Proposal - Allow 3rd PC's

I think I would also be in that "close" list, as Crag is now 3rd level and Mikara is 2nd. I think Mikara will be 3rd by the end of Power of Knowledge, and If we continue the trend of Renau1's battles, I think Crag will be close if not qualifying for 4th by the end of A Simple Errand....if we survive the dragon battle anyway =p

Mikara may well be level 4 by the end of TPoK, if you don't get her killed early by jumping through a mysterious portal into the BBEG's lair on your own that is! Oh, wait.... :p

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Oh come on! As if you didn't want that to happen! :p You even pressured Mikara with a time limit ultimatum! Jump through the portal before it closes... or lose the bad guys trail without any other leads to go on... what else was the girl supposed to do!? (although I must say, being able to write the auto-lose battle was kinda fun! :heh:)
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:) I'm only winding you up, she won't die from it, I couldn't be that mean, honest.

But, on topic: I like the idea of a combined level from your first two PCs, but I'm unsure about 6 being the total. I think we should decide on how much time constitutes a 'dedicated player' and then work backwards from there to find out the level we ought to have (including doubled and time xp).
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I didn't expect that she would die. It's too much fun for her to have to find a way to escape before she's turned into some weird creature, or sacrificed to some diety :)

YES to the proposal of allowing 3rd PC's with the caveat that the player needs to have two PC's above 1st level and their combined level must be at least 6.

I vote Yes to this form of the proposal as well.

Now, which PHB3 class do I want to run here? Decisions, decisions... :)

Is it true then? :):lol: a third character!!!:):lol:

If so, I just flooded my house with tears of joy and I knocked out a window when I attempted a cartwheel with my 250 plus pound frame....ok, I lied!...I weigh 280!

Hmmmmm...what to be for my 3rd character. I must start planning.

Not yet, there's still a few (or many) other judges to weigh in. cov, JNC, Ozy, Gimlord, Lord S., Dunamin & THB have yet to vote. They have until 48 hrs after garyh's vote (which met the three yeses criteria from the charter so until Monday at 11:21 am EST. If even two of them vote no and none of the others vote yes it's stopped.

I don’t mean to be a party pooper and I’m not necessarily against the current version, but I really would prefer more than a day from the time a proposal with such ramifications opens to voting starts.

Offhand, a combined level of 6+ requirement seems pretty harsh to qualify as a “dedicated” player - I don’t, despite having been with L4W since before launch. Adventures run at different pace, with different frequency of encounters, and different emphasis on exploration, combat, investigation, and other aspects of the game. Thus, players level at very different speed, so perhaps time is a better criterion for multiple characters than levels? Or perhaps a combination?

Another idea I had considered isn’t really feasible at this point, but I thought I’d mention it nonetheless. We’ve previously disregarded epic options because it might never become relevant. One option might have been to use multiple characters to explore different tiers of the game. When you join your PC starts as normal, when certain requirement are fulfilled (X months and/or Y levels), you get a 2nd that starts at the beginning of paragon tier, and similar for a 3rd character that starts at the beginning of epic tier. Of course, none of this relevant now that 2nd characters have been implemented for a long time (and I'm not even sure I would have prefered it this way), but I just thought I’d voice the idea.

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