PSS #29: The Devil We Know (Pt.1) - Shipyard Rats

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Thy wounds are healed!
The group of rescuees stop on the steps in front of Kade and Baliere.

"Somethings going on. The big guy and gnome are fighting some woman." a man calls down to the two pathfinders.

OOC: Kade is up.


First Post
The group of rescuees stop on the steps in front of Kade and Baliere.

"Somethings going on. The big guy and gnome are fighting some woman." a man calls down to the two pathfinders.

OOC: Kade is up.

OOC: Baliere's max HP is 9

The cleric frowns at the news, and speeds up the stairs, maneuvering through the crowd with an unnatural ease. In fact, once or twice it almost seems he walks through people as if they were made of air, but surely that's a trick of the poor light...

Once above, he takes aim at the undead behind the woman and fires...

OOC: Baliere's Agile Feet (Su) domain ability lets him ignore difficult terrain for a few rounds per day. Might as well use it here with the crowd. :)
If he can, he'll get to the square just below and to the left of Ingio.

I think, then, he can get up the stairs and fire on his turn. Will add a roll after posting.

[sblock=Resources used]Channel Energy used / avail: 2/5
Agile feet rounds used / aval: 1/6
Freedom of Movement rounds used / avail: 0/1[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
The woman steps away from the savage half-orc clutching at her bleeding side. "Groteus take you!" she yells and a wave of black energy erupts from her other out stretched hand to engulf Ingio and Kronk.

The zombie quickly moves off the gangplank and starts to flail at Kronk with his meaty fist. Kronk is hit in several places and is soon seeing stars before another form of blackness takes hold of...

Kade and Baliere both quickly reach the deck. They see the remains of the black energy as it dissipates and let there arrows fly even though they can hardy make out who is whom. The bolt and arrow shot over the side behind their intended target.

[sblock=OOC] Man unbelievable max damage from the zombie. Still need Will saves from both Kronk and Ingio (DC12). A save equals 3 pts damage and failure equals 7 pts. If Kronk makes the save he should get to act once more before dropping unconscious. [/sblock]
Posted in init order
Character            AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Kronk                16   10 axe/none (max hp = 10)
Ingio                16   9  none/none(max hp = 9)
Kade                 17  13  bow/none (max hp = 13)
Luscilia             18  [COLOR=Yellow]18[/COLOR]  none/none
Zombie               14  12  non[I]e/none[/I]
Baliere              17   9  c.bow/none (max hp = 9)


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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Ok you made your save so you go from 10hp to -13hp. What is your CON btw? You get to act as if disabled so you get to take one action. But you can't retrieve a potion and drink it, sorry. So that would be a miss with the attack, darn it. I think the cleric can get to you (the good one) this round as they are seeing you fall and all. [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ingio (AC: 20, HP: 6/9)

Ingio feels his will to fight being sapped as the black energy washes over him, but then is new friend falls to the ground and he's filled with a steadying rage. Knowing there's little he can do for Kronk other than try to keep the fiends off his back while others better suited to healing step up, he jabs his cestus toward the zombie's stomach. The zombie takes the weak punch without even feeling it.

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Will Save (1d20=15)
Attack Zombie:To Hit (1d20+1=4) (a miss, I guess?)[/sblock]

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