Ravenloft campaign with 3 DMs. As an example, if we take Strahd all 3 of us are going to portray him differently, use his powers and magic differently. Further, if he's destroyed and reforms who's to say his statblock doesnt change as well? I'd argue in favor that they would be changed in some way. So I understand why and it makes sense that stats werent included in VRGtR.
While I agree to some extent, just because a stat block is provided doesn't mean each person can't run Strahd differently or with different powers. I mean, there actually is a RAW stat block for Strahd.


While I agree to some extent, just because a stat block is provided doesn't mean each person can't run Strahd differently or with different powers. I mean, there actually is a RAW stat block for Strahd.
Youre correct. I think it came down to space in VRGtR insofar as they made a decision to omit them to use the 20-30 pages in other ways, which if I had to guess were the campaign boundary suggestions.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Youre correct. I think it came down to space in VRGtR insofar as they made a decision to omit them to use the 20-30 pages in other ways, which if I had to guess were the campaign boundary suggestions.
I mean, nobody forced them to make a 256 page book. Eberron is 320 pages and also costs 50 bucks. So, you know I don't really buy that as a valid excuse.


I mean, nobody forced them to make a 256 page book. Eberron is 320 pages and also costs 50 bucks. So, you know I don't really buy that as a valid excuse.
I could be wrong for 5E as Ive never did a book by book comparison but in other editions at least 2E AFAIR had 16, 32, 64, 92 etc page counts. So that would lead me to believe that even in todays market they follow some page count limit when they begin designing a product.


I mean, nobody forced them to make a 256 page book. Eberron is 320 pages and also costs 50 bucks. So, you know I don't really buy that as a valid excuse.
You are allowed to be unhappy with the choices and/or cost of VRGtR and others can he happy with it. It is not really an interesting discussion though, I least I don't think so.

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