Proposal: Warlock At-Wills

for the Warlock the pact power is the thing that ties it to their pact.

Well... the pact also affects the pact boon, feat choices (with the recent dragon article there are more feats than just boon enhancers), power choices, and paragon paths. I would hardly say the At-will is the only tie a warlock has to their pact. I think the boon is actually the stronger tie, since you can choose to just not use the power if you don't like it.

I don't think there's much more to be said than what has already been written in this thread. It's not like much has changed.

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Very well. Then I vote YES, repeal the houserule and implement WotC's errata.

I should rephrase my last point. It is in my opinion the second strongest tie to their pact (the boon being the first) especially at heroic tier levels.

Well, I vote no to repealing the houserule. Forced choices suck, and an ignored power doesn't do anything for a character, mechanically or fluff-wise.
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I guess I don't view it as a forced choice, but rather a class feature. You know going into it what the options are for your boon and the associated power. I have yet to see a warlock never use their pact power (Haruka did alright with it just now, Murphy uses it to stay out of enemies sights, I'm sure Incarnation uses his rebuke as well)

NO to repealing the house rule.

We house ruled it to the WotC errata'd version (which we all figured was how it was meant to work, and now that's been confirmed) and then we replaced it with the current house rule (which we all figured was more liberal than how WotC intended). Nothing's changed since the last time we voted on this.

No as well. I'm not a huge fan of telling the warlock player what their at-wills have to be.

Not sure if I've ever voted "No" before... :p

I'm not voting against the repeal because I don't like Hellish Rebuke. I like Hellish Rebuke. It's been very useful, on occasion. I also like having two other At-wills. What I don't like is how non-human warlocks get an extremely limited choice of powers. Even with Eldritch Strike thrown in, it's not great. At least with a Shaman (the other class with a forced At-will) you can still choose what your second power will be.

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