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Ptolus: The Legend of Longcoat


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Garnet waits inside the shark patiently. The old tavern quickly becoming one of his favorite places to relax. Kiver is perched on the back of his chair curiously looking about.

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"Hail, Ada, Garn, Garnet. Well met again. I hope you've all enjoyed the day. It feels good to be out and about the upper city again. Not that I've anything against the docks, on the contrary, it is the memory of Longcoat's place I'd prefer to leave behind. But Vanden and I have found some interesting information regarding those encryptions." says Maugra in greating.


Garn scowls in response to Maugra's greeting. He nurses a drink, his good mood from earlier having been drained away by the day. "Met the foulest smelling woman in the city. A !@#$ing lothian witchburning pyre wouldn't burn away her animal stench." He fingers a new glass flask at his belt purse with the hand not holding his drink. "You ready to !@#$ing head back down." He then seems to think over what Maugra said at the end "Do they mention what loot the Queen has?"


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Erekose13 said:
"But Vanden and I have found some interesting information regarding those encryptions." says Maugra in greating.
"Yes tell me about the encryptions what did you find?" Garnet seems quite gung ho!
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"In the Delver's Guild Library (oh which we are members) we were shown a book by a Fonkin Hoddypeak. He was searching for clues about something he called "the Dreaming City," but Fonkin apparently had to leave off his search for a time several hundred years ago when a war with the sahuagin of the Whitewind Sea threatened the young city of Ptolus, and Hoddypeak joined the crew of an Imperial Navy vessel as a ship's wizard.

"Finally, the Commissar of Ptolus presented a strange suggestion: He would marry the queen of the sahuagin nation, unifying the two peoples. What he hoped to accomplish this, Hoddypeak can't understand, as the long-lived elf predicts that war will begin again after the Commissar's death, since no children will be born of the union.

"In any case, it never ended up being an issue: The queen and her retinue arrived in Ptolus, where the ceremony was to take place in a temple built at the base of the Cliffs of Lost Wishes. But the queen and her retinue betrayed the Tarsisian Empire and attempted to murder the Commissar. His men, apparently prepared for just such an eventuality, killed the sahuagin retinue, and imprisoned the queen, holding her as a hostage to force a break in the war.

"Hoddypeak was at sea when all this happens, so he does not even speculate as to where she has been imprisoned, but simply notes that she is being kept magically asleep, to prevent further mischief from her until a permanent treaty can be reached.

"We believe that from the inscription we have found the resting place of the Queen of the Sahuagin." finishes Maugra.


"Hmm, you think she was imprisoned with her jewelry? Noble weddings always have lots of !@#$ing jewelry. Did it say if she had a crown or necklace or crap like that?" Garn's calculating interest on this point is obvious.


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Garn's avariciousness seems lost on Vanden. "The important thing here is that we should investigate further- now that Longcoat is gone, anyone could stumble into those sewers and release the Water Queen, and that could be disaster for all of Ptolus."

Voidrunner's Codex

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