D&D 5E The Domains of Dread, listed by the power of their Dark Lord (using their CR)

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If your gonna use the stat blocks suggested and modify em for Dark Lords, at least make sure they get Maximized HP. So even if you have Ivana as a Spy, she's not going to have just 27 HP, but 49 HP instead. (IIRC, you Maximize monster HP by multiplying the Hit Die calculation in the stat block together, right? So for the Spy that would be 6x8=The Spy's Maximized HP total of 49.)

Probably added in some appropriate class levels/features into there as well. A Dark Lord should probably be doing at least more than the basic/level 1 damage hitting Sneak Attack if they have Sneak Attack listed in there.

I'd also say no lower CR ranked NPC monster stat blocks for Dark Lords as well: So no Mage stat block for Tsieng; either go big with Archmage or go home(before the session is over home as well!)

And probably the guidelines for making an "elite" version of the character or what not would probably help out too. I like how this link goes over something like this or making a more elite version of a monster in dnd.

Now I will agree that perhaps only the super big name Dark Lords, like Strahd, Soth, Azalin Rex, and so forth should be the only ones that gets a Mythic Trait. Small fry like Ivana wouldn't have a Mythic Trait. Ironically the Duhallan stat block in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, is the only "Dark Lord" in the book that gets one. Which I found interesting. (And since that would be the stat block you would use for The Headless Horseman, it shows that yes, Dark Lords should be able to get one too.)

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(IIRC, you Maximize monster HP by multiplying the Hit Die calculation in the stat block together, right? So for the Spy that would be 6x8=The Spy's Maximized HP total of 49.)

Yes, except 6 x8 = 48. But you got the idea right! Of course if there is a CON bonus you add that after you multiply the HD

Now I will agree that perhaps only the super big name Dark Lords, like Strahd, Soth, Azalin Rex, and so forth should be the only ones that gets a Mythic Trait.
I plan to stat them all in the near future and give them all the mythic trait. The mythic trait is optional based on DM discretion anyway so this just gives the stat block more flexibility.

You haven't really understood. Ivana is not a spy. Or maybe she is. Just like the is no canon explanation for where Azalin is, there is no canon stat block for Ivana (or any other dark lord).
I am not sure what you mean by "canon stat block," but there have been official stats for many of the Dark Lords in previous editions (and of course Strahd in most editions).

You are still trying to "deduce" a true stat block that does not exist.
The OP is not really trying to deduce a true stat block. They are trying to get an idea of the relative strengths of the Dark Lords and see what that could mean for adventures, based on clues in the text of VRGtR.

Most import is that this is done as a thought exercise for fun. It is not intended to be a statement on official canon or some such nonsense.

In 2e if you managed to do something very evil within RL you could become the next DL but there was not much mechanic about this since this makes you a npc instantly (often already before that on Powers check fail level 5 or 6 already the DM took over your char)

Ok, yeah I remember the your character becomes an NPC note for Lycanthropes through DID so that makes sense.
Just with Lineages and Dark Powers and Undead Warlock this version of RAvenloft seems to be giving a lot of options for PCs to actually be Monsters - and if the PC is already a Reborn Undead Warlock haunted by dark whispers then it seems ripe for that PC to be the Darklord too

The OP is not really trying to deduce a true stat block. They are trying to get an idea of the relative strengths of the Dark Lords and see what that could mean for adventures, based on clues in the text of VRGtR.
The dark lords don't have "relative strengths". They are exactly as strong as the plot and party level requires them to be.

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