I don’t mean to be a party pooper and I’m not necessarily against the current version, but I really would prefer more than a day from the time a proposal with such ramifications opens to voting starts.
Offhand, a combined level of 6+ requirement seems pretty harsh to qualify as a “dedicated” player - I don’t, despite having been with L4W since before launch. Adventures run at different pace, with different frequency of encounters, and different emphasis on exploration, combat, investigation, and other aspects of the game. Thus, players level at very different speed, so perhaps time is a better criterion for multiple characters than levels? Or perhaps a combination?
Another idea I had considered isn’t really feasible at this point, but I thought I’d mention it nonetheless. We’ve previously disregarded epic options because it might never become relevant. One option might have been to use multiple characters to explore different tiers of the game. When you join your PC starts as normal, when certain requirement are fulfilled (X months and/or Y levels), you get a 2nd that starts at the beginning of paragon tier, and similar for a 3rd character that starts at the beginning of epic tier. Of course, none of this relevant now that 2nd characters have been implemented for a long time (and I'm not even sure I would have prefered it this way), but I just thought I’d voice the idea.