Proposal - Allow 3rd PC's

The only issue with that Dunamin is that we don't currently track time. So to figure out if you'd be able to get a 3rd character you'd have to look at each adventure and figure out how much time the character had in each then go to the next character and do the same there...

Or you can add two numbers together that we already track. ;)
Combined level seems the best metric that is currently tracked. As far as people leveling differently compared to time played, that may be true. However, you'll be looking several adventures between two characters. I'd think any variances would average out.

As far as 6+ harsh? I don't really see that. I don't currently qualify, but that's because I waited quite a bit to start up a second character. Heck, I almost qualify with just my warlock (5th level now). Add to that a lot of that EXP wasn't doubled. If anything, I'd say 6+ was on the lax side but i think that's appropriate so as not to penalize people like me that waited to make up a second character instead of making one right when it was made possible.

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With a Third, you also have to be aware that there will be more adventures going on. As more adventures get going, there are greater odds of DM burn-out and absence. I know of at least 2 if not 3 games that are currently going on that the DM left and a judge had to pick up in his leave.

So while there may be a glut of games in the shoot, how many will make it to the end and how many are the judges willing to pick up (or break apart) a game if the DM goes AWOL.

I think allowing 3rd PCs would be a fine idea IF the judges can support the increased load. I don't know if the current excess of adventures waiting for players is part of a cycle or an ongoing problem; is there enough history from LEW 3rd to shed some light on that?

I also think we need a way to streamline character creation and approval to make the judges' job easier, but that's another subject.
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This is one thing that bothers me. I currently own 3 characters (one in LEB), as do some others. Between those 3 adventures, DMing another, and judging another, I'm having little spare time to do much else, while the queue of approval requests continues to grow.

On the other hand, I'm interested in the 1st level opportunities offered by PHB3 next month.

I guess along with death and taxes, I suppose character submission queues are unavoidable.

I dunno. I think I'm leaning toward a yes. The only thing I've heard bad about it is the work load. Don't get me wrong. It's a big issue, but I think that we're going to see burnout whether we do this or not.

With a Third, you also have to be aware that there will be more adventures going on. As more adventures get going, there are greater odds of DM burn-out and absence. I know of at least 2 if not 3 games that are currently going on that the DM left and a judge had to pick up in his leave.

So while there may be a glut of games in the shoot, how many will make it to the end and how many are the judges willing to pick up (or break apart) a game if the DM goes AWOL.

Aye, but that'd be a risk if L4W grew naturally as well so if we got 10 new players and added 2 more games there's a chance those DM's could leave. Our submission queue is down quite a bit, I think there's only about 10-12 PC's to review, most having been sent in the last few weeks.

What if we change the retirement rules so that anyone can have two *active* characters in simultaneous adventures and a third *inactive* character. This would force players to focus on at most two characters, but also allows for some experimentation with new character options.


My first character reaches 2nd level, I create a new character and play both to 4th and 2nd level respectively. PHB4 comes out and I really want to play the new leprechaun accountant / extreme hairdresser hybrid. My original dwarf fighter is looking less exciting now, so as soon as that adventure wraps up the 2nd level character is pulled out of active duty and sits in the tavern.

I now have my original 4th level character in an adventure and a new 1st level. When the 4th level adventure wraps up, I can choose to take the 4th level out, or the 2nd level that has been sitting in the tavern. If playing a leprechaun accountant / extreme hairdresser isn't as exciting as I imagine, I can put him on ice when his adventure wraps up and go back to my original two characters or create a fourth.

I see this as a possible compromise position for those that are concerned about burnout or too many characters for the current # of adventures / DM's. It also allows players to experiment with other character options without "killing" their characters with the current retirement rules.

You can declare them inactive if you'd like, I believe ukingsken's PC's are like this. They sit in the tavern and wait, although you currently can't have more than 2.

I'd suggest we wait until this proposal goes one way or the other before making other suggestions/proposals.

The only issue with that Dunamin is that we don't currently track time. So to figure out if you'd be able to get a 3rd character you'd have to look at each adventure and figure out how much time the character had in each then go to the next character and do the same there...
Actually, we do track time indirectly via Time XP, so you simply have to check your reward links and add the months listed together. ;)

I do agree that levels are easier to handle, though I figure a sum of 5+ is well sufficient if the contention is whether the player is "dedicated enough" to L4W.

Actually, we do track time indirectly via Time XP, so you simply have to check your reward links and add the months listed together. ;)
Time XP only counts time in an adventure though, not in the Hanged Man between adventures, so it wouldn't be an accurate gauge to measure by.

Time XP only counts time in an adventure though, not in the Hanged Man between adventures, so it wouldn't be an accurate gauge to measure by.
Ah, but if the time we measure isn't "how long how you been adventuring" but "how long have your character been part of the shared world", that makes things even easier. Wouldn't that just be the time since your PC's first post to now?

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